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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. Thousands could mean two of three thousands, about 1% of retirees. A realistic figure IMHO.
  2. They were pondering over thinking to plan to announce a drop in taxes.
  3. That's why you got the stitches, she wanted to see you again.
  4. I got a stitchless vasectomy, in Buriram. Yours must have been before WW II.
  5. Well, if it looks like propaganda, smells like propaganda it is probably propaganda.
  6. "views" ? Are you confusing science with belief?
  7. Felt about reporting this stupid post. But I'll do so only after reminding the idiots that a "healthy immune system" is the one that protects you from a given disease after being trained through either a prior infection or a vaccine. Remember, the prior infection can kill you.
  8. Sometimes I wish I was fish, when daydreaming about getting snatched.
  9. Just hope you can see that Khun Sanoe's actions, as related, were totally exemplary.
  10. Actually, only a sexually active 71 years old. But yes it triggered a mental picture of penetration, nothing degenerate about that.
  11. At least.. I am a [near] native French speaker, have a Masters in IT, but I couldn't picture myself teaching any of my 5 languages to a classroom full of horny idiots.
  12. Therefore only a matter of organising the money flow. Can take some time though..
  13. The Tik Tok is inherently stupid, just look at that ridiculous video format.
  14. Well, instead of hiring pot smoking backpackers they should recruit only teachers who are fully vetted in their country of origin.
  15. Yes, this quite easy IT wise, and could be organised in a relatively short timeframe. And at the end of the process your card number might pop up in a list of foreign plastic used year round for an amount too large to be honest. If I was RD I'd take a sample of maybe the 500 worst cases and 500 random selections, get personal details from the issuing foreign banks, submit these to immigration and call for interview all those on long term visas. "No rocket science" police work. Also if I was weak on computing power I would use data from the ATMs located around well known expat ghettos. Nice way to get sexy early results, which would get the media horny. All in all much simpler than anything advertising agencies do with our data to flog their excrement.
  16. Bad idea, just imagine the tax returns of these girls.
  17. Why, is this because most of today's movies don't have a story line and look like series of advertisements?
  18. Don't need, just look at the abyssmal moral level of these people.
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