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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. If you don’t already know how horrendous fascist trump is, nothing I could say would convince you so you're on your own with that. We all falter eventually. No specific predictions offered.
  2. Still much better than Trump and that's a fact. If Biden falters no problem we get an acceptable VP.
  3. What happened to the "Law and Order" party? Or is only the "Law and Order" party for the poor and minorities?
  4. My grandparents were like those people. Risked their lives at age 15 to escape pogroms on a slow boat to Cuba to get welcomed with prison (my grandmother raped early in the journey). I find your attitude despicable.
  5. Ha ha, when I was a teen we didn't even know what strains, sativa, or indica were. The basic distinctions were weed that did the job vs. sticks and stems or sometimes even PCP laced oregano. So far anyway, I'm still fascinated by the seemingly endless variety of strains. Kind of like the Holy Grail -- that next strain with the great marketing name may just be the THE ONE, but I don't really think there ever will be THE ONE. A bit like wine but then not, more affordable and terpenes can't really compete with complex wines.
  6. We're thin on incumbent presidents who have had reasonable success in their first term. If he exits, there are plenty of good options.
  7. While yes it is early, my take is that Mr. Trump's legal troubles will help him win the nomination but hurt him badly if he makes it the general. The republican base is buying the false narrative that he's being unfairly victimized but in a general election his legal problems will be a big turn off for independents and the democrats that might have supported him.
  8. I won't name names but I'm pretty sure that I contributed to the heart attack of my high school English and Journalism teacher.
  9. There's ALWAYS polling going on! But you would be correct that polls this early have much less significance than polls close to the election.
  10. Gotta love the teachers. Most of them are meh, some of them are horror shows, but I reckon most all of us remember at least one teacher who impacted the rest of our lives in a very positive and significant way.
  11. Funny, we have similar histories and have both settled on about twice a week now. When I first got my vape I was doing daily for awhile only to work on learning how to optimize using the new toy, not that I really wanted to be high everyday. The thing about being high everyday, is you lose your baseline to enjoy the difference of being high.
  12. As I said before, I think this issue does vary a lot based on the individual. I have read many places that people who were addicted before age 18 are much more susceptible to later addiction, which kind of explains why I'm concerned about this and am paying attention to any red flags that might come up (because I was at least psychologically addicted back then for years). Casual reading has told me that getting high once a week is definitely not a problem. But that didn't sound like enough to me, so I've gone for once every three days, or a little more than twice a week. Plus the CBD oil also once every three days, different day than the vaping. I'm definitely enjoying it, also enjoying exploring many different strains which can be tasted vaping. I take notes on my reactions to different strains and I'm finding that the majority are not my cup of weed and wouldn't buy again, but some are. But alas there is one red flag. When the third day comes and I'm feeling there are reasons it might not be the best day (night) for a session, I do feel compelled to have that scheduled session anyway. Not feeling like there would any physical withdrawal symptoms if I didn't (though likely less back pain management) but I think that does indicate psychological dependence. But beyond that awareness, it doesn't feel like it's any kind of serious problem, and at this point anyway, I have no intention of doing more frequent sessions.
  13. For those vaping and wanting more CBD, I just found this out. Higher temps, more CBD. Learn something every day. My situation is that I'm using THC in a vape (have been maxing at 190 C but I think I will max higher now) for a COMBINATION of benefits. Medical (mainly back pain) and also primarily the fun part. I have a pattern where I also periodically use CBD oil as well. Also insomnia but based on my research I'm very skeptical about the long term benefits of doing weed daily for that, so I don't. Of course maybe it's working for your insomnia, but overall I remain very skeptical.
  14. No reefer madness here. Nor misinformation. People using cannabis for medical reasons may wish to say whether they are taking CBD or not. Is marijuana addictive? | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) (nih.gov)
  15. Interesting comment, Denim. But I don't think getting more relaxed is the only reason to indulge, especially considering the wide variety of strains available. Of course strictly medical users are welcome to comment too. I'm assuming in many cases they would be habitual users in order to treat chronic conditions. Can taking medicine really be considered addiction? This and many other factors makes me think that there is no cut and dried universal definition of cannabis addiction. There are so many personal variables. Obviously in extreme cases where a person is baked all the time and everyone can see that would be easier to diagnose. But that habit may be to their benefit as some rare people are much more productive on cannabis. Compare it to coffee -- I am definitely addicted, I feel it helps me, and I LIKE IT!
  16. With the current liberalized legal situation in Thailand,. I'm sure many more f-rangs are indulging in the jazz cabbage. Some may have been users here before the great Thai Ganja gold rush, others (like me) were potheads earlier or much earlier in their lives. But here we are. We can use all the weed we want. Whether it be moldy brick or top shelf buds or whatever your liking. So how are you coping with all this freedom? Are you overdoing it? Have you become addicted (whether physically, psychologically, or bath)? How do you personally define too much or being addicted to weed? So this is a discussion space for such matters. No right or wrong answers.
  17. Very old news not even worth debating anymore.
  18. I think it's time for me to exist this thread as I've said pretty much all I have to say on the matter: -- I think Central's good intentioned idea of Kid's Pride was ill advised. -- But it was obviously about inclusiveness and acknowledging that LGBTQ people don't magically come into existence only in adulthood any more than straight people do. -- Central was obviously not promoting grooming or predation. To charge them with that is completely outrageous. -- Kids that feel "different from the rest" and they may feel that from very early ages deserve messages of support and inclusion from both societies and adults in authority. Without that such kids are at unusually high risk of depression and suicide.
  19. Sexualization of children? End Child Pageantry | A Psychological Nightmare (psu.edu) Behind the business of Asia's child beauty pageants - BBC News
  20. Again. FACT: LGBTQ youth DO exist. At What Age Do Kids Identify as Gay? - Family Resources (familyresourcesinc.org) AT WHAT AGE DO KIDS IDENTIFY AS GAY?
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