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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. Cut theses trannys koks off and feed them to the seagulls.
  2. Was that those places on CM land /Chang Klan road? Always had the pretty girls outside. Kareoke joints. Shady as a 2 bob watch that outfit. Many foreigners got beaten up in those places. I escaped from there once.... Long story but never went back.
  3. Reset your phone or computer. I had some problems over the last few days too. If you have an app it may also help to re install it. Mines OK now
  4. Not another tip off from a fellow competitor? Who would have guessed.
  5. And pray tell what else was he just practising? Wouldn't have been hide the sausage by any chance?
  6. Well I was nearly 100% correct He we see 3 Wai's men... but not very wise.
  7. Certainly a nasty kick to the prone guys head. Could have killed him. When drinking, either pay as you go or check your tab each time. Simple way to track the bill. And don't get so drunk you make an arse of yourself! The on call security will be rounded up and spoken to... A few wai's and a bit of tea money all will be forgotten. Next!
  8. Maybe they should look in a dictionary: verb (especially of a large group of people) rush around in a violent and uncontrollable manner. "several thousand demonstrators rampaged through the city" synonyms: rush wildly/madly, riot, run riot, go on the rampage, run amok, go berserk, storm, charge, tear, rave, steam noun a period of violent and uncontrollable behavior, typically involving a large group of people. "youths went on a rampage and wrecked a classroom" synonyms: berserk, out of control, wild, violent, frenzied, running amok, rioting, riotous, destructive, rampaging, postal
  9. Is this in line with an old saying: "I don't give a purple piss" Meaning "I don't care". For example 'I don't give a purple piss what you think' Haven't heard that saying for years...at least 40.
  10. The cops will tell you to take your Willie out of the aubergine first, and then have a piss.
  11. In a seperate incident that also caught headlines.... Oh so now it's time to regurgitate an old story? This occurred a few weeks ago. Or was it because the incident involved another Belgium citizen (Albeit the victim of a jealous boyfriend)
  12. Another repeat joke... still not overly funny. Sorry
  13. Get PEA to check your meter and also to see if some mongrel has tapped into it. Something seems wrong.
  14. I believe in NZ and Aussie it's a saliva test for drugs. That's all I know... You test positive and you don't drive. Don't know if there are blood tests that may follow on afterwards. With alcohol you are given an option for blood test... But you pay for that.
  15. NZ is a great place to visit. Bloody expensive but reasonably clean and tidy. It seems as if the minority now control the country to the detriment of everyone else. The me too movement hasnt really helped those with a legitimate claim. Just more dole budging arse wipes who try and jump onto the band wagon for a free pay out... And often succeed. Luckily it ain't as bad as the UK but it's moving in that direction. I had more of a culture shock returning to NZ when working in the Middle East. It's not the place I grew up in. It's gone backwards.
  16. So you think she's a bit sassy huh? You better perform or she'll give you the finger too!
  17. Bloody hell, so the rules are very loose. No wonder these 'accidents' occur. But in saying that, back home we used to have a standard for lpg cylinders (not unlike the gas cylinders we use here for cooking). It revolved around manufacturers date and after a certain time you had to get the cylinder pressure tested and re-stamped with the test date. If your cylinder wasn't current then nobody would fill it. Then it all changed. No more refilling. It became swap a cylinder. And responsibility for testing lay with the provider. No more did the consumer have to worry/pay for testing. Damn good too. However NZ is in the process of ceasing use of lpg. Gas stoves are on the way out. Price of gas is increasing. Personally it's a sad state of affairs but the government is too busy trying to appease all the tree hugging voters! (Greenies)
  18. Correct... It wasn't. All it stated was that could be a fine upto 5000 baht. I was thinking the same.
  19. Maybe this was the driver when dressed in character: AKA: Hong Kong Phooey
  20. I'd raised this point once before. A different incident where it was stated that the limit was 0.5 milligrams percent and the drunk driver was over the limit at 0.110 By my maths 0.110 has aways been less than 0.5 Another member on AN said I was stupid if I couldn't work it out! It's a weird system. 0.5.is the same as 0.500 go figure? Percentage of alcohol per litre of breath is used in NZ. Limit of 250 micrograms. There is also another scale for blood tests.
  21. My point is: Perhaps they are not 100% happy with Thailand and need an excuse (or push) to finally move elsewhere. (like a straw that broke the camels back)
  22. Maybe they are just needing an excuse to get off their keesters and actually do it?
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