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Everything posted by Prubangboy

  1. Yeah, Manhattan, London, Paris. Never go there. Wichita -you were made for it. 'Hope you love Jesus.
  2. This retard faux-outrage makes literally no sense. Why woudn't a former union worker want unionization and better wages for Thai people? On average, they would. Urging random, abstract, completely hypothetical and made up people to set Thai inequality right by leaving "large tips"? How likely is an expat to come into contact with truly exploited workers like shrimp farmers or cane cutters? What is it that you're actually mad about here? A retiree enjoying a cheaper than at home Pad Thai?
  3. He never had it so good living here, but he wants to be mad over nothing. So call that about one in five here, basically amping themselves into a dimwit frenzy over trans and other BS. Just to amuse the likes of me. I keep asking them and they keep running comically away: Do you even wear the funny red hat? Do you send him your beer money? Or is this, crying and leg-humping here, your sole contribution to your idiot-cause? Caveat: I gave the Democratic Party of NC $3,300 this year. Retards, have you even tossed in dollar-one?
  4. I don't get his bed bug-crazy crusade against Zimmer frames. he mentions them in every third post. He seems to be outraged that disabled people are attempting to walk. Why?
  5. What motivates you to this demented narcissism? Calling out liberals? This is a dying internet backwater with about 40 regular posters, mostly oldies with Thai wives or LT girlfriends. Let your clarion call be heard! Next up: The OP demands attention and is ready to settle all scores -on a baht bus.
  6. I remember the concept of builder's tea from my England years, but I think it was that they just put two teabags in the same cup. Most American have been drinking severely under-brewed tea their whole lives.
  7. The young won't bail us out. They are constrained by high housing prices and debt. They won't be motivated to vote for current high cost/no short-term benefit policies. They will kick the can down the road, like we did. If we hadn't, they wouldn't have to.
  8. Please up the insult game or I'm going back to Breitbart to taunt funnier mouth-breathers. American Spectator is another goodie to have paleo-conservitives blindly swinging punches into thin air.
  9. True. I used to read the reddit sugar lifestyle sub. Sugarbabies were always very unhappy about "experience daddies", men who'd take them out to a nice restaurant; instead of just drilling them fast and dirty at a $22 motel and then giving them the difference in cash. Tho one actually said that she liked getting KFC coupons too. 100 baht is prob a week of school lunches.
  10. It's going to be worse for these faux-conservative, whiny prison wives after their stroke victim gets his ass beat again by a coma-victim. In a fair fight, shouldn't a stroke victim be able to easily best a slack-jawed coma victim? But noooo. Another comically bad horse-bet in the offing?
  11. Imagine being so retarded that you want to fight with imaginary, wholly made up "liberals". And then taking the trouble to construct a, uh, neurodiverse l-o-n-g argument that goes nowhere against these implacable foes who don't exist and impact his life not at all -who must be called out. Maybe he could get a spirit house so that liberal ghosts don't accost him in his condo.
  12. My idol, Willie Nelson said: "The statement that we're not in control makes a lot more sense if you stick the word fortunately in front of it".
  13. Paragraphs, my friend. Who dropped you on your retard-head that you don't get this? -As long was were tossing out low IQ disses. As to the rest of it - just more butt-hurt wailing from some incel who's STILL not happy, even after finally getting a shot at some thin and willing women.
  14. Only 47% of Thai women have graduated from high school. They don't seek a financially-assisted relationship because they are schemers, they do so because their options are much poorer than your's. The romantic problem for you is that you will likely find yourself with a woman who's not all that attracted to you, just superficially likes you for the life you provide. This is a deal you could have just as easily have back home, without the cultural differences -tho diff with a much bigger dress size. For many, a size six, settles all quibbles. Me? If I could pay them to be into me, I would. But I tried (and tried), failed hilariously, and ultimately gave up.
  15. What do you bring to the table? You want a fairly westernized Thai woman -family on the light side, upper middle class at least so finances are less of an issue. A lot of Western and Asian men want that kind of partner. Their numbers will be few and the competition will be stiff. They'll most likely be found in Bangkok. One reason why many guys here end up with sweet, traditional farm girls is because their numbers are greater and the competition for them is much lower. Such women would possibly come to you via introductions from other likewise Thai people or from an ongoing connection like going to college, attending a church, or doing volunteer work. They will be scarce on Tinder.
  16. Of a book do you typically read at one sitting? Me: About 40. Maybe 60. 100 pages is a bit like work.
  17. Narcotopia, about the decades-long collusion of the CIA with Burmese opium growers (who were also headhunters) is the best Asian-interest page turner since SnakeHead. Read it in thee 100 page blasts.
  18. I put an opened container of youghurt out in the hall with the FREE! written on it. It was gone in 5 minutes. To be fair, it was big one, not a small one.
  19. MAGA only has one love object. Secondary coat-holders for said love object should forget about any "rallying" on their behalf (or money). Ask has-been coat-holder -now prison bunk bed denizen- Peter Navarro. No rallying happening. He's still waiting.
  20. Launder it nicely and put it in the lobby. I just did this with a comforter. Gone in 10 minutes.
  21. You're only gay if you reach around.
  22. My research of last year was that even more than in most places, you really have to be on the ground, asking around in Koh-P. I pay 14K to be next to Nimman1 mall in Chiang Mai. It's pretty small, which suits me fine, but I can't beat the location for eating out, meetups, etc.
  23. 'Lived in England for 8 years, never enjoyed booze much, became a slobbering drunk there. Brit pub culture is a thing of great beauty, and I am grateful to be far away from it.
  24. I'm going to say I have 2 on the shelf if my wife gets hit by a bus. But the kind of Thai woman who I would actually press the button on pretty much doesn't exist or I could not get due to Asian-competition: Arty, well-travelled, very good looking, sweet-natured, western-style Buddhist. So my wife sleeps easily at night.
  25. I am here with my older (61) American wife. I def get some flirtation from mid-tier Thai women, but its pretty much due to the status and novelty that come with that. Were she to disappear, that status, novelty and flirtation would disappear too.
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