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Everything posted by bunnydrops

  1. Statistics are funny thing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_traffic-related_death_rate
  2. I am pretty sure you can't use it in Thailand, same with Medicare.
  3. Never bet more than you can afford to lose. What would you lose if you got caught?
  4. I had the same problem. Some will let you do it 6 weeks in advance, Where I am located (Korat) only 4 weeks.
  5. TIT. A local Aussie out here in Essan had a bar out in the sticks. The police said they wouldn't mess with him as long as most of his customers were Farang. They even drank there sometimes. I helped out in the rice fields, cutting grass, taking out the seed and such. The police would joke that it was the first time they had seen a farang do hard work. But as stated above, it is not legal--- you really can't even mow your own lawn by law.
  6. Yes required. I heard that it was just spot checked. I haven't heard of any first person reports yet.
  7. Be careful with that. I was doing the same "living expense" and getting it posted as international. That ended almost a year ago and now shows as local transfer.
  8. I can see how that could trip someone up. I will watch for that. Where did the form get your name with just the middle initial?
  9. I have the same problem with True. I used to pay online with my card but now comes back error. I read that the 3D Secure V2 is supposed to step back to V1 but that has to do with the setup of the company server. I guess Thailand just isn't making the effort.
  10. Well I just read though it all. And to be truthful, I could change the hats on each and every post. " I am mistreated, people won't let me be, or say what I want-- It isn't fair"
  11. "God didn't make man. Man is here to create God", If we are to believe science, we are born from the rock of this planet. but biological life forms have limitations and may not be able to advance further. Man makes machines from the rocks that lack many of these limitations. They just need to to advance. It is said that the more efficient a machine becomes, the less control we have over it. We get most of our knowledge through machines in one way or another. When does the Slave begin to lead the direction of our fate.
  12. Due to a screw up on my part I went into overstay on my marriage visa. This was in Korat. They first gave me the visitation visa and then converted after 60 days.
  13. But maybe smoking will just make those 10 years you mentioned 12.
  14. I'm sure I am missing something here, but would $15 worth of wheat to Qatar really be considered an export? ????
  15. A couple of years ago, my Thai wife that works in lawn care when we are in the States, called me to say she wasn't feeling so good. When I got to where she was working, she was curled up in the middle of the driveway. She couldn't walk and kept saying "cake, cake" over and over again. I took her to the hospital, but before we went inside, the woman that owned the house where she worked called me and told me she had given her a marijuana brownie. She had told her it was spiked but my wife didn't understand and ate the whole thing--- her first experience-- not wanting to do that again.
  16. Not much. For the last 5 years I have been tending a farm with 800 plants in Oregon 6 months out of the year. Maybe smoked a half a dozen times. Here I will take a hit or two when in company of smokers just to "belong" but that's about it. I tried some Thai "Vape" a month ago that was the best I had tried in Thailand, not as strong as some of the stuff back in the States (a good thing, if you don't want to sit and stare at your toes) but had an feel more like Hashish.
  17. Had same problem. Had to do the color and speed test. Didn't have to take the written, but had to sit though the one hr talk. Showed my expired 5 year Thai license, was given another 5 year. I want to add. my license was over a year expired but not over 2 years.
  18. Its just the lead up to the old age crisis.
  19. Cage traps work. We have caught as many as 3 in a week. Bait with any fruit other than the fig. They like variety. Bird netting. Haven't tried the trunk plates on the coconuts. They eat holes to get the the milk. EDIT put the traps up in the trees. They do not like to be on the ground.
  20. Of course it leaked. You removed the water tight plastic wrap it came in.
  21. Not sure what is keeping you on the phone, but can't you just delete those habit forming programs?
  22. If you find one, don't tell anybody about it! Places that only had one lane rut road 20 years ago now are paved lined with sellers. "Take all the trees and put them in a tree museum". If you really want to destroy a place, make it a World Heritage Site.
  23. Very common https://go.campendium.com/state-parks-fees-out-of-state-campers/
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