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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Result pretty much as I predicted but I am curious if the deportation is linked to blacklisting and if so for how long not that he would ever want to come back. He can give his side from Israel. I doubt he will bother.
  2. Hopefully he will reveal all after he's safely back in Israel. Should be great for Israeli tourism to Thailand.
  3. So you actually believe Americans aren't native English speakers? No respect granted.
  4. It had some blatant errors and needed to be self edited but it would unfair to assume that he was even bothering to craft a well.polished item. So it would also be unfair to presume he is unqualified because of that. I'm inclined to take him at his word about his experience here.
  5. Viruses don't care about our politics, frustration, and exhaustion that this situation is lasting for years.
  6. The cost of the letter at my SCB branch is 200 baht. A statement for a year done on the spot is I think 200 baht.
  7. That is only a very optimistic theory. The truth is that nobody actually knows what will happen globally after the Omicron wave passes. Thus I consider posts like yours and many similar to be dangerous misinformation.
  8. They're probably right that's what most people want but there is still a market for the minority that don't. In the US at Thai places catering to most most every customer has a super sweet condensed milk Thai tea. That'll coat your mouth so much that the flavors of the food matters even less.
  9. The flavors are the same in some places that cater to Thais and sophisticated non Thais. There is fresh produce for almost everything at least on the west coast. My favorite ever examples of Thai dishes in the US which were better for me than what I've ever had in Thailand. All in California. Green curry with pork stuffed squid Spicy beef salad Spicy pork shoulder salad Homemade coconut custard Pad Thai (made by me)
  10. I agree. But the food angle is more distinctive. Its about soft power.
  11. Yes of course but what's missing with that format compared to talk radio is hearing the voices of the public. In the US talk radio is almost all about right wing bubble politics often extremist anti science anti reality conspiracy theory garbage. A guy at my condo got on the elevator the other day playing one of those and it felt like some kind of horribly out of place audio invasion. He knew enough to turn it down right away though, glory be.
  12. Lazada has a lot of food items not easily found in stores.
  13. Appears they are slow in updating perhaps because research is in the early stages. With Omicron severe fatigue and runny nose are more common. High fever is less common. Loss of taste smell less common. In other words many people infected with Omicron may have a cold or flu instead.
  14. If they actually imprison this guy they will be shooting themselves in the foot, but it wouldn't be the first or last time!
  15. Doubling how quickly? Waiting for a booster IF you can get one earlier is totally silly now. You'll be infected before you get it.
  16. What time did you arrive? Do you think a person could arrive "late" like afternoon and still gt jabbed? Or did you get the impression they were "selling out" early?
  17. Where in Colombia? Level 3 High COVID-19 in Colombia - COVID-19 High - Level 3: COVID-19 High - Travel Health Notices | Travelers' Health | CDC Colombia: WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Dashboard With Vaccination Data | WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard With Vaccination Data 129,000 deaths. Much harder hit than Thailand (29,000) has been even though Thailand has a population about 20 million higher. A lot of how different countries respond is related to politics and local culture.
  18. My take now is that the Covid bad times last here until at least 2023. Happy New Year?
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