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Everything posted by bunnydrops

  1. Boys have been boys long before YouTube. Ever watch "The Little Rascals"? I bet even you took off your bowtie once in a while and have a story to tell.
  2. Come on. How can he remember all the women he has sexually assaulted? Give the guy a break!
  3. Same, Same, but different
  4. The link works and Thanks. I have had it since my late 50s. Most of the time I don't notice it, but it does seem to be getting louder now that I am in my late 70's. I find it gets worse if I have been wearing headphones for a long period.
  5. I thought it was in the price of the tourist visa!
  6. He needs to return the item. The police won't do anything. You offered to return the money, but he needs to return the item.
  7. How does he want to get the refund? Did he send the item back to you? Keep copies of the messages you send and the replies.
  8. One year I had turned in all the paperwork and was in consideration, but had to leave the country for three months before I could get the final. Had to start over.
  9. I don't think this one will be enforced. But as for the burning, it has all but stopped in my area (west of Phimai). Cane fields use stripper machines now to remove the leaf.
  10. Found shot dead on the mountain road between Oaxaca and the coast. Still had his wallet and the money in it. The only thing missing was his expensive touring bike.
  11. John Renbourn leo kottke
  12. Car accidents or crossing roads is not the same as being killed because someone wants what you are riding on. Yes, life is a risk, but it is best not to be walking around a ghetto wearing gold chains unless you have a lot of friends there. Sticking to the main roads, I guess not much trouble. Riding alone on "The roads less traveled" can be risky.
  13. I have seen them in one of the big box stores, my guess would be HomePro. I wanted to add that they are not very good if pumping water from a pond or well. The porous material clogs up over time.
  14. Two types from Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Orbit-56805-Precision-Sprinkler-Adjustable/dp/B07D49H9YG/ref=sr_1_16?crid=3OGUI0VK34FXH&keywords=adjustable%2Blawn%2Bsprinkler&qid=1704962249&sprefix=adjustable%2Blawn%2Caps%2C356&sr=8-16&th=1 https://www.amazon.com/Gilmour-819603-1001-Pattern-Impulse-Sprinkler/dp/B0036GA7K8/ref=sr_1_8?crid=3OGUI0VK34FXH&keywords=adjustable+lawn+sprinkler&qid=1704962249&sprefix=adjustable+lawn%2Caps%2C356&sr=8-8
  15. Surely one that someone won't think they need more than you. Sorry for the negativity, I lost a friend in another country for his pedal bike.
  16. Not just Filipino wives. It was always quiet in enlisted housing for a couple of weeks and then all hell would break loose. Com Pac wives. Many a divorce, when the boys came home.
  17. Too high-brow for me. This is about as classical as I get.
  18. Buddhism does not directly condemn prostitution, but the harm, deceit and disease caused by this occupation are acknowledged as dangerous
  19. She works all week and then has to travel home. It doesn't say what he is doing. It might be more relaxing if she came home less often,
  20. You tend to live a lot longer if you have insurance. Far less money to spend on your vices.
  21. I lived near the Canadian border during the time their show aired and could watch both the US version and the Canadian. The Canadian version was far less censored.
  22. We Of course, some will not do well in the labor market, but would they do better here? You seem to suggest they are working as singles instead of in a couple. I know many that are doing quite well. One with a 4th-grade Thai education, started at $11 an hr. doing landscape, but being a very hard worker was making $24 an hr in less than 4 years. Another got a job driving mail delivery for the US post office with all the benefits. You really have a very negative opinion of Thai women. As for the US marriage. As a US citizen, you are not allowed to have more than one spouse. If you have a wife in the US and you get a legal marriage here or in any other country, you can be prosecuted for bigamy.
  23. Out of the many that I know. Only one very young girl went into tears and returned after 2 months, ending the marriage.
  24. By US law, if you marry here (legal) you are married there, Although, they may not know. It is faster to get her a green card if you marry here and stay here 6 months before applying. I know people who went the K-1 route and have been in the US for over 2 years and still do not have a green card. ( They get a piece of paper that allows them to work and to travel to and from the US until their request is approved or rejected. Lots of info here https://www.visajourney.com/forums/forum/110-ir-1-cr-1-spouse-visa-process-amp-procedures/
  25. A sad ending to someone signing a piece of paper that they should not have done.
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