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Everything posted by bunnydrops

  1. Wow, you have jumped into the Thai life style. I felt bad that I had to refuse the field rat that my brother in law offered me for lunch. I heard that "IF" the palaa is fermented long enough, it does kill the flukes, but that is rarely the case of the stuff sold by the local sellers at the market. I just saw how old this post is.
  2. If the girl was old enough. and was hit by someone running a red light would still think she would be 50% to blame? The accident was 100% his fault. The under age girl is another matter.
  3. This maybe better https://tha.sika.com/en/construction/roof-systems/thermal-insulation.html The problem is that they are very flamable and would need to be covered with something like gibson board
  4. This is as close as I can find that might work http://www.thaifoamgroup.com/index.php/product/foam-sheet
  5. I loved the 60's, Painted VW bus, hair halfway down my back, I was there, Haight Ashbury, The Sunset Strip. Sitting across from The Birds and Bob Dylan at Canters Deli. Hitch a ride with Elvis on his way to the movie studio. Held the door open for Ray Charles at some converted railcar diner on the strip. "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you are with". 70s, not so much, Disco and Polyester. 80s, building log cabins in Sun Valley, 90s started my own construction company.
  6. I was a Navy brat. My grandfather was one of the last horse soldiers, I sold papers in the mess hall. The last thing I ever wanted to be was in the military. I was drafted, waiting for the bus to go to Fort Ord. They had 3 people too many and they called out my name as one to come in next the next month. I walked up to the guy at the desk and told him there was no way I will come back in here on my own two feet. He slid a sheet of paper across the desk and said " Write that down and sign it." I did, he said I was free to go. I waited at home, sure I would be taken away, but instead they gave me a 1Y. That was in early 68.
  7. Sorry, I'm not understanding what you want. Are you looking to cut out the noise around you so you can concentrate, OR are you looking to cut noise the mic receives.
  8. I read his explanation. Almost as obscure as the cartoon. I think that was the point. It was a kind of "one hand clapping"
  9. I believe those are called D-traps in the states. They are not legal there either. I have one under my bath room sink. They work well, just remember to clean them from time to time.
  10. IF the mother will marry you and let you live in her house. The marriage visa is the way to go. I live rural and have an income of 40,000/month and rarely spend that much even paying for one of my wife's sister twin daughters though the university. But if you are going to live in a city and pay rent, that would be very tough.
  11. So few in this modern world even know there is a night sky to protect. When not looking at their screens, they look up to see a street light.
  12. "The time has come," the Walrus said, "To talk of many things: Of shoes—and ships—and sealing-wax— Of cabbages—and kings— And why the sea is boiling hot— And whether pigs have wings."
  13. Only if it has moving mouth parts.
  14. There are subdivisions here in Thailand where a farang can buy the house with a long term renewable lease. Kind of like buying a condo, you don't own the land that it is on.
  15. I don't think there is a law about driving or riding a bike without footwear, but I believe it is unlawful to drive a car or ride a MB without a shirt. A few years back I saw a Thai on a MB wearing a pot on his head. Made me wonder what the definition of "helmet" was in Thailand.
  16. I think he meant back in the kitchen. They add sugar to offset the salty fish sauce
  17. The motor bike did its part. Unless they are at the mall, they do not do much walking anymore.
  18. I liked the part where he gets in a huff about farangs getting into a huff because he ignores them. I'm sure they didn't know how lucky they were.
  19. The one I am talking about is also over 80. I am mid 70's and have been spending half my time in Thailand and the US. This is planned to be my last year to return to the US. Not a easy decision. I'm on fixed income. The cost to live in the US is really high. Just looking at menu prices from 3 years ago, now twice as high. Food from the market at least 50% higher.
  20. Soon to hate the cold and damp? I know a guy from the UK that has told me a number of times he isn't coming back. So far he always has. Now he says he won't be going back to the UK. Time will tell.
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