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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. For me there are 3 categories of VDs: a) HIV, you shouldn't catch if you use PREP, b) Bacterial infections which can be cured or prevented with antibiotics [beware antibiotic resistant infection may have you on drip in hospital for several days], c) Viral infection such as HSV or HPV most of us have anyhow. Of course when you use condoms you get less exposed especially for a) & b). But if you really want to be enlightened pay a visit to one of the PULSE clinics. They are very Gay oriented, but a lot more honest about they various ways of protecting ourselves.
  2. I want to make a proper business decision, so I won't take into account a loophole that won't last, or isn't available where I live.
  3. I won't consider any offer for On Grid from PEA unless they buy the KWh at 70% of their selling price, so no genset. I will keep searching for someone who make and On-Grid Hybrid installation.
  4. Ok, I see that your batteries will be in a well ventilated are, my shed is closed concrete block, should I foresee a forced extraction fan? To be clear all I got now, is the shed wired so that I can insert a generator. enough money (unless they income tax) and a ridiculous offer from PEA for 10KW On Grid plus a Diesel generator. I live in Buriram and have been unable to find and english speaking supplier for On Grid Hybrid. Maybe I should look for someone who can speak Hebrew, German of French.
  5. Thanks a lot. And where are your Inverter/Charger etc? House side or Battery side?
  6. I know the risk is low, but do you guys know how to extinguish a battery fire? Have you spoken to your insurer? And more importantly is your installation located in a shed separate for you main habitation? OP would you kind enough to tell us how much you pay for 28KWh worth of LiFe batteries, maybe a link would useful too.
  7. I love Apple products and services and have 12 of their devices in use in my home but these "fans" queuing for new products are just idiots. I am pretty sure they don't even know why they buy the stuff.
  8. Why would Zion be a trigger? Is it one for you? Tell me. But nope, we have stopped to be victims 75 years ago.
  9. Absolutely, you got me convinced that you totally devoid of discriminatory feeling. Even though you felt necessary to refer to my my religion. Maybe something coming from some distant ancestry.
  10. Yes, this is what led me to point at the inconsistent, embellished narrative backing yet another of those Gofundme cases. But I should have added RIP Darnel, I am sure he was a very nice Kid. Someone should have taught him that a good Travel Insurance can be very useful.
  11. Good, I'll keep this in mind, now that the Thais are going steal 25% of my pension to distribute THB 10000 to all the no hopers in the Kingdom.
  12. If that's so UK business must be really short of human resources.... Where I come from you either want to work, or not.
  13. Maybe, but it could be the opposite. For instance the Taxation agreement with [one of] my country of origin states clearly that pensions are taxed at the source. So how do you prove that a cash transfer is pension? That's why I could imagine that they would require pensions to be paid [by the funds] into Thai bank accounts, free of tax. All other cash transfers being considered as Taxable. Still complicated but more workable from an enforcement point of view. It remains that the division pension vs "other income" may vary from country to country.
  14. Unlikely to happen if PEA keep selling only On Grid solar systems and buy the KWh for a ridiculous 2.4 Baht.
  15. Can you elaborate? If you are sick to visit a doctor and he will prescribe a medical Canabis product if needed. You don't need to be protected by the "Thai Social Safety Net" to have access to medical care.
  16. Easy, sell it through pharmacies who would require a prescription from a medical practitioner. Set standards for labs producing the extract and enforce.
  17. The one thing I am absolutely sure of is that if I didn't have a family I wouldn't have stayed more than 6 months.
  18. I agree, some guys are good. Also never ask anyone to do outside their area of expertise, the vast majority of Thais have a very narrow spectrum of skills; and they will never admit they can't do properly something you asked them to do.
  19. More than that, I have seen several studies and articles saying the senior males slightly overweight and normally active have a better life expectancy than those with lower BMI and exercising intensively. Also intense exercise under high temperature bears a lot more risk than exercise in cold conditions. I used to have a massive burden of PVCs with hours of Bigeminy which resolved when I reduced my load and exercised only 3 o 4 days a week. I seems that of electrolytes depletion needs more than a day to resolve. Forgot to say that one of the cause of arrhythmias is electrolyte imbalance.
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