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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. Son of Hamas leader breaks silence on decision to denounce terror group: 'They don't care' about Palestinians... Why don't the Palestinians rebel against Hamas... because the jews are hated more than the terrorists... until they change their stance Palestinians will continue to die.
  2. And the victim never lies... right. She maybe was not vigilant in watching for the call... maybe she didn't recognize the number and ignored the call.. IO is not the bad guy...
  3. That's what she is saying... I have never heard of "unannounced" visits... every one that I have had and every one that I have witnessed was preceded by a phone call... did she miss the call? Did she ignore the call? Did she tell them when they called that she was out and etc etc etc... IO is not the bad guy most of the time... I find them to be accommodating and friendly if they are treated respectfully. Further, no you are not under house arrest... however when you submit your application you are agreeing to make yourself available for a visit on short notice... so wouldn't it make sense to be vigilant and ready to meet... I still don't buy that IO did not reach out and call... it is "she said, they said"
  4. The point is that you are not forced to sign... it's your own choice to work for a company that requires that you do... what part of "freedom" of choice are you missing? If you are "free" to choose whether to sign or not work for a company... exactly where is the abuse?
  5. Not at all what the court ruled... it's not black and white as you suggest... how, pray tell do you get from overly restrictive to not legal... ?
  6. Open your mind and heart... she is isolated... like it or not there are many people who when taken away from their natural surroundings and what they know about concerning life who cannot cope and they withdraw into a shell... and it doesn't sound like you have done much in supporting the fact that that is exactly what you have done to her... it's all about what you want... how old are you...12
  7. you were not required to sign anything... you could have taken your ass down to the jobs fair and joined a company that did not require an NDA... your choice. In this case the NDA's have been ruled overly restrictive by one judge... they were not ruled to be not legal as you have implied. On a side note... NDA's wouldn't even be needed ever except for people like you who only in it for themselves... ie find a job where you are trusted without one.
  8. I really do not care what my rank and badge is... just would like to see friendly usable selections being offered... like "clear notifications" and "top of page" etc.
  9. I'm sure that she is entirely to blame in this situation, and you have every right to be "mad,mad"... after all your way of life is so much better than hers.
  10. Aw... the rest of the story... bit by bit... when you are "under consideration" you agree to make yourselves available at a moments notice for a home visit... she didn't do that... there's the reason for the "non approval"... all she had to do is stay home for a month and she wouldn't do that... sop for IO is a phone call a couple of hours before the visit.
  11. That is very adult of you... Also, Hamas has Israel on ignore and Israel has Hamas on ignore and you can see how that is working for them. You must be a democrat...
  12. The median weight for airplane passengers including one carry on has been determined to be 84 kg... as an individual I am over the limit at 105 kg, but do my wife and I traveling together get a couple rate as our total weight is less than the 168 kg for two people???
  13. Passengers are a very small part of the total weight limits of the aircraft but are being targeted because they have no say or representation in the matter... it is all about the revenue
  14. So in your mind a thousand children unfortunate enough to have been born to arabs living in Palestine are more valuable than the 8+ million Israelis that continue to be bombed by the arabs...
  15. It's up to the Palestinians to help control Hamas... up until now they ignore and do nothing and are paying the price... Why aren't you interested in holding the aggressors accountable?
  16. Successful students make for successful teachers... have you ever considered that?
  17. He just thought it was another ambulance on it's way to dinner... sop for ambulances... but why not move over...
  18. Which is precisely the point... red states which appear to be high crime would not be if it were not for the blue counties... the blue counties skew the state statistics.
  19. Why do you keep calling it an "upgrade" when obviously it isn't... change for the sake of change is not a good thing.
  20. Is this aspect really relevant or important???
  21. This is the result of IT guys trying to justify their jobs... let's do this... let's do that... never mind what the users want... damn the torpedo's... full speed ahead.
  22. Not true... read your rental agreement and search case law... the rental agreement from every car agency in the USA specifically places liability with the renter... that's why they require the renter to provide insurance or buy the offered insurance... case law has supported this position many times... the rental agency is not liable for the renter's actions.
  23. Defensive much... the original discussion was not about Joe... it was about crime in red vs blue areas of the country.
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