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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. “Oh my God, Bernie! You’re wearing one of my nylons?”
  2. “Whoa! Whoa! C’mon, you guys! This is just a friendly game of cards—ease up on those acid-filled beakers.”
  3. My god! Is that place still running? Is the downstairs Irish Pub still there? Haven't been back to Singapore for ages.
  4. Upon inspecting the stolen minibus, authorities found 2,000 baht in cash under the driver’s seat, though it was unclear if it belonged to the vehicle’s owner. The money was seized for investigation. Yeah Right! Donuts for smoko anyone?
  5. So Patong will be without nights until the fellow stumps up with where he hid them... Could be some long days ahead! (Unless he just stole a couple of hours)
  6. The officer explained to his boss that it all started off innocently. He arrived at the residence not realising his zipper was undone and willy hanging out. When she opened the gate he said " You Wannachoo?" It went downhill from there...
  7. That was better than some Hollywood movies! Idiot speeding (Probably faulty brakes) Hits 2 vehicles and flips onto one which promptly puts him over the side of the bridge. I imagine anyone below the bridge would have been in for a shock. 21yr old driver travelling way too fast for the conditions. Dumb arse.
  8. The only reason why these 'enforcers' are sorry is because they got caught on camera. No doubt they will have a cooling down period, and be back on the beat shortly thereafter
  9. Open the gates and let more Russian thugs in, to do jobs reserved for Thai until they get caught.
  10. Well pointed out... naturally photo is for reference purposes only. They can't even get that right!
  11. Cut theses trannys koks off and feed them to the seagulls.
  12. Was that those places on CM land /Chang Klan road? Always had the pretty girls outside. Kareoke joints. Shady as a 2 bob watch that outfit. Many foreigners got beaten up in those places. I escaped from there once.... Long story but never went back.
  13. Reset your phone or computer. I had some problems over the last few days too. If you have an app it may also help to re install it. Mines OK now
  14. Not another tip off from a fellow competitor? Who would have guessed.
  15. And pray tell what else was he just practising? Wouldn't have been hide the sausage by any chance?
  16. Well I was nearly 100% correct He we see 3 Wai's men... but not very wise.
  17. Certainly a nasty kick to the prone guys head. Could have killed him. When drinking, either pay as you go or check your tab each time. Simple way to track the bill. And don't get so drunk you make an arse of yourself! The on call security will be rounded up and spoken to... A few wai's and a bit of tea money all will be forgotten. Next!
  18. Maybe they should look in a dictionary: verb (especially of a large group of people) rush around in a violent and uncontrollable manner. "several thousand demonstrators rampaged through the city" synonyms: rush wildly/madly, riot, run riot, go on the rampage, run amok, go berserk, storm, charge, tear, rave, steam noun a period of violent and uncontrollable behavior, typically involving a large group of people. "youths went on a rampage and wrecked a classroom" synonyms: berserk, out of control, wild, violent, frenzied, running amok, rioting, riotous, destructive, rampaging, postal
  19. Is this in line with an old saying: "I don't give a purple piss" Meaning "I don't care". For example 'I don't give a purple piss what you think' Haven't heard that saying for years...at least 40.
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