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Middle Aged Grouch

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Everything posted by Middle Aged Grouch

  1. Why one may think that you have been scammed ? Because usually you are better off paying a flat rate for your stay and no extra and seperate charges for water or electricity or cleaning like it is done in some developpments who rent houses in beach towns. But free for you to have your idea on the issue. Have a nice evening.
  2. So the checks and harassment will start to harass foreigners at the airport carrying cash ? With this no more foreigners will want to risk comming to Thailand.
  3. Why do many foreigners come to Thailand and discriminate the Thai's and other foreigners ? Must be because they were themselves left out and shunned in their respective countries. Learn to respect youself, then you will respect others. Respect others and they will respect you.
  4. Dentists are known crooks (many, not all obviously). Be it in Thailand, in Hungary or in France. Use your instinct and feeling with the physician. One can sense if he or she is just out to make a fast buck by cheating the patsy farang.
  5. If you are really a friend advise him to try Malaysia, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam or Cambodia....not Thailand any more, where it's just scams all over and being cheated on a daily basis. Don't belive those saying all is great, they are just either lying or trying to pursuade themselves of some long past era .
  6. Use TikTok as the US social media are becomming real scammers with their ads and moneymaking policies.
  7. Same for those villas with pools that look very nice on the photo but shortly after delivery the paint starts to chip and cracks appear on the facades. Never understood why farangs like to waste their money in buying property in Thailand.
  8. Ask anybody in the world to cite a mass random shooting like this one in public in Thailand. Nobody will be able to answer. Ask people for similar mass shootings in the US and any tuk tuk driver with below-average english skills will nevertheless have a situation to refer.
  9. One often hears farangs in bars, pubs or girl clubs in Bangkok or Hua HIn, mouthing disgusting things against other foreigners or speaking ill of people with different skin colour. But the funniest bit is that these racist farangs are mainly uncomfortable with themselves in the fact they never made it in their home country and the fact that they feel sort of embarassed secretly as they usually have thai gf's/wives.
  10. Tourism reservations will sharply drop for Bangkok for this year.
  11. So who are these farang thieves ? Russians ? Brits ? Americans ? Germans ?
  12. Get ready to start having to open your bags for security check even when you go to a soapy !! But we all have seen how the "security" screening works in Thailand. They mostly harass or check the bags of foreigners and never check the Thai's. This time no can put the blame on a foreigner.
  13. I would not risk all the trouble in getting Android TV box and risk having the cops knock at me door.
  14. It could be true but the chinese tourist will only spend in businesses owned by other chinese in Thailand so not much to gain for Thailand with all the Chinese crowding the place.
  15. The thing is that if you raise salaries, the business owner will immediately double raise the prices of his services. 1. Foreigners first of all do not come to Thailand to pay similar prices as back home in the west. 2. Even if the business increases his prices to the patsy farang who will pay, chances are small that his staff will get the raise . Salary increase can sound nice on paper but it can end up in backfiring as tourists and wealthy retirees will chose another country so spend and settle.
  16. Isaan business is all over the girlie bars ????
  17. Really ? 3bb internet has increased it's rates for fiber towards it's old customers...so where is the price drop ?
  18. Quite intriguing in Thailand, as we often see aged farangs (with Thai wives). These farangs often can be ridiculous racists and make sultry comments against other foreigners. Some sort of a way to ease their own complex for being married to a Thai maybe.
  19. I make it a point to always try and ask a Thai to go and ask for the price when it's not displayed. Many malls in Thailand pay the same trick with no prices displayed on items in display. Same for Facebook posts of custom made items. They never answer when you ask them the price for the specific object shown exactly as on the photo. LandOfScams.
  20. Not to forget to check the tax status of every tech geek entering these places.
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