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Everything posted by jaywalker2

  1. You can use Italian basil. It's not exactly the same but similar and it creates a good dish. Pal discussses this on Hot Thai Kitchen: https://hot-thai-kitchen.com/pad-kra-pao-beef/
  2. Just an ad hominem attack with nothing to back it. Htysterical, unreasoned, and addressing none of the points that I made.
  3. I have nothing against gay characters but I do think that some TV shows tend to go overboard for the sake of political correctness. One example in particular is the new Perry Mason where Della Street has now become a lesbian. In the original she was Perry's assistant and also his mistress. That was an integral part of the series. Now she's his partner, the brains behind the firm, and openly gay in a series supposed to be set in the 1930's. To make matters worse Hamilton Berger, the prosecutor and Perry's nemesis, is also gay. There's no logic to those changes and in my opinion the show shouldn't be called Perry Mason. Also, Paul Drake, the detective, is black and they throw an Asian character in there too somewhere just so every group is represented. The new Kung Fu also has the obligatory gay character (who naturally has a black lover) and his traditional Chinese family couldn't be happier. By the way, I don't believe people are born gay. They're born polymorphously perverse, as Freud put it, and sexual orientation can be determined by the power of imprinting, which is affected by your personal experiences and the role models you're presented during your sexually formative years. In some surveys these days, up to 40 percent of Generation Z members declare themselves non-heterosexual. I don't think their genes have changed that much.
  4. Promotions are for a set time period so the price will naturally revert to the usual rate when the promo expires. I don't know why you would think you should continue to get the promotional price when you're filing a 90-day report outside the promotional period. You can always sign up for the special four-report deal for 1500 when you do your visa extension. That price won't change. They also have promos for retirement visas on occasion but if you're not renewing at that time you're out of luck. You'll have to pay the full price.
  5. Watched May December. Reviews on IMDB were mixed but I thought it was great. Strong performances all around but especially by Julianne Moore, Charles Melton, and Natalie Portman. The movie, supposedly inspired by a true story, concerns an affair between a 36-year-old woman and a 13 year old. She becomes pregnant with his baby before going to jail and when she gets out they end up marrying. Natalie Portman plays an actress selected to play the role of the older woman in a movie and spends some time with her and her family in order to prepare for the role. Not a lot happens overtly so I suppose some will find the movie slow but a lot happens under the surface. More of a character study than a plot-driven drama you would have to hard of heart not to feel for all of the characters involved.
  6. Yes, I now worship the great goddess Baubo
  7. I read they're having orgies at nursing homes in America. Made me feel like checking in.
  8. Third best in the world? Ridiculous. I like kaphrao and make it all the time, but it's basically a cheap street food dish. It's popular but I certainly wouldn't call it one of the top dishes in the world.
  9. Check permissions for all of your apps, make sure you don't allow access to the microphone, contacts, location, camera. Turn off access to location in your Google account too. What usually happens is you download an app that then accesses your data. There have been a number of reports about beauty apps, filters, file managers, etc. that mine your data and sell it to third parties. Only install apps that you are absolutely sure you can trust.
  10. It's become obvious that this guy is just a pretty face for photo op opportunities and has no real power
  11. Contact the tourist police. They should be able to direct you as to what you should do.
  12. Scam. Cards aren't impounded over a fraud alert. They're locked down. You call up the bank and they'll unlock it. This scam has been running a long time. It used to be, "I was taking the bus to so and so and all my belongings were stolen. Can you help me out?" The funniest scam was the Indian guy who used to walk around with a bag of urine strapped to him asking for money so he could buy his medications. If she were really in trouble, why wouldn't she contact her relatives back home and have them wire her some money? Why go around asking complete strangers?
  13. Areas of concern: According to the lawyer in the video I posted, pensions are taxable. If they're not taxed in your home country, you will be liable for the full tax rate in Thailand. Apparently, if I understood this correctly, remittances for the purposes of buying condos will be taxable unless it can be proven an exclusion applies. Even then, if the amount of income exceeds the allowed exclusion, a tax must be paid on the excess. The burden of proof for when income was earned falls to the taxpayer. So even if the new law applies only to income earned after Jan. 1 2024, you must be able to prove the income was earned before this. Same with the tax credit. If a country has a tax treaty with Thailand, in pinciple tax paid in the home country earns a credit in Thailand. However, the taxpayer must be able to prove the tax was paid and in cases when the tax rate differs, the taxpayer must pay the difference. (For example, if the tax rate in your country is 30 percent and in Thailand it's 35 percent, you have to pay 5 percent.) This will be a headache in terms of calculating tax rates, credits, and providing proof for the sources of income. The lawyer noted that negotiations with the revenue department are ongoing but the problem is the government has a habit of implementing unworkable legislation and only backing down once there's a public outcry. Let's hope
  14. New video up with a thai lawyer who specializes in thai tax law for foreigners. If he's right and the law isn't amended, this could be a killer for a lot of people.
  15. Depends on what you're looking for. If you want junk food, ready meals, and carbonated beverages, 7-11 is your go to place. If you're looking to fill your daily grocery shopping needs including perishables, Tops Daily is much better.
  16. If they limited it to whining (or whinging) that would be one thing but it's the obnoxious attitude, the undeserved air of superiority (even when they're working as English teachers in the 3rd world). I saw a Brit at Tops shove an old man out of his way. I've seen them bully store clerks and waitresses. They still maintain that colonial mentality despite the fact that that their own country has almost no significance in world affairs anymore.l Oh, well, human nature I guess. Provoke a German and you're likely to see the Nazi inside him arise. Different nationalities have their own individual characteristics. It seems virtually inescapable.
  17. Why all the insults? His point is entirely legitimate. The prime minister is bellyaching daily about the dearth of tourists. This isn't the way you get them to come back.
  18. The only problem you might have is in the case of shared property. So you just need to make sure that all your assets are in your name alone. Of course, the lack of a marriage certificate also means you have no legal rights regarding the child. So if the mother decides to take her, there's nothing you can do about it.
  19. Dumb suit. Nothing was misrepresented in the trial report Pfizer issued. The methodology and results were clearly stated. How the media portrayed the results is another matter but not something Pfizer could be held legally liable for I would think. Paxton, of course, just survived an impeachment trial and is emeshed in an ongoing securities fraud trial and has been accused of blatant corruption and malfeasance in office. Nevertheless, the suit should play well with his constituents in Texas.
  20. Sounds like you already have plenty of friends to advise you. I don't know why you're asking on this forum
  21. Come on, when you factor in how much he had to pay to buy his way out of all his legal troubles, he's still staring at a big loss
  22. I was being facetious about dark matter but it does bring up an important point, that we don't understand the forces controlling 97 percent of the universe. We don't even know if dark matter is really matter. We don't know what it is. We don't know why the Big Bang occurred or even if it did occur. We don't know what existed before it and we can't explain how the universe magically came into being. Modern physics has become to a large extent the equivalent of magical thinking, with multiverses and the 9 dimensions of string theory. But at least the math works. There are forces at work, fundamental forces, that we just don't understand. Meanwhile, there is a long and rich tradition of mysticism that stretches right back to the beginning of the human race, as some anthropologists believe the cave paintings of stone-age man were mystical rituals. These mystical traditions all point to a reality beyond the material world and our physical senses. It is my opinion that we cannot explain the prevalence of acts of so heinous they make no rational sense, mass murderers, cannibals, genocide, modern billionaires, for example, without recognizing that there are evil forcces at work. They do not have our best interest at heart. And they tempt into doing what is bad for us. Bob Dylan was once asked why kept performing so much when he no longer needed to. He answered, "That gets back to that destiny thing. I made a bargain and I'm holding up my end of it." "A bargain with who?" "The chief commander, of this world and the world we can't see."
  23. Yes, demons exist, although I don't think God gave Satan the Earth as his playground. We become too caught up in symbols and metaphors and as a result can't see the obvious. But there is a supernatural world and does impinge on our world. And there are malevolent forces that will try to tempt us down the path of evil and self-destruction. Remember, 97 percent of the universe is composed of forces that we don't understand, which we refer to as "dark" matter and "dark" energy.
  24. You missed my point. The rich do everything they can to avoid paying taxes. So tax authorities focus on squeezing the people who can't fight back.
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