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Everything posted by bunnydrops

  1. I didn't take part in this Poll. Still to close to call. One thing of interest that I have seen in the polls is that when the pollsters do both the LV (likely voters) and the RV ( registered voters) simultaneously, Trump wins by +1 in the LV but Harris wins by +2 or more in the RV poll. The LV polls only count voters who voted in the last two national elections, whereas the RV includes registered voters who are first-time voters who were too young to vote before and voters who did not vote in the last two elections. The turnout will mean a lot this time around.
  2. His lackeys are helping him sell some. I wonder if the Republican State Superintendent gets a cut. https://apnews.com/article/oklahoma-bible-schools-trump-endorsed-f8001269aadca5b41712c6ec80e34f69
  3. Another one https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/10/01/tesla-ev-fire-flooding/75468212007/
  4. 2. Jewish adults identify predominantly as liberal and with the Democratic Party 3. Jewish adults are also more likely to identify as Democrats and liberal when compared to the national average. https://ajpp.brandeis.edu/documents/2020/nationalprofileofthejewishelectoratein2020.pdf
  5. No, that is just his stand in and food taster.
  6. As the Ferengi say "Where's the profit?" Once you have all the money the only thing left to gain is Power!
  7. This site raises my blood pressure often. If you have a weak heart--- best to stay clear!
  8. Yes, but now we have that pan calling the kettle black.. I have no doubt you would have defended his use of FEMA funds then. Trump took the money. Congress allotted the money this time, not Biden or Harris.
  9. It is not the first time Someone has taken money from FEMA https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/09/11/femas-budget-cut-10-million-support-ice-documents-show/1274723002/
  10. FEMA is always slow walking. I lost 2/3 of my house to a flood in 2000. FEMA showed up about a week later wanting to know if we needed any help. By then a local B&B gave my then-girlfriend and her son a place for free. I stayed in the last part of the house that wasn't damaged and had a wood stove (it was in January, Oregon). Went to ask FEMA a question, and the woman at the desk told me I had to pay $75 to make an appointment, almost two weeks out. Went to the appointment. The same woman that told me I had to make the appointment met me at the meeting and told me I would have to fill out some forms and send them in. At that point I gave up on any help from them.
  11. Its not clear if Trump was successful, but he gave it a good try.
  12. Maybe I am missing something in your line of thought, but Tiananmen Square is in Beijing, not Hong Kong.
  13. Border walls https://www.texasobserver.org/engineer-who-helped-build-the-wall-details-its-weaknesses/
  14. Statement from DHS 9/30/24 https://www.dhs.gov/news/2024/09/30/statement-secretary-alejandro-n-mayorkas-biden-harris-administrations-securing
  15. As you can see from the graph, the number of unauthorized immigrants in the US has remained about the same for many years. Nobody made a stink about the big increase from 1990 until 2007. Only when a certain someone wanted to make a political issue out of it did it become an issue. Of the 2.x million is an estimated 600,000 slipped through without detection, and there is a large number of repeat offenders, so the number of new offenders can't be known. When I was still in high school, I had to work in the fields harvesting green beans and strawberries. I worked alone side many illegals that came to work. None of them stayed and returned to Mexico after the season. The number of those workers that leave the country are also uncounted.
  16. I believe all Visa cards have the same rate. At the moment Bht to US 31.64. 09/29
  17. You do remember that Trump lost Georgia by 12000 votes. That was .0012% of almost 11 million of the state's population. Or Gore's loosing Florida by 537 out of 582000. A few votes can make a big difference.
  18. OK, do you want to match with 16 from the right?
  19. Father died at 35 in a car accident along with his father. His younger brother who was driving survived. My poor mother was told she had 6 months to live with lung cancer, went home, within 2 weeks had a stroke, survived that, died a month later with a heart attack at 71. My younger brother died of liver cancer at 74.
  20. The mother should receive some praise also!
  21. Had mine done by Laparoscopic surgery at a government hospital for less than 30K about 5 years ago. Downside was I didn't get a private room for the 2-day stay, and the nurse kept calling me "baby".
  22. Yes Brazil is still thanking us for that one. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/10/11/trump-trade-war-delivers-farm-boom-in-brazil-gloom-in-iowa.html
  23. No debt at all at the moment. I did buy a car on time about 8 years ago. Before that only on machinery for my work that brought in more work and income than the machinery cost.
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