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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Sounds like you're cooking up some antisemtic hogwash.
  2. Knowing his base, a serial killer VP would be a feature.
  3. The current government is on record as favoring and intending to walk back the free for all weed show that Thailand has become, sooner or later. What will they change exactly? When will they make the changes? Might they just "forget" to bother? Hope springs eternal. It's impossible for us to know. It could happen tomorrow, it could happen two years from now, it could happen never. But probably something bad will happen from weed users POV. So my question is this: Knowing that this restrictive change will probably be happening here eventually, has that effected your frequency of use? Like if you're on vacation in Thailand for two weeks, you're more likely to eat a lot of Thai food, knowing when you leave Thailand, it won't be as good, available, and cheap. If you don't you're likely to regret it later. So we're on a timer. Are you doing more weed because of this? The same? Less? (Why?)
  4. So Americans are chopped liver? Not in Albania. Albania offers an entire year stay on arrival (no visa) for Americans ONLY! But you need to stay out three months before redoing that.
  5. Exactly. Imagine the international support they would have gotten IF they had collectively decided to become a Singapore on the Med. In such a small space that would have been entirely possible. Not holding them to account for their atrocious political decisions is another example of the racism of low expectations from naive westerners.
  6. Intention matters. Hamas means to murder all Jews, and murders Israeli children because they're Jews. The IDF targets military targets that are shielded by civilians. The intention is not to kill anyone but the military targets. That's war, buddy. Who started it? HAMAS.
  7. They're winning the PR propaganda war.
  8. Basically, this was the plan of Hamas. Free Palestine ... of Hamas.
  9. No, I have no fear or dislike of women as people. Overall I think they're better than men. But as far as their hoohaas, I did have a bit of vagina dentata in my youth which may or may not have been related to Freud's castration complex theories. Hearing stories of American GIs sticking their wicks into Vietnamese hooker hoohaas planted with razor blades didn't help. Over time any feelings of vagina dentata are gone, but is now just total disinterest. If confronted with a porn image of spread hoohaas I will simply look away. No interest whatsoever in focusing on it. Respect to all straight guys for figuring out all that complicated stuff down there, that is, IF you actually have figured it out.
  10. Not enough dead civilian Jews for your liking?
  11. OK. this is a youtube thing but I think it fits in this topic because it's long and unique. Bald and Bankrupt a famous youtuber who specialized in Russian travel videos was kicked out of Russia by the government, ironically because he never had a bad word to say about Putin. But he has reinvented himself in a big way. I've seen a number of documentaries about the lawless and deadly Darien gap over the years, but never anything like this. He makes it real to the viewer because he actually did it all himself posing as a refugee definitely majority risking his life. I think the theme will continue going further north, but not sure yet.
  12. While it is true that Hamas is winning the global PR part of this war, your post is false. Israel is not carpet bombing Gaza.
  13. I'm not following you and also off topic.
  14. I blame Bush for his foreign policy decisions. Anti-war Ad Says Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld & Rice "Lied" About Iraq - FactCheck.org
  15. Its more than that. Clearly the majority of them are against the existence of Israel.
  16. Bull. I respect Rice. Desantis is a despicable hate mongering demagogue. Why would Rice want to be associated with such a sleazeball.
  17. No. She's not a hate mongering bigot like him.
  18. Possibly through immigration. Or they could simply require all tax resident foreigners to file. If you want to lie on that, best of luck.
  19. Nobody here knows exactly how this all is going to shake out. Except if you're not a tax resident -- in which case nothing will happen. A lot will also depend on your specific financial details and your nationality. My prediction take it or leave it based on what we know now is that tax resident expats will be burdened to file in Thailand and prove to them you have no tax liability here, or if you do, to file and pay it. We shall see.
  20. Yeah you could do that but if you're a tax resident here the authorities know that you're spending money here, so doing that could lead to suspicion of (taxable) illegally working here or you might need to make your case as your more off the record ATM transfers. The Nomad Capitalist guy is suggesting that even spending in Thailand with a foreign credit card is a remittance as well. It's premature for most people to make plans to leave yet. Personally I expect a good chance to be required to file and a good chance to owe no tax here. But at my level even if taxed it wouldn't be enough to rationalize leaving because of it.
  21. I honestly don't think that's relevant. If the Thai authorities deem such people of any nationality to be non-compliant, then it will be those individuals that will need to make their case. Keep in mind that a possible scenario might be immigration needing tax information to process extensions.
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