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Everything posted by bunnydrops

  1. I am with you on that one. If nothing else, Imm work have more than just your word about the problem and may be able to get a short extension to work out the problem.
  2. I don't know if they have it in other countries, but some banks in the US will give you a one-time virtual card, or a card that can only be used with one location. The virtual card number is linked to your physical card. The "one-time" card is useful for once-in-a-while purchases. I have a different card number to pay True and another to pay the electric bill. The bank knows where to look for the problem if the card number gets snatched. EDIT I just wanted to add that each virtual card has a different number, security code, and expiration date.
  3. I heard years ago that a guy got arrested for going behind the bar to change the CD at his wife's business. It was assumed that the business stepped on some competition's toes. Locally a guy ran a bar for years without a permit. The Police told him as long as he didn't serve Thais, they would let him do it. His place was a ways out of town. The police bought beer there:)
  4. Maybe everyone there had appointments also.
  5. I remember some years ago, a CEO started the company's first meeting with the people he hired by saying "If I have done my job right, I'm the dumbest person in this room". That is a sign of real intelligence.
  6. You may have tried to do it online too soon.
  7. This time of year we have lots. At any one time, there are 6 or 7 on my gravel driveway. They are a bit skittish. Look at them wrong, and they are off. Unlike my favorite, the Zebra Doves which I almost step on every day.
  8. This is what happens when everyone thinks everyone is packing
  9. I shot my first gun when I was 6. My father was in the Shore Patrol. He would of course hold my hands, as his Navy issue was a bit heavy. We would shoot at man targets in the basement. He showed me how to disassemble, blue, and reassemble. Had my first rifle when I was 10. At that time I could walk downtown and buy bullets for it myself (needed a note from my mother to buy cigarettes for her). I find guns as a tool. Too many people now seem to think it is some sign of manhood. I don't hunt anymore, and I don't have a fox trying to get in the hen house anymore so I no longer need one. I have a friend who sleeps with one under his pillow. I just can't go there with that kind of paranoia. Once while hitchhiking, this guy picks us up. There were three of us so I sat in the back. The handgun that he had hidden under his seat had slid back onto the floor in front of me. I never said anything and left it there. I always wonder what went through his head when he found it.
  10. I am on consideration also. When I went in to get my extension, they saw my 90 day was up before my return for the extension and put a 90 day receipt in that is dated to end on the day I go in.
  11. To be clear. I keep the money on the Wise card in US dollars so I can get the 4.XX% interest. If I change some of the money to Baht, I lose the interest and I assume Wise at that point holds the Baht. Since I have never done it I don't know if the bank holding the dollars charges a fee when converting dollars on the card to Baht. Correct me if I am wrong here, but I have been told that when using a CC or debt from another country, if asked " do you want to pay in dollars or baht", always say dollars. You will get Visa/MC transfer rate. If you say baht, you will get the bank they are using's transfer rate which is usually a lot less.
  12. Well, not really. Wise is not a bank. The money is held in another US bank.
  13. Maybe because I have money on the Wise card, but Wise has transferred money in seconds and my bank didn't show the transfer to Wise happening to Wise until the next day.
  14. I have encountered maybe a half dozen in the act. One time I rounded a log on a beach, I could have stepped on them. I excused myself, told them I was just passing through, and to continue on. Ah, youth, I remember it well. I used to say it wasn't Spring until you had sex in the open air:)
  15. Agree! But I think they were from some other planet. They looked like amoebas
  16. I don't think I understand what that means. She didn't say what the police told her to say?
  17. I know of a big box hardware outlet where the bathrooms are in a separate building. They have no paper or air machine to dry your hands, only a single cloth towel hanging on a hook for everyone to use. Been that way for 10 years.
  18. Is someone thinking of writing a novel?
  19. Locally, the guys get together every week for 4 or 5 bottles of beer each. Talk for hours about nothing and run a running joke. Meet them somewhere for a coffee, they have nothing at all to say.
  20. In Korat immigration, they would not give me a re-entry permit while under consideration.
  21. Just something to consider. I have a pump connected to an above-ground tank. I started getting pulsing. I thought maybe I had a leak. What it turned out to be was an air leak between the tank and the pump. The pump was pulling harder than the tank could supply water and was sucking in air. I taped the joints on the pipe with electrical tape and the problem went away.
  22. Two things I have seen talked about in the past. One already mentioned. EV service station where the battery is removed, remaining power measured, and a charged battery inserted, you are charged the difference, plus a small replacement fee. You never own the battery. All done in less than 5 min. The second is all the advancements being made with capacitors. They could be put in the car roof, door panels, etc, instant charge, lighter than batteries
  23. I would have loved to read a forum like this back when we were moving from horse and buggy to the motorcar.
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