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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I agree it wouldn't be a surprise if Biden doesn't run. The reason being acting like he's running could easily be a ploy to avoid being a premature lame duck.
  2. LGBTQ people require health care providers who are not bigots and are familiar with their health issues. I remember in the US always seeking out gay friendly doctors. I once had a dentist who was excellent but a right wing bigot and he and his staff treated me like a leper because of something in my health history that pointed to me being gay. So sometimes regular clinics are hostile places and needed care avoided because of that.
  3. Yeah but objectively Thailand is a more desirable retirement destination than Cambodia as far as infrastructure, health care, and safety.
  4. Incorrect. But you're not fooling anyone. You will never accept that Trump leads a political cult movement no matter what evidence is presented. Typical really of Trump cultists that believe he won in 2020 regardless of absolutely NO EVIDENCE. You're really wasting people's time with game playing.
  5. That's actually a massive margin in favor of Biden. A cult does NOT literally mean a small group of people. In politics throughout history there have been demagogues such as Trump that gain power by having a cult of personality following. Trump is in that dark tradition. Not everyone that voted for Trump is in the Maga cult. An acid test now is if a Maga person thinks Trump is above the law and that he won in 2020. Your points really add up to NOTHING.
  6. Watched the first episode of the seven episode Who is Erin Carter and I'm conflicted about whether to continue. As one scathing review said -- Who Cares?
  7. The same kind of wrong side of history isolationist Americans that didn't support the US entering WW2. They also identified with the "America First" slogan (historically in the US a fascist one) and admired Hitler ("strong man leader") the same way they admire Putin.
  8. This is really happening. It seems inevitable whether the bans hold or not will be decided by the supreme court. Of course, if they hold, the insufferable Magadonians led by their dear unhinged leader will be threatening civil war. Ho hum.
  9. My understanding is that the most common reason for DIVORCES (or similar separations) is conflct over money. As stated, each person has their own psychology of money (which naturally they developed from childhood with whatever nature/nurture causes applicable to them). Then two people get together. They're going to be different about money often radically different. Money choices and psychology reflects deep seated personal values. That needs to be worked out somehow.
  10. Who knew that you have a bug up your tuchus about dear old Sigmund?
  11. You're making incorrect assumptions about his theories. This exchange is pointless.
  12. I never said I was a Freud freak or that I am promoting Freudian psychoanalysis.
  13. Do you doubt that Freud wrote about money in terms of feces and anal eroticism?
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