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Jeff the Chef

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Everything posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. The last sentence, truest words you've ever written, thankyou.
  2. If that ever happens, pigs will start flying. Yes, and she's also dead so lets see where Uncle Bibi's ideas end up.
  3. No, that's your problem Yellowtail you don't see any point unless it agrees with yours. Try opening your eyes to both sides point of view and then perhaps you will realize neither point of view is ever going to cure this problem.
  4. And the Israeli are all Sainted Aunts, Yeah, yeah, yeah, Hamas are a disgusting group of Terrorists that terrorised 1400+ Israeli's on the 7/10/ 2023, who should be condemned as War Criminals and hunted to the ends of the earth.
  5. Religion and Humanity, what a wonderful combination of deleted ups
  6. Read enough garbage on this subject today, bring on WW3 and let's all go together. Would also cure the arguments on climate change and Electric cars v ICM vehicles, poverty, black lives matter, etc etc. Anybody think of anything else worth saving from this sorry planet.
  7. Irrespective of who killed who the point that was being made was to many deaths are still to many deaths, but if you only want to count on the revenge killings by the IDF with reference to the barbaric killings of Hamas on the 7th fine, may your perpetrators of death rot in the same hell when their time comes.
  8. Far to many from wherever you get the information from.
  9. Nice post for you from the Jerusalem Post to read https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/article-770530?dicbo=v2-AhCLMDA
  10. 50.000 dollar question, sorry can't answer that one.
  11. I just love the way you ask for answers and when you get them you dismiss them out of hand, very grown up for a member
  12. and the same goes for your cherry picked agenda, does it not?
  13. Failing to acknowledge other points of view and then labeling it as inflammatory crap just goes to show your own bias, as far as contributing to a worsening situation , I think that ship has long sailed. Israel-Hamas war: What happened on day three of the conflict https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/video/2023/10/09/israel-hamas-war-what-happened-on-day-three-of-the-conflict_6159796_4.html
  14. Happy in acknowledge an Advanced Member that fails to acknowledge carpet bombing. The Jerusalem post doesn't agree with you https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/article-770766?dicbo=v2-gmZB7zY
  15. I think I can answer that one for you Mr adv member, yes they are
  16. Made me smile this did, lived the first 10 years of my life in Stanmore, I side of the road was all private housing, our side was a Council Estate, the 3 houses opposite were all owned by Jewish taxis drivers and my best pal was the son of one of the taxi drivers, we did everything together with our Mums from the age of toddling until we left Nursery School, I think we were about 5/6 then he went to a Jewish School and I went to the local Primary. The one thing I will always remember is not understanding why he couldn't come out to play football on a Saturday. Maybe not pertinent to the thread but more of a show that all of us are born innocent.
  17. Excellent piece of Independent Journalism. Genocide in Gaza: the complicity of Western mainstream media https://www.counterfire.org/article/genocide-in-gaza-the-complicity-of-western-mainstream-media/
  18. Only difference being their still fighting for it 75 years later.
  19. How Netanyahu's Hamas policy came back to haunt him — and Israel https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/netanyahu-israel-gaza-hamas-1.7010035
  20. Lovely piece on the subject of carpet bombing from the Jerusalem Post https://www.jpost.com/israel/eliyahu-advocates-carpet-bombing-gaza
  21. Easy one that, the British Army and Navy, when that sort of thing was allowed pre t'internet.
  22. Yes to all the above but what about the crimes of the Israeli side? The UN is investigating all the atrocities so no one is innocent in any of this. https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/10/commission-inquiry-collecting-evidence-war-crimes-committed-all-sides-israel
  23. What a lovely person you must be, so caring, I feel a tear coming in my eye, not.
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