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Middle Aged Grouch

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Everything posted by Middle Aged Grouch

  1. Legalize it but highly put tax on the casinos and make them controled by the authorities to avoid tax evasion. Use part of the tax to dispense due therapy or social aid to the addicts who always will end up loosing their lives. Many rich people all over the world have ended up paupers in the streets due to their gambling addiction. But keeping it illegal will just continue to feed corruption and make the fortunes of mafias and top level people of power, getting their commissions under the table. So obviously, it will never get legal as there is far to much money to make in maintaining it illegal. But the government is loosing billions in tax money.
  2. Expect overrated "common fees" monthly like some housing spaces in Hua Hin who charge absurd common fees per month around 4000 THB that is far to much. Community fees are to cover expenses and not make money for the project managers. But that is another story on a whole.
  3. Were you ranting similar "comments", just before COVID and before the war in Europe and before the many US financial crashes ?
  4. Full of female east european cabin staff who can be quite cold and indifferent to passenger needs.
  5. I always use mac computers but each mac computer I purchased always had to be bought back after some months or during the warranty for hardware issues. I still use them as I just hate the PC computers. But never think Apple products are trouble free because that is not the case at all.
  6. Not to mention the <removed> Thai Police all over the place from Bangkok to Hua Hin to Pattaya to Phuket. They just love to stop farangs and take money. Of course there are also many farangs who do not respect the laws and think they can do what they like in Thailand. We also have our friends the driving licence people at the DLT who in many cities will make it a point to make a fuss on driver foreigner driver licence conversion and many offices have rude staff who just love hushing foreigners away and find some excuse not to do the foreign licence conversion for Thailand.
  7. Wrong. If you go with somebody who knows someone at the bank, they won't ask for anything else then your passport etc. Absolutely no hassles. That's why it is all so absurd as they invent rules that are plainly brushed aside on the next moment.
  8. He hates foreigners and will do anything to make like more difficult for all the visa red tape. If he is nominated, foreigners, expats retirees would be better off to shift to Vietnam or Cambodia.
  9. The green and other environmental left wing terrorists are plainly destroying europe and the west. All with the complicity of the european or american politicans in power who see big bucks in the current dictatorship of the green-environmental terrorists and the other pro climate extremists.
  10. With all the global instability and even western banks who go bankrupt, I would think only once before putting in 800k in a Thai Bank. Getting back your money from the government if a bank is bankrupt in the west can be a hassle. But in Thailand, where a falang has practically no rights in court, it can be risky.
  11. In Thailand and in the real estate business, the farangs cheat you as bad if not worse then the locals. Mainly in those pool villa developpments like in Hua Hin, Phuket, Pattaya and of course Bangkok etc. All looks nice when the house is built but quite often there are issues in electricity and short circuits, bulbs getting regularly fused after a few days, electrical surges that can wreck your electrical appliances, bad materials used, flaws in the construction. low quality paint used that cracks indoors and outdoors....not to mention the overcharging on basic services like cleaning or the community fees and so on. Wonder how long such business will survive with the current climate where people will not put in money any more for such rubbish....Once you pay, these farang developpers just don't care anymore and only try to lure you to pay exorbitant costs in all kinds of upgrading. Same with many falang restaurant owners in beach towns. They think they are in their home country with all their roasts, football nights and do not make other foreigners or tourists feel welcome. They want to remain within their own falang beer drinking clans This gives a bad image of Thailand who is open to all visitors and foreigners and does not like these falang clans to take over and only want to cater to their own communities mainly in Hua Hin, Pattaya or Phuket. So one can understand these steps. Try going to some english or european country, sports bar. If you are not one of the, their own staff can be rude and badly serve or plainly make you wait for hours before they serve you or worse, serve others who arrive after. Of course this is not something in general but happens now and then in places like Hua Hin or other beach towns. The point here is that better perhaps to have some jobs reserved for Thai's as rather get cheated by a local then a farang. (and also cheaper).
  12. Few years ago it was around 30 euros to have a great quality shirt tailored by shops near Nana BTS Bangkok. As the chaps are now asking for 45 euros, no way I will give them my business.
  13. Don't forget to include the engine this time....but that seems to fit the Thai style of business....they will sell you a car here and come later claiming the steering wheel was not included. Just like some farang house developpers in Hua Hin who will sell you and lease the land for the pool villa, accept your absurd requests and only once all is paid, will show up and say that it was not compatible and of course no refund.
  14. The populations in many european nations are getting fed up by this war, fuelled by the US and Russia, that is costing trillions to the western nations and of course making as much money and profit to many global players in oil, arms, food, transport etc. Consequently, this is more an investment for the involved, rather then a war. To some extent, even Russia is making money from the global crisis created by the US and their sanctions.
  15. In Thailand never buy...always rent. Mainly with real estate or ladies. Or else at one's own risk to learn the hard way, once it's too late.
  16. Considering the billions the world is handing out to highly corrupt Ukraine, this amount given for the civilian victims in Libya is an insult.
  17. It may rain but it is far better to come to Thailand from March to September as there are far less tourists and thus the locals serve you better in stores, restaurants and the shops are a bit more open to give you a good deal.
  18. Very true. As mentioned before, many house owners from Europe, the UK, the US who have not declared their real estate in Thailand are going to be in some serious hot soup......mainly in France and the USA amongst others, that have merciless and ruthless tax laws for their commoners....
  19. People just forget that major European electric vehicle brands or even a Benz, Audi and of course the Tesla, is strongly dependant on chinese components. The Covid showed the world that it is just not possible for the moment to shut down ties with China, no matter what the mummy in power at the White house or the other clowns in European nations may claim or may howl.
  20. Sure but in fact there is already a freeze in the real estate market as nobody is currently buying. This may also be due to some crooked farang developpers who deliver badly finished condos or villas, in beach towns catering foreigners like Hua Hin, Phuket, Pattaya or within all the Koh's... ! In today's world, information can globally spread like wildfire on social media with a simple click behind a computer, sent from a foreign country, regarding the incompetence in badly finished houses or condos that the crooked local or farang developpers sell off to naive foreigners.
  21. Cannot say on this specific case... On a general view, only a fool or a liar would claim that the red tape or bureaucracy say with immigration or administrative issues are simple and transparent in Thailand.
  22. Yes good job... Any illegal activity in Thailand is only reserved to the privilege of Thai's and not to generate income to those pesky "falangs"....
  23. The farangs who have not declared in their home country the purchase for their house in Thailand should start to worry and quickly sell.
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