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Everything posted by bunnydrops

  1. Yes, put a no tipping sign outside, raise the price of the food and pay the staff more. Anyway, the way I heard it is that Thais will usually leave the coins and those that want every baht are considered "sticky s**ts". I usually leave something. I don't think it is good to over tip as it may look a bit condescending. My father who was in the Navy back in the 50's told me they were instructed to never let the Japanese see how much money you had in your wallet when buying something as they saw as an insult.
  2. That is part of the problem. The drink glass and a cigarette. Both are props. It is easy to sit with a beer in front of you for hours. Something to do with your hands. Its hard to sit and drink almost anything else for that long. Without the prop, you become uncomfortable.
  3. Them bones, them bones, them dry bones.
  4. I love the "why can't we get along" unless your an old guy with a young woman.
  5. My motor head days were over 1/2 a century ago. But about a year or so ago I saw a Thai pull into a station in a 1968 chevy impala running a 3/4 cam. I don't think I had heard one of those in just about as long.
  6. I learn to drive in a 47 dodge pickup and my step fathers 46? Ford flat head woody. My grandparents gave me their 49 Plymouth. First car I bought 53 Studebaker coup, followed by 57 Studebaker Silver Hawk. My first mc (really it was my younger brother's) was a 53 Harley with ape hangers (the smallest engine they made at the time, I don't remember). That got me into my 20's and ended my motor head days. Became a hippy and bought a VW bus that I painted.
  7. I am not sure if it is always the best to send a youth to Crime U. to learn from the pros. As the old saying goes. A good horse is one that reacts to the shadow of the whip.
  8. I remember reading once where I guy sold his new Cadillac for $50 because in the divorce settlement it had to be sold and she get half the money.
  9. Here in Issan this is how I have seen it addressed when it has to do with children. The police bring the families together, blame is established, apologizes are given, the victim's family makes a request for compensation, If it can't be negotiated and it is a criminal offense, the guilt is jailed. The police here do not like to send young people to jail.
  10. A great place for an acid trip,other than the forensic museum https://www.awaygowe.com/sala-keoku-the-other-buddha-park/.
  11. Being in construction in the states, you can almost feel the people who have you out just to get ideas on how to do it with no intention of having you do the work. To run up a bid on a custom house would take around 30hrs. One time I will never forget, we ran a bid on a custom home. There were 3 others bidding. 3 of us came in within $10,000, ours the lowest at around $320,000. The guy that got the job bid $260,000. The rest of us scratched our heads. It turned out that the guy was giving a completely different set of plans with lower specs.
  12. There is no edge. You pass though barrier that brings you to the other side of the flat earth. That is why if you keep going east you will return to where you started????
  13. I see how that could really backfire. He who laughs last laughs best.
  14. Talking to Thai's about the price of food is more exciting than talking to the local farangs in my area. Most are in "group think", their news from the same source. But will get into a lively conversation about their golf swing????
  15. Born poor, lived in a southern "Shotgun", no indoor plumbing, Grandfather would hunt rabbits for dinner. Been homeless, worked washing dishes, cannery, commercial fishing, Boeing, Crisis clinic. Started my own company, building log cabins, homes, doctor/ dentist offices, building custom cabinets. Never a "go getter" hit the Mexican beaches every winter for two months. Now 76, still work 6 months out of the year doing remodel work. still have my legs, so still do some work on the roof. I think this will be my last year, First and only marriage at 64. I loved my life.
  16. I'm in the sticks, Almost 700 a cube delivered.
  17. I went for years with the same 420K that was never touched. Never had a problem. Now my Wise transfers go into that account and I transfer all but the 420K out to another account when it arrives. Although it is not a requirement, I think they want to know how you get money to live, and checking to see if you are working here without a permit.
  18. In 14 years I have never had to bring proof the 400K was still in the bank when picking up the extension stamp (Korat). But I believe that it is recommend to keep it for the month in case the extension was rejected and you need to re-apply.
  19. First goal-- figure out how to get all the money I need for the rest of my goals.
  20. I think it could be a good idea, If you can speak Thai, I would go and ask some of the local drivers what they think. I am sure many would not like any new competition. Maybe depending on where you live, you could offer your service on ads at hotels frequented by tourist on call basis. Pin point your market and be less of a threat then you would be driving around looking for rides.
  21. They all got smart and left.
  22. Your mother never asked any questions?
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