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Everything posted by bunnydrops

  1. I am not sure how this machine works, but It should return the money before he gets his card back and if there is money still in the machine, it should have locked access to it until the original card is reinserted. If the machine returned his money before he got his card back, how did he miss it.
  2. So--- If you and your GF are sure she wasn't driving------------------ Get out the CC cards.
  3. Hang in there! As they say "Getting old isn't for the timid!". Good luck with the tests.
  4. Reminds me of when my wife and I went shopping for a bed side lamp at one of the big box stores. We found one we liked and call over a staff member who told us " That one is not for sale, it is only for show."
  5. A civil case like E. Jean Carroll E. Vs Trump, No sleight of hand payments.
  6. 12 years here, nothing except a neighbor stealing limes. In the US (NW) nothing since around 1970. I spend 6 months a year in both the US and Thailand. In the US, I don't lock my house ever. Don't know where the key is. In Thailand, my wife and her family think there is a thief around every corner and everything is locked up.
  7. I wouldn't be surprised at all if all this had something to do with the new tax law. More bookkeeping on the Thai side
  8. Yes, I guess lying on a form could be called a paperwork error.
  9. Sorry to interrupt this little spat. But I found this of interest. It is from an opinion piece in the NYT suggesting Hunter Biden should take a plea deal in his upcoming case, but it would also pertain to DJT if he ever goes to court. "To bring federal charges, the Department of Justice manual advises that a prosecutor should believe that the defendant is guilty, that the prosecutor believes he has evidence that will prove the defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, and that the prosecutor believes that a reasonable jury would convict the defendant. In practice, this means that once the Department of Justice has indicted you, they believe they will win. And they almost always do. Over a 12-month period ending last fall, just 290 of the nearly 72,000 federal criminal defendants charged by the Justice Department were acquitted at trial. That’s less than one half of 1 percent. (Of course, only 1,379 were convicted at trial — a paltry 2 percent.) The vast majority facing a D.O.J. indictment decided either to plead guilty outright or accept a plea deal, believing that the prosecutor had correctly weighed their chances of winning in front of a jury before bringing the case in the first place."
  10. Trump's troubles aren't over yet. https://apnews.com/article/trump-tax-losses-audit-election-chicago-skyscraper-47729a0758e6b54aa06c075fc49c5c53
  11. " The rainman gave two cures and he said jump right in. One was Texas medicine and the other was just railroad gin. And like a fool, I mixed them and it strangled up my mind. Now people just get uglier and I have no sense of time" Bob Dylan
  12. I am sure the next time you find a 1000 baht note on the street you will turn it in at the nearest police station, or leave it there for the next law-abiding citizen to do the job.
  13. My understanding is you have 3 days to turn in found items of value. I admit I would have a hard time turning it into the police here. I doubt they would give a receipt, so you could keep it if nobody claims.
  14. I almost flipped a bike once hitting a Pepsi can that the wind blew into my path. Quite surprising what a little thing can do to a two-wheeled vehicle.
  15. I saw the video on Line. Two cars drove over it before the taxi driver stopped and picked it up. He then stops to get something to eat and puts the bag near a utility pole. When he leaves, he picks the bag up again and leaves.
  16. I used to tell people, I divided my life, not into which woman I was living with at the time, but which dog I had. The dogs lived with me for 14+ years each, the women only half as long.
  17. tough subject. I have had to do this myself in my lifetime. Remember people fall asleep and died in standed cars in snow storms. 🤨
  18. Try a different private if you really need private. Private can be expensive. I went to Saint Marys and got a quote of 200K for an operation a few years back. Had it done at the government hospital for 24k.
  19. I am a lucky one. No one in the family has asked for any money given to them. I have loaned them money, they paid it back with interest even when I told them it wasn't necessary. When I first moved out to the village, my wife's sister loaned me her truck to use since she did not need it in Bangkok. She wouldn't even let me pay for the insurance and upkeep. When I built my house, her brothers came and volunteered to labor and one did all the metal work on the wall and gate. Now, I am helping to put one of my wife's sisters girls through the Uni, and paid for my wife's mother's cataract surgery a couple of months ago. The brother who did the metalwork is now in bad health and has moved back to the village and is building a house. I know he is short of money to finish. He hasn't asked, but I will surely help. I don't think I will ever be able to repay all the help. Good people!
  20. To be truthful. I haven't heard much deeper conversation from the local farangs around here. They put me to sleep with endless talk about golf and Yes how hot it is.
  21. In the 12 years I have lived in Issan, I have never seen a "farm girl" wear cut-offs and halter tops.
  22. I had the same problem a couple of years ago. Immigration used to let me come in early if they had received the paperwork early (sometimes 2 weeks early) but they got anal-retentive and would only let me pick it up on the one day. I had to let the extension go and reapply since I had to leave the country to start work in the US.
  23. Back to Tokay. They must eat a lot of insects, but that leads to one of the biggest downsides. Massive amount of crap that if not washed off soon will stain the walls. Something else I have noticed in their call, when I was in the south of Thailand the call ended with many a Grr, Grr, Grr, but where I live in Essan, they rarely make that ending sound.
  24. I don't get it. 14 posts by people reading your post say they don't want to read your posts. Are these people masochistic or what?
  25. This is just for informational purposes, I am sure it is not your problem. A friend of mine, about ten years ago, felt a bit dizzy after we had dinner one day, and then his hearing started to go bad. In three months he was deaf. He never regained his hearing. He now has implants to pick up bone vibrations. Some kind of nerve damage.
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