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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. Dont know - and you could ne right and maybe it was the treatment. It was early on and maybe they got it wrong.
  2. This is hopefully wrong - lost in translation perhaps? I see recently several comments on Youtube that Thailand was introducing global taxation rules for businesses as per the OECD directive (min 15% etc.) Maybe the 'numpties' at TRD have seen the likely income this new global business taxation method will bring into their budget, and have figured they will do the same for personal income tax and introduce a rule to tax all income earned worldwide by any Thai tax resident. Only USA and Eritrea currently have worldwide personal taxation liabilities for their Citizens/Residents. As the USA has found out, it requires a lot of very highly efficient well trained tax officers (DTAs etc) to manage such a system. There is not a snowflake in Hell's chance that the TRD will not have a lot of incompetent (nepotism appointments) and corrupt (as is everywhere) officials who will either screw this all up, and/or seek to gain personal advantage. And IMO Expats would be an easy target - we have no legal rights and cannot 'fight back' like Thais can. Whilst I had the previous rule change 'covered' this new global taxation system, if it is introduced, is not something I can 'cover' and the risks in being caught up in the TRD 'net' are far too high. I just cannot see how anything, including gifting rules, will get around a worldwide income taxation system. I have looked into the USA taxation system and they do this for a very good reason - they get much more tax revenues than they otherwise would and the costs are worth it overall because it is extremely hard for USA Citizens. The USA taxes Citizens who live overseas, but non-citizens in USA are not tax residents unless they have a Green Card or meet their Substantial Presence Tests. Plus a person can use the DTA of their home/resident country to pay taxes there, rather than to USA. I just cannot see the TRD being anything other than 'rabid' when it comes to demanding tax residents pay income taxes on the money they have overseas. The wife and I have decided that we will not stay in Thailand more than 179 days each year if this change to a global personal taxation system goes ahead in Thailand. That decision will only change if there is clear and reasonable options for Expats to avoid being forced to pay income taxes in Thailand on the earnings they have made/saved overseas over their lifetime.
  3. Very interesting - it seems that most of the members that I have opposing political views with about the Dems/Biden and GOP/Trump are also Hamas supporters and hate Israel. Very happy to see that my personal my moral values align against those who are clearly delusional woke lefties and would be pro-Hamas protestors if they were at Uni in USA or elsewhere.
  4. The intent of the Hamas has been apparent to me for some months now, and IMO Hamas is refusing to stop hiding behind civilians/supporters and will not release the hostages unill the entire strip has been destroyed, which will de facto make it uninhabitable. Let's see how much of Hamas and their supporters are still alive once the IDF leaves.
  5. Exactly what I said then, I said now. They want gay marriage which I am OK with, but not the rest of their downstream issues (males in girls bathrooms). Can you read or not. FROM YOUR QUOTE THAT I SAID - They (I use they/them to cover all variations) claimed a desire for equality under marriage laws and that is justified, with resultant property rights after death, taxation deductions and rights, and other 'equality' issues under the Laws. But I hope the Thailand Govt does not fall into the same traps as the Western Govts did and cave into their constant demands for 'more and more equality' Thanks for proving me right 🙂
  6. You are demanding I prove them right - and think that makes you right?? I gave an opinion and you stated 'prove it'. Well I say - you prove it wrong. Obviously you did not and can not. My opinion - you disagree. If it is my opinion that you hate your Mother and your Wife - can you give an approved link to prove otherwise?
  7. Read my posts - I support gay marriage - played golf with a gay guy who has a male Partner. But I do not support the downstream issues. One of which I specifically mentioned - Lia Thomas changing in front of the girls in the change rooms, despite their protests, and then he won the swimming championships/events that he entered - ruining the chances of girls who trained for years, but had no chance against a much bigger and stronger male body. You have lost big time and the more you dig the deeper the hole you are in.
  8. Prove me wrong - please provide links - from credible sources only.
  9. I cannot provide any link to prove I loved my Mother, or that I love my Wife. Only lefty over educated people believe that 'proof' in the form of some Poll/Survey is all that matters. Sad to think that some people believe that a survey is true - did the Polls not say Hillary was going to win? And so many other things.
  10. Where are all your liberal lefty nutter mates? Cudos for being one of the most committed lefties and keep posting rubbish to try and defend the undefendable. Maybe now you will realise that your 'side' of the fence are very much 'fair weather friends' and will run for shelter when reality hits.
  11. No!! 🙂 All done - finished - go home. Just like BTS near disaster, and all the other news bad for tourism - it will be swept under the carpet and never mentioned again.
  12. I hope Dobmatrix is right, but I do recall a senior tax officer in an interview on Youtube saying that the next step was worldwide taxation, which is what I based my previous statement on some months back. I hope it does not go ahead for personal tax residents - but they are desperate to stop the economy collapsing and to have money to pay their bribe economic kick starter..
  13. Yes I agree - you are a troll and are now being ignored. Only a troll would call someone a homophobic and then refuse to explain or defend why they called them that slur name. Give me your phone number and I will get my gay mate that I played golf with for 20 years to call you and tell you that you are an ignorant fool to call me homophobic - because I am definitely not that at all.
  14. I said a while back that Thailand was looking at introducing a world wide income tax regime (like USA). Well there it is in black and white - that means will are working on it - and it will be announced just before it starts. And for those unaware it means a lot - a lot more than the previous change about remitted money not being taxable after one year. What a global taxation liability for a Thai tax resident means, is that everything earned or received overseas in taxable in Thailand - Pensions, Savings Interest - any earnings - whether it is remitted into Thailand or not. You technically can get a tax relief for due Thai taxes under a DTA for any tax paid back in the other country, but it will not be easy to prove the tax has been paid for many reasons. Just for starters most countries do not align with the Thai tax year of Jan to Dec and they usually only report on their own tax year (in my case July to June). Whilst it is easy for a business, with their in house or contracted accountants to report any month to any month, that is not the case for the majority of personal income tax matters. This change, if it goes ahead (social media feedback is overwhelmingly bad), means a lot more than the old one year rule change. It is more bad news IMO for all long term Expats in Thailand who have any income or earnings in overseas countries, including Pensions.
  15. You lost - avoiding a debate means you lose. Read my first post and your response calling me homophobic. I want to discuss why you called me homophobic and what that means. Your failure to do so, means you lost the debate. You are Logicphobic.
  16. Exactly as I expected - all rhetoric and parroting the left wing narrative about 'supporting marriage equality'. The reality is that when we all agreed to marriage equality in the west (as I stated in my first post), we did not agree to Lia Thomas appearing naked in the girls changeroom and winning all his/her swimming events against the girls - that is the reality of not drawing a line. That is what you narrative parrots still refuse to talk about - and you will label anyone who dare questions anything related to the downstream issues of 'marriage equality' as homophobic and a dinosaur. Nor will you debate the issues - It did not matter that I asked you to define the slur you called me (homophobic) - and I could have asked you to define what a 'woman' is. You like all lefties will not engage and debate because you know deep down inside that you cannot win with logic and rational argument - only narrative and insults to force others to 'comply'. PS - I played golf nearly every week for almost 20 years with 3 other blokes - one of which is gay. He dislikes all the activists and their BS more than me, and he showed me a lot about what most gays really think about what is happening now in the west - they disagree. But like all the women who disagree with the radical feminists now doing a lot of damage, he cannot speak out for the backlash he and his Partner would get is far worse than what the radical activists throw at non-gays who dare questions things.
  17. I know to you it seems 'obvious' - but that is because you are locked into a left wing radical way of thinking. However, I am happy to discuss how you can decide a person is something 'bad' - solely based upon what they wrote in a post. Firstly - lets define the descriptive you assigned to me so that we are on the same page. What is homophobia, and how in your opinion does my comments make me 'homophobic'.
  18. IMO the majority agree with George - but not how the sensationalist rabid UK media have portrayed his comments. The majority agree that being gay is legal and should not be illegal. The majority accept that someone can be gay and can that they are a person is OK. But the majority do not believe that being gay is 'normal'. The majority do not want gays persecuted or hated - but they do not want being gay to be normalised and taught to children as a normal thing for people to be.
  19. Got a mate that I have known for 10 years and he had Covid and was in ER for 2 weeks. When he came out of hospital he was 'less than optimal' for about 6 months. Never fully recovered and he now has a few 'memory holes'.
  20. I doubt the Thai hotel owners will take the tax cuts and lower their prices back to a reasonable level. That is one of the many problems - Hotels in Thailand upped their prices and they are not dropping them down enough.
  21. Another KH post that completely misses the point. Much hate in there KH??
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