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Everything posted by bunnydrops

  1. Too many factors. Do you have a family? Kids? Live in town or out in the sticks? Don't mind waiting in the rain or hot sun for a ride. I live rural and use the train to ride into the nearest cities (1 1/2 and 3 hrs away) and then the local transits if I am going to stay for more than a day. Locally I ride a bike as I am only 2 km from town WHEN it doesn't rain. I have a car similar to connda for the times I want to drive.
  2. Sent yesterday from US, 7 sec.
  3. Once, during my college days. My girlfriend Sally and I took this old man that lived in my apartment building, out to an "all you can eat" place that he liked. When it was time to leave I got up to go the the bathroom but there was a family with kids ahead of me, so by the time I got back, I saw our table had been cleared and Sally and the old guy were outside. I assumed Sally had paid so I went out also. It wasn't until the next day when I asked Sally how much I owed that we realized that neither of us had paid.
  4. Although I had seen those lessons, I never used them. It was more likely Pimsleur or Rosetta Stone.
  5. I remember once I was in a coffee shop in the US. There was a Thai man there, not sure from which part. I let him listen to some of the Thai lessons I had. He said he had never heard Thai spoken like that. Most of us know that Thai people change the R sound to L and where I live they drop the sound altogether. I am not surprised when they don't understand me as I speak mostly formal book-learned Thai with an accent.
  6. I lived on the Olympic Peninsula and do miss a lot about living there except for the cold damp winters. I still go back and stay in southern Oregon during the summer now for a few months where both my Thai wife and I have work. I always tell everyone when I am back there that I am a tourist in my own country as I have land and a house in Thailand and live in an apartment when I am back there. If we didn't have the work, we would not go back very often if at all. Every year I am in sticker shock when there, I cannot afford a good life there anymore.
  7. I'm American so I know the laws are different. I tried twice to get my girlfriend a tourist visa and failed. I was retired, so I came to Thailand and will got married. After 6 months, I was able to apply at the US embassy in Bangkok to fast-track her getting a spouse visa. I had the same problem as you since I had a good bit of money in the bank, I had no real income. I needed to find a financial sponsor. A friend of mine said he would do it and filled out all the papers. As it turned out, they didn't use him as a sponsor and let me sponsor her, but I think seeing someone else who was willing to help sponsor her helped.
  8. I want to get that T-shirt that says "It's really weird being the same age as old people"
  9. The second guy was probably pointing at your shoes for the other guy.
  10. Also, something to think about if you drink more than 4 cups a day is that unfiltered coffee raises your bad cholesterol levels.
  11. The best coffee I have ever had was made in a vacuum pot similar to this one on Amazon. Mine was an old one made of Pyrex and I left it on the heat too long and it exploded. I think the new glass is safer. https://www.amazon.com/Yama-Glass-Stovetop-Coffee-Siphon/dp/B002CVTKW4/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1PO3QS988BB9T&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.cvC7JHOgW8KUGJiCp3JeOtBFOgqPOloottQml48-9pa4vRLp92SH_W9MhuGuvzB1pCsrK9IblYrsbpmUT1D_UnLjTCIoMxIMQTv2AzZ-_wYOhlgp-gLeO1q6hSVXAC4b8PXN8oAL3jx3ttoXbHQsxvRQLZGuDqrqOUSPFax2uPo3O4EOKl3SG7niBaLbO-wbj3iN7US2ci_HeBOQpz-D_FsUtuGCPqAonHfdiorS0T1-YTeaDqZ6vRJFQ-RYDrOc70SuDhr1dwEGVo2KMA6UmRiGNqMYfiAg6DVp83ADvIE.T2mTYn70jolCBZshXuxvIgWB4KTnyVGaYBkoPKdgBP8&dib_tag=se&keywords=vacuum%2Bcoffee%2Bmaker&qid=1722391383&sr=8-2&th=1 If you want to impress your guest, try one of these Belgium coffee makers. https://www.amazon.com/Diguo-Belgian-Belgium-Retro-Style-Capacity/dp/B01MTOS32P?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&smid=A2HZ7WKEN4IWYQ&th=1
  12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schedule_F_appointment
  13. I haven't been to a LongJohns in 40 years. I did love the clam chowder. Met the founder once in Seattle, early 70s. They were just rolling out nationwide
  14. And if you don't make it, who is going to pay up?
  15. I don't go to CM immigration but where I go it is a good idea to get an appointment. It will put you in front of the line. With no appointment you will be in the first come first served line.
  16. Still, the question was "Will Trump devalue the dollar more than Biden?". The answer is that the dollar is stronger now than during Trump's term, so Biden didn't devalue the dollar. There is a good article on how Trump could do that On Bloomberg, but it is behind a paywall. Print more money, and get countries that need their currencies stronger for imports to help.
  17. Pick any other that you want, but the question was "Will Trump devalue the dollar more than Biden?"
  18. Yes https://www.marketwatch.com/story/trump-and-vance-want-a-weaker-u-s-dollar-be-careful-what-you-wish-for-5227209d Please note the value of the dollar from 2020 to now against the Trump years https://www.xe.com/currencycharts/?from=USD&to=THB&view=5Y
  19. Fringe far right MAGA attack Vance for marrying a Hindu. https://www.newsweek.com/jd-vance-wife-attacks-maga-trump-running-mate-1926194
  20. After reading all of this, I am going back to the Carnival Diet. A corndog, popcorn washed down with a good vintage soda. Maybe some cotton candy if I'm not going on the rides.
  21. The photo request is a bit odd. What would they match it up to? You could send a photo of Tom Selleck. How would they know it is not you?
  22. Sounds like the horse before the cart. I would think if 7/11 wanted to build a store out there they would buy. I can see them renting a space in town but why build a building on rented land?
  23. Wow, Having a bad day, are we?
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