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Everything posted by bunnydrops

  1. Its just the lead up to the old age crisis.
  2. Cage traps work. We have caught as many as 3 in a week. Bait with any fruit other than the fig. They like variety. Bird netting. Haven't tried the trunk plates on the coconuts. They eat holes to get the the milk. EDIT put the traps up in the trees. They do not like to be on the ground.
  3. Of course it leaked. You removed the water tight plastic wrap it came in.
  4. Not sure what is keeping you on the phone, but can't you just delete those habit forming programs?
  5. If you find one, don't tell anybody about it! Places that only had one lane rut road 20 years ago now are paved lined with sellers. "Take all the trees and put them in a tree museum". If you really want to destroy a place, make it a World Heritage Site.
  6. Very common https://go.campendium.com/state-parks-fees-out-of-state-campers/
  7. I've been on the fence about it. On one hand it is good that they keep the price down so the average Thai can afford go and see their own parks, and the price a non Thai pays is still less than what he puts out in beer a day. But I thought the 10 times as it was in the pass was a bit steep. Would everyone be happier if the price was 10 times as high but "locals" got a 90% discount?
  8. I liked the place when I was there. At the time I thought about living there. But that was quite a while ago. I just watched a Youtube about the train trip though VangVieng Lao that I visited about the same time. When I was there it was a small village like Pai, mostly dirt roads. Now about 4 times the size and now "Just another Road Side Attraction".
  9. Check the price on the apps and then have someone that speaks Thai call them. Sometimes can get a better price.
  10. I believe this one goes up to 85 also https://ektatraveling.com/
  11. Yes they will tax-- but there are some tricks. She carry one as personal. You bring in checkin, cheap suitcase. Put the handbags in boxes of cheaper brands. Carry out suitcases separately ( separate from your wife with the handbag) I have hear they don't care about handbags costing less than 200,000 baht.
  12. I like Thai beer. After trying them all, I am down to drinking one bottle a week. Had to admit, none were enjoyable, but will give you a buzz.
  13. May be a confusion. Years ago someone showed me how to get a discounted rate by dialing 011 first ( may be a little different number, as I said "years ago"). I don't know if the service still exists.
  14. I would agree. The car is in the left lane and the truck is in the ditch on the left side.
  15. It could be a case of bad reporting, but "they were cuffed and ordered to remove their shirts which is when a gun was found. " sounds like they were cuffed before the gun was found.
  16. Cuffed for going the wrong way? Body searched for going the wrong way?
  17. I have always thought it was odd that the companies that sell metal roofing don't have continuous gutter machines. Some one could make a killing with one of those.
  18. Nice plastic down spouts????
  19. "When there are two, one must wait". Love is being able to wait. It took me 64 years before I was able to wait (to put someone else's desires above my own). Many romances that lasted 5 years until the other realized it was not going to go any farther. At 64, I decided that if I was going to marry, now was the time. 75 now, I love my wife-- I wait a lot.
  20. Some do make Laab with raw meat, but that is not what you usually find on the menu. The one with raw meat is called Laab Luuat
  21. I guess I will have to buy the starter. I was trying to make it from scratch. Like I said in an earlier post, it seemed to work for a few days, but then quit. I wondered if I had the container lid on too tight. I followed direction I found several places online.
  22. Sorry, but it reminds me of that old joke "Why are camels called Ships of the Desert?"
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