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Everything posted by bunnydrops

  1. I really like the Tokays also except when they find a hole into my attic. The Thais are afraid of them. When they were children they were told that if they are bad the ToKays will come to get them. As far as your mating call, has it worked with anything else?
  2. No, you can't really hear it, but there seems to be a low hum.
  3. I just want to add that they are not 100% effective. I have used them on my peddle bike to stop dogs from chasing me. Some dogs (usually older and larger) don't seem to hear it, and some get used to it. They work really well on younger dogs, sometimes yelping in pain.
  4. It seems that English is not your first language and it is hard to understand what you are asking. Let's clear things up. Are talking about one person who came into the UK on a UK pp.? Does this person have both Thai and UK PPs? If you are a Thai citizen and you enter Thailand with UK PP. Thailand will label you as UK citizen, and you will need a visa or visa on arrival. You will then have to leave on that PP at the end of the visa even if you are also a Thai citizen. If you enter on Thai PP, Thailand sees you as Thai. You can stay in Thailand as long as you want. Then when you leave you use your Thai PP to board the plane. Then when you arrive back in the UK, you show your UK PP at UK immigration. It will not matter if it is close to expiring since you are not traveling on it.
  5. He died several months back. Missed!
  6. Not UK but US. My wife dual citizen, flies out from US on Thai PP, enters Thailand Thai PP, leaves Thailand Thai PP, enters US US PP.
  7. What is the active ingredient? Ivermectin which is used for head lice is in one ant power at 1%. I (not a doctor) wouldn't think it was very toxic to animals in small doses.
  8. Kind of odd. I added to my Wise account 3 days ago ($1000). The money showed in my wise account in seconds and a day before WF bank posted the transaction.
  9. Same stories as above. I tried to get my wife a tourist visa twice, but failed. I know a woman in her 50s who owned a company with 10 employees that failed. Then again I know a 20-something, that got a 10-year visa. (although on her second visit, it was taken away from her and told she would have to apply again next time.)
  10. It was some years back. At some point, I misread that my DL was to expire in 2016 when it was to expire in 2015. During the year it expired, I got stopped twice where I had to show it, one in which I got ticketed for not having my seatbelt on. Neither time did they inform me that my DL had expired. Just luck I guess.
  11. Need a better fan
  12. Thailand is still a place you need to watch closely where you take your next step.
  13. Shoot the messenger if you want. The message is still the same as told to me at Korat Immigration. I said no more or less.
  14. The Lesbians wanted one that licked crotches? Was it a boy or a girl?
  15. That is why I was being clear the information was from Korat. They just said reinstated after Covid.
  16. Korat. The last time I returned (6 months ago) Immigration told my wife that we had to fill out a new TM30 every time we left the country. The requirement was lifted during Covid but was now reinstated.
  17. Yes, one toilet. That reminded me of something else about that stay. Every day a woman around 50 years old would come with what I believe were young nursing students. The girls (about 10 of them) would surround my bed and the older one would ask me questions in Enghish. "Have you had a pee and poop yet Baby?", "Have you washed up yet Baby?". She would tell the girls what I answered and all the girls would smile at me in approval. The "Baby" bit was a little disarming🫤.
  18. I think I was the only one in the room that had one. Not sure what the others were in for except one had a broken leg.
  19. No, mine was laparoscopic. 2 or 3 small holes. But like I said around 6 years ago. Can't even find them now. Just want to add it was at Suranari Korat
  20. I had mine done at the government hospital for around 25k. The two downsides, they use gas to put you under, and you are put in a room with 5 others afterward.
  21. I have used this guy often to drive me from Phimai to Bangkok. He is stationed in Bangkok and drives out to pick me up. My cost is just under 4000. He is a good driver, not crazy. Glad to stop any time to pick up a coffee or use the toilet. PM me for his name and number. Have your wife talk to him as I don't think his English is very good.
  22. When you get to a wifi shop check out this site to find out how to set up the Telstra phone for roaming. https://www.telstra.com.au/international-roaming
  23. We have those white lines in my town also. They may as well not be there as no one seems to pay attention to them. It seems that there is one poster here that claims to not pay attention to them.
  24. They say in the womb we all start out as female.
  25. Back home a crow would bring walnuts from a tree about 100 m away drop them on the road, sit on a fence post and wait for a car to come by and run over it. When out walking if I saw one on the road I would crack it open for it. It was not long until when he saw me coming, he would drop one in front of me. They say crows can recognize faces and can hold a grudge against an individual.
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