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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. What an absolute <deleted>*** - making such a comment is just asinine - talk about ad hominem. Blocked.
  2. You can see it - but many here cannot - they are either in denial or they are delusional or they only see bar girls. As per my other post - they are predicting 45% of western women 25-40 will be single with no kids by 2030. https://medium.com/hello-love/study-predicts-45-of-women-will-be-single-by-2030-1fbc99bad6a8 Much of that is because many men are rejecting their BS and do not want to marry them anymore - MGTOW. And why would any man do it these days with the feminist rules and marriage laws so heavily against him. I know if I could go back in time, I would not marry a western woman and then get 'financially raped' - I would have stayed single (rented), and saved my money, and then retired early and come here and found my Thai wife again - best thing I ever did in my life.
  3. Interesting views you have - telling people to read the Labour laws etc etc. So - according to your opinion, when I drive the wife to the shopping centre, or if I give he a massage, am I in breach of those labour laws you speak of? Of course not - because I am not working or employed - there are many jobs (work) that are reserved for Thais. Links please to your claim of people being deported for painting their own dog's kennel. IMO that is a scam/BS/fake news.
  4. That make a lot of sense - surely those in power at the Dems have realised their mistake in letting the radical left take over the Party and that they need to get back to the middle ground of their past - the Kennedy days. How the hell did they go from a Kennedy to a Harris - who as best has a 'friendly personality' - but who obviously has got no brains or common sense.
  5. You call it what you will - the Military is not a workplace and introducing those 'initiatives' was and is ridiculous. Right now many businesses are rolling back their DEI and similar initiatives - they are BS and bad for productivity. That such nonsense ever reach the Military is horrendous.
  6. Well said mate - and you certainly have not covered everything about the downfall that has occurred because of affects of radical feminism and its toxic culture - especially to women. What I now see is that many women in the west are posting their stories (youtube, tiktok, snapchat) and complaining that they were lied to about being 'empowered and independent' and 'doing it ourselves' and 'who needs men' - they are realising too late that is was all lies. There are many single and childless women in their late 30s in the West finally waking up to the radical feminists - it has been corrupted. They are beginning to accept that they are not as capable and that they dont need to be like a man to be happy or equal. I heard on the news that they predict that in the west 45% of women will be single and childless by 2030 - today I found the story. https://medium.com/the-savanna-post/45-of-women-estimated-to-be-single-and-childless-by-2030-1faf959b26cf "Sadly, many women have adopted the modern feminist lifestyle and have chosen to sleep around, abort their baby if they unexpectedly get pregnant, and swear off marriage. But these cultural trends are going to have a tremendous impact on the future of American society. Morgan Stanley estimates that 45% of women in their “prime working years” (ages 25 to 44) will be single and childless by the time 2030 arrives." The negatives about feminism, that were stated when it started to seriously 'take off' in the 80s and were laughed off as 'misogeny' - have been starting to show since the early 2000. Now they are becoming very obvious and harder to ignore - despite the radical feminists equating the value of a woman's life based on her 'independence and empowerment'. Women's mental health problems are at an all time high and going higher every year. Divorce is the norm and marriage has been seriously devalued by the radical feminists. And there are so many other negative impacts that radical feminism has caused.
  7. You back again?? Clearly there is something wrong here. First of all it is 3pm here in Thailand - obviously you dont know where you are talking. Secondly - your last 14 posts have all been on this one issue - nothing else since Thursday. Something is not right - but I cant quite put my finger on it
  8. One of the many mistakes that Trump admitted making when calling for his removal. Milley was the key player in bringing into the Military the BS of critical race theory, white privilege, and DEI initiatives. Next time around Trump knows exactly who to put in what position - some will not work out - but this time he will make far less mistakes. Not being a politician, he had no idea how politics really works in the military and the bureaucracy at the highest levels - now he does.
  9. Sad. The fact that a Court has not ruled that what I have said was incorrect - then your position is that everything I have said about Trump is correct. Such a sad life you live - trolling all day every day - get a life mate.
  10. Truly delusional you are - as Yoda would say. "You apparently feel its ok for the toxic attacks from Trump toward anyone that doesn't fall for his stick but call foul when someone calls you out on it!" So I am responsible for these 'toxic attacks' yuo claim that Trump made - wow. This time I wont bother further - and yes I will have a nice day - you too.
  11. I think it can be seen that the majority of people who responded to the poll, actually have a problem with Trump rather than being pro-Harris. Although it is only a small number, I think that pretty much sums up the Dems - they are just anti-Trump. That they did not select to vote for Harris' because of her policies, speaks volumes. The MSM have built up Trump in the minds of woke progressive liberals as 'the enemy', so much that they are delusional against Trump. He was POTUS for 4 years - and what did he actually do wrong - SFA. Perhaps some WPLs are listening and thinking, rather than being emotional and reacting, so I ask you to think about this - if Robert F Kennedy Jnr became the GOP Candidate for POTUS, would you vote for him? If the GOP had a candidate that was in your opinion a great person, would you vote for them? If your decision is based solely upon what you think of Trump, then what of the GOP gave you a candidate you liked more than Harris - would you vote for them? Or would you vote for whatever candidate the Dems put forward (elected by Members or not) and you have therefore been brainwashed to hate Trump. If you are a Dems supporter and that made you think, then think again about this. In 2016 the DNC selected Hillary Clinton, against the wishes of the majority of Dem members who wanted Sanders. And in 2024 the DNC 'selected' Harris, and the Members were not asked to vote when Biden withdrew. Meanwhile, over at the GOP, Trump appears out of nowhere in 2016 and wins the GOP nomination - despite the fact that most of the GOP Leaders did not want him as their candidate. So think about that - what sort of Party are you supporting - are they genuinely about WPL policies and doing as their Members want - or are they about gaining power and wealth. IMO it is clearly the latter and the DNC don't care what their Members want, because they have them 'under control'.
  12. And yet despite all that 'election interference' he is still going to win. The Liberal tears will be flowing - Covid19 aint gonna save them this time.
  13. https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/how-voting-laws-have-changed-battleground-states-2020 In nine battleground states in this year’s Presidential elections, voting rules will look considerably different than they did four years ago. In the years since the 2020 election, many states have aggressively attempted to restrict voting access. Limiting absentee voting has been the most prevalent tactic, while several of these states have also enacted laws that permit partisan interference in elections or threaten the people and processes that make elections work. Across the country, the number of new expansive laws enacted continues to outpace new restrictive ones. In the swing states that played a pivotal role in the last presidential election — Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin — legislatures have been especially active in changing the laws that govern voting and elections. Due to court orders and delayed implementation dates, not all these new laws will be in effect by November, but the vast majority will. The Brennan Center is a liberal progressive organisation, so when they stated above "enacted laws that permit partisan interference in elections or threaten the people and processes that make elections work" what they are referring to is the Laws that were passed to stop those counting the votes from closing their doors and barring the Observers of any Party from seeing what they are doing. Likewise, the new Laws mean more control over who and how many Party observers can be present in the tally rooms, and also that votes cannot be counted without observers present. IMO most of the changes will greatly help Trump wipe the floor with Harris. Speaking of which - I was just told that the first CNN and MSNBC headline after Trump wins the election in November will probably be something like: "Trump smashed yet another woman and viciously ended her career."
      • 1
      • Haha
  14. I agree - speak up Meghan and the The People. Sure the die-hard Dems are done, and some have made up their minds, but some people are still deciding and this will help them make the right/good decision. Perhaps if the MSM also covered the woman bashing done by Kamala's husband, like they did when they attack Trump's family members, but we all know the MSM gives all Dem's crimes, accusations and discrepancies a free pass.
  15. Although I am not a supporter of using a banking app on a phone, in this case the 'app' was clearly not the problem. However, it has nothing to do with Line either - the problem is the banking system in Thailand. I have bought some things online in Thailand and the seller wanted me to send them a copy of the 'bank transaction' - which I did. When I asked later why he needed the copy to be sent, he said that some banks take a few days to transfer the money into his account - and he just does not have the time to check his incoming transactions to see if it has arrived yet. Transfers within a bank are usually done very quickly, but some inter-bank transactions take a long time.
  16. "The huge number of Expats" ..... on this forum that is. And I am looking forward to them having those meltdowns.
  17. Many States have tightened up the voting rules for the 2024 election. This is just in 2022 - https://usafacts.org/articles/30-states-have-made-these-voting-changes-since-the-2020-election/ From this year - https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/how-voting-laws-have-changed-battleground-states-2020 No mate - Voting abuses that happened in 2020 (unproven, but happened) will not be happening the same this time around - maybe there will be new ways they will abuse postal votes. How about excluding all the illegals? Those for the last 10-15 years? Federal Martial Law outlawing and banning all illegals - apprehension and deportation, including those with previous State 'recognitions' - and jail for anyone that employs an illegal. I can see many of them being deported back whence they came, and many agreeing to leave. Appeals? Sure - just lodge them at the Embassy in your own country.
  18. No bother at all - mate. IMO you are the one who has a very distorted view of the facts, because just like all fanatic Dems, you just throw insults 'ad hominem' when trying to debate an issue. Ad Hominem That means arguing in a way that is directed personally against a person rather than the position they are maintaining and the opinions they are expressing. It was when I noticed how personally insulting all the comments were about Reagan, and yet he achieved so much as a POTUS, that I realised there was something fundamentally wrong with left wing ideologues - they have no facts - just insults - like a teenager denied something. The Dems political 'message' is based on feelings and 'social issues', and what they do is play to those feelings - especially by constant lies and distortions against the political leader of GOP. Do you recall how many years ago Elon Musk was left wing and the media loved him. That same guy realised (like many others do) that something was very wrong with the Dems - and now they hate him. The Dems take personal positions and attacks against their opponents - and they hate Trump for many reasons, and one of them is that he fires that straight back at them. But lets not debate in any detail because all my facts will be trumped by your feelings, and as Shaprio said - Facts do not care about your Feelings (same as me about yours).
  19. Don't tell me it is going to happen again - I think/hope the rules have been tightened up in most States. Has Harris held a rally yet? Discounting that free music concert she came on stage for a while.
  20. Indeed. I recall a guy in Chiang Mai who was doing some gardening work in his house (that the wife owned) and one of the neighbours was complaining. His wife translated and he got her to try and explain to the woman that he was not 'working' (employed) and that only doing basic gardening stuff. He also got her to ask the woman if it was OK when he drove their car or cooked a Thai meal. The woman reluctantly accepted that although some jobs were reserved for Thais only (such as a driver or a cook), he was not employed and was not being paid. Unfortunately, a lot of Thais think Expats are not allowed to do those things - when the Law is very clear that they are not allowed to be employed/work in certain roles. In this case, the guy does not have the necessary licences/certifications to build a house.
  21. I agree with everything you have said - GenZ will go down as the most woke feminist and useless generation ever - and that other poster reflected their views on life a lot. It is one thing to protest against the war in Vietnam, but it all together another to protests in support of the murdering radical terrorists in Gaza. We might be the minority on this Forum, but on others and overall, we are the majority.
  22. Normalcy ?? Massive inflation, Crime rates up, Men in dresses running the Military, Millions of Illegals entering the country and costing Billions to house/feed, Radical Islamists attacking Israel and the resultant wars going on, Disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan that was incompetently managed, Billions in support for the corrupt regime in Ukraine that is certainly going to fail, etc etc etc. It is time for you guys to take a break and let Trump fix things up (again). IMO the 4 years USA had under the disastrous Biden-Harris Admin, will result in the Dems being electorally destroyed in November - and they will be lucky to ever get back into power before 2030. Great days ahead for USA now that the 'moderates' have seen the reality of the difference between the Trump/GOP Admin and the utterly useless, corrupt and incompetent Biden/DEM Admin. Below is my 'best case' predicted results in November: Obviously 'best case', but even with several other States remaining Red, Trump and GOP will make 2008 and 2016 look like close contests.
  23. Now I love him even more - Trump will ensure no US Citizen in Thailand is double taxed. https://www.thaiexaminer.com/thai-news-foreigners/2024/10/11/trump-reaches-out-to-us-expats-in-thailand-to-help-win-the-election-no-double-taxation-pledge/ Lets hope this move by Trump is 'heard' by the numpties in Thai Govt and the result flows down to those Expats from other countries to ensure we are all not 'extra' taxed on the money we already paid taxes on when we were working/earning money.
  24. Horses and Water ...............
  25. Obviously not - I wrote .... quote "I am just get back involved in this thread as the topics became repetitive and boring," You are boring me again.

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