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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. Only a political move to tame Move Forward MPs and voters.
  2. There is Waders post and absolute gem, for a normal person.
  3. But I can reassure you, I have the so called LTR/WP, and I don't see myself as wealthy. Maybe we should change LTR/WP to LTR/WOP (Well Off Pensioner).
  4. I am not in the business of double guessing my doctors, am I?
  5. Yes Indeed. But I got it confirmed by my doctor from Pulse. Prescribed and reimbursed by my insurance.
  6. Where did you get you medical degree?
  7. Honda are dealing with their e:Ny1 as if it was a giant hot potato. They produce it in Thailand and can't find a price tag below 1.5M. They are looking at all sorts of finance schemes to dump it on the market. Affordable EVs might end up as the greatest Chinese contribution to mankind.
  8. That's what I thought: Bob is Legion, all of us.
  9. Honestly, I don't think there will be many of us left here in ten years time. I'll stay if I can keep my LTR visa, under existing conditions, but I'll be dead before it expires. Anyone settling now will be either dumb, or rich. Even the sexy a$$es are developing western "attitudes" now.
  10. And that's why health authorities should provide comprehensive information/education about all preventive measures available to maintain a happy and healthy sex life. Repeating, condom, condom, ad nauseam is a bit like imposing surgical masks on scuba divers. But judging by some of the juvenile reactions here, it could be that some are just too embarrassed to see a doctor and say "I am having sex with whores and I don't want to use a condom, what can you do to protect my health, and that of other johns ?". Yes I know, better to see that Doctor at Red Cross or Pulse.
  11. Doctors monitor kidney function and HIV status when they prescribe PREP.
  12. Look at the school scores in math, science and english and you'll see the answer: never. And a researcher is someone with an independent mind, still looking for one of those in Thailand. Anyone with such attribute is likely to be in jail by now.
  13. Movie theatres are gone. The Tiktok video format killed them. Was shocked when the absurd 4/3 format bounced back, and devastated bu the 1/2.
  14. So, if I said Condom would you know what it is? Anyone with a sex life that goes beyond Onanism should know about STD, HIV, PREP, PEP, and others.
  15. Kids below the age of nine shouldn't be allowed to post here.
  16. Doxy PEP isn't very effective against Gonorrhoea. I use my judgment, not totally rational I know. My former employer gave Azithromycin and Cefixime [not Ceftriaxone], as "rape kit", to staff going out to the field in areas the risk was high, and assistance inexistant. Instruction was to use it within 48 hours of "event". It doesn't have any bad side effects AFAIC and as I said I use it infrequently once or twice a year. If I had symptoms I'd go to see a doctor for Ceftriaxone and/or whatever..
  17. Not at all. When under attack from bloodthirsty, inhumane masses it is our duty to destroy them, hence the destruction of those cities, and Gaza.
  18. Holy words, so reminiscent of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Dresden, etc.
  19. Well, I have that too...
  20. Same, and in certain situations I resort to Zythro + Cef. For instance a for young shy TF girl I won't bother. But after BB encounter with one of the pros of some massage parlor I'll opt to the extra safety. You know what staggers me is that most people keep jumping up and down chanting "condom, condom cooondooom" while good alternatives exist. More education is definitely needed.. The doctors are probably the main culprits, especially in Thailand they have very little concern for quality of life, and sex with a condom isn't sex, period. AFAIC it ranks after a good porn with a good scented lubricant. Now the Pulse guys are really doing a great job.. They are mostly Gay oriented but I don't feel uncomfortable at all when I see them.
  21. If that's what you call defending your people...
  22. Just as it is extremely difficult to drive into a tree without wearing a seat belt.
  23. Why? Some kids posting of AN now?
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