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Everything posted by Njoku

  1. And dont be late, first time I had to do a 90 day report the fine was 2000, today I was rejected online, turns out I got the dates wrong now 2 weeks late, fine is 5000 now, I reach out to the Aussies who left AU saying its a nanny state, mate we are in Nazi Germany here, 1984, they want to know where you are all the time...add the reems of photocopies they want you to supply every time you walk into an immigration centre.
  2. Beggars cant be choosy, if you are Aussie then Tinnys will heal the belly, you kiwi's must be hard to please the pastry is fine and I only buy the pepper steak that has chunky beef and sells around 170, dont know what you paid 200 for, might surprise you what a meat pie costs back home these days, and anyway maybe 4 times a year...I get a taste of home.
  3. The poster needs to chill you aint back in the home country anymore, I got my leg burnt once when a p.r.c.k on a motor bike on the footpath in BKK zoomed past me zig zagging between pedestrians, frigging hurt but he didnt care. Dont know why you think they even think they have issues to sort out here, Thai style is "just accept" Ive given up on getting moody over the pot holed roads of Pattaya, getting thrown around on my bike, I splashed out and bought a tread mill after tripping once to often on there s.h.i.t footpaths... Long weekend, events, I hole up in my condo till its over.
  4. When I want to buzzzzzzzz I listen to stuff like this.... Seen them twice live in Melbourne AU, nothing shorter than 10 min..
  5. Njoku


    Thaicarpenter had an interesting jig set up that bolted a Makita 190B planer to it to act like this planer... Ps in Australia this is a planer..not a jointer.
  6. Njoku


    Depends what country you are from, Ive certainly heard the term jointer used for a biscuit jointer before. I went to the shop its west of BKK about 1 hr from city centre, not aware they have a factory, they seem to run some woodworking classes out of there but I could be wrong, there appears to be a lively hobby group a few guys walking out with what were small bench jigs and the like made for some of the gear they sell there. My main reason to go there was to check out there track saw and in particular the track and there lengths and how they joined them, and a compound mitre saw. Nothing like the tool shops back home but there got what I need.
  7. You want a caulk not silicon, not seen here mould resistant silicon, the readily available one gradually goes yellow, I bought a tube of Sika (brand name) that has a range of silicons and caulks, get at any half decent hardware store, white black I think and clear, does not shrink best used around counter tops and showers, or try a roofers silicon that should stick anything and should not shrink or crack should be just as affective as Sika caulk/silicon.
  8. The chicken I buy is tender, stop buying in markets, maybe an over grown coffee grinder might do the trick for you.
  9. Njoku


    Im aussie and suspected it was a Biscuit jointer that Charlie sent a link too, nothing to do with planing, I was at the Thaicarpenter close to BKK a week back, he sells decent stuff, unless your going into production what he has is more than good enough.
  10. You are a dreamer, they make it easy for you to spend, customer service is excellent if you are trying to spend money in there store, they fall down badly in consumer rights, fall down badly when you have an issue with a service they provided, my recent experience with a big box retailer was horrible, severely screwed around for 3 months then someone in electrical department makes a ruling on my plumbing issue, add poor product knowledge then throwing in there customer complaints email address, bounces my email back saying I am not authorised to email them...hows that for forward thinking in the 21st century? If you keep it simple you have less issues here hey? There got a long way to go before that govement minister of previous government gets to see BKK as the Louis Vuitton of the east.
  11. Well you can take it with a grain of salt what there saying here, my TGF went to BKK hospital Pattaya recently and here bill seemed around what I would have paid, its maybe the fact she had private health cover she was robbed too?
  12. I bought an air purifier last year, I lock myself in my condo and run it with the air con.
  13. Where I totally agree with you on the panic that has set in over this and the many half truths etc its still a fact that living here over 180 days that you remit funds into the country and can be shown ie in a Thai bank account, the need to lodge a tax return is required, absolutely no way around that, for those that are bullet proof and want to ignore, go right ahead, as in my country my accountant TGF told me there tax office is linked to Finacial institutions here just like back home, by all means if you like living on the edge and maybe one day get a call or face a new requirement, just do it dont lodge, a lot of the discussion has been about what they could do to make expats comply, we are a soft target, what does it take for there government which ever department to issue a directive, example, to Immigration for an expat on his second or longer long stay visa to supply a clearance letter from there tax office when reapplying? They dont have to do much at all, everyones falling into line lodging there 90 days reports, you do it without thinking, we doing it with the a bank letter now, come on man the Thai love affair with paper work is real. My TGF company had to rent a building, 4 floors, I popped in one day, there they where the accounting staff lugging boxes of original recites up 4 floors, (she said when I asked why not data entry into a pc, must be originals and in paper form government requirement) carried a few boxes then bid my farewell, they have to store 10 ys worth, had run out of space at there offices and there offices are hugh, They dont care, can go back 10 ys, they might not bother with you then they might bother with you down the track, pretty easy to look at say retired expats here, we are on lists in there system, every 90 days you update where you are to just pick a name at random and ask them to pop in... In this particular threads its not panic or scare mongering it's a discussion where a few just dont want to discuss they just rubbish everything being put up that inflames others, I bet 80% of those guys end up lodging, armchair warriors they are, typical wingers blowing off steam down the pub, sack the manager cause they lost 3 games in a row type of guys... The smarter people here will just lodge a tax return and restructure there affairs to pay little or no tax just like you do back home, its not hard.
  14. I brought 850k in in just one transaction last year, from my understanding if it was from savings which it was its exempt from becoming taxable, of course if they ask to see your local bank statements they will see the 850k they will expect you to be able to prove that funds did come from savings from AU, I printed out my AU bank statement for 2023 showing the funds and the withdrawal, if asked if thats enough is the 65,000$ question, knowing there affinity with paper work im pretty sure there likely to ask me to get a bank letter from my AU bank to verify or something along those lines. If they audit you your going to have to be able to prove it, because at some point savings will have gone and it becomes saved income from Jan 1 2024. The TGF who is an accountant when I asked said she does not need to supply bank statements when lodging her tax return, but all her bank etc financials well most of them are linked to the revenue department which is the same back in AU (for those that thought they were living in sleep hollow even Thais own computers) she also said she can claim all the insurance policies she has, saving and medical, she will ask the revenue department when I apply for a TIN soon if I can claim the premium I payed for my hospital insurance, I will ask or she will what else is claimable in my cirumstances, I was quite surprised what miss can claim.
  15. Hahaha, bet your a climate denier, a flat earthed, covid was a ruse to inject people with tracking devices etc... Hands on ears...it will all go away soon...
  16. Im under the impression that amount has to be in your name only, get a will. Another good reason to have it in your name only is even though you think you know your wife there was a case once in here where the mrs had access to the masters bank account, coming up for visa renewal he realised she had spend the bulk of those funds putting him in the pickle. May not have had any malice intended but do we need problems in our old age?
  17. what he's trying to say is one day you visit your immigration centre to renew your long stay visa and wo and behold this particular centre not only requires a bank letter but a letter from there tax office as well...it might not be law now but the Pattaya one is well known for adding extras at there wim, and yeah one day even though your up on your soap box in utter denial over this they with a stroke of a pen legislate and give authority to the Tax office to "collect" in various ways. I wouldn't want to be trying to orginze years of lodging tax returns with one or two weeks left on my visa. Dont know why it's so hard for people to accept, it's no big deal to lodge a tax return. Go home England will welcome you back..
  18. Parliament has the power to legislate into law a number of options once them deem them necessary, these guys are living in Lala land if they think that cant happen, there only hope is to die or leave before that day arrives.
  19. We have a bird in Australia called an Ostrich it too hides its head in a hole in the ground when it fears/hears things it does not want to... We all wish that you are right but theres nothing like knowing I wont have anything to worry about in the future hey?
  20. You ask "If the task of seeking out people is more trouble than is justified by the amount collected", you seem to forget those tax officials earn somewhere around 20,000 a month, god dam right your worth looking into.,
  21. Its pretty easy to see you are as thick as a brick even with it written out plainly for you to see where it could go. After everything Briggsy mentioned most tax offices work the same way, FINES that wont get reversed for failure to lodge, its 2000 if you miss a 90 day report, interest on tax not paid plus the tax they deem you owe, then you are on there radar for life, add the reems of paper work you might need to come up with with short notice given, might never come to this might be 5 or 10 ys time, if you structure your affairs better you can minimise the tax to zero even get a refund. I wont be tempting fate over a simple lodging of a tax form where im confident to pay little tax this year and refunds for the future. Ps they already ask for a bank letter and they want your bank statements to check and we know certain immigration centres add a few extras like wanting to see your bank book 90 days after your new long stay extension so you think a clearnece letter from the Tax office couldn't be included easily?
  22. Dont know why you are surprised about that, its common with 80% of Thais you deal with that product knowledge is close to zero, Ive had numerous run ins with people who know jack poo about what there selling or meant to be offering a service for, most cannot problem solve, seen 5 of them scratching there heads and talking for 10 min on a poorly fitting counter top, didnt know how to proceed witnessed that myself, thats just one example, anything more than ordering a meal can turn into a marathon event here. The point is they become very ridgid because they think they know when they dont and put you through hell cause they dont have the ability or training to think, "hey I should check I might have it wrong"
  23. Since the Stone Age, spoils to the victor, show me anywhere in the world where this is not so? Apart from that if you want to go back in time those Palestinians are brothers to the Jews as the father to both where the same.
  24. Says someone who has trust issues and cant distinguish between a monkey from an elephant..
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