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Everything posted by bunnydrops

  1. After re-reading your op I see what you did. You didn't say which e-visa you got, or what extension appointment you went to. I read it as you went for the extension of your old marriage extension. I see now that you got an marriage e-visa and then got an extension on that. I have had to do that myself. I didn't read the post about the other guy and why he needed to jump through a bunch of hoops to get his extension.
  2. Well, as the saying goes "It is not over till the fat lady sings." It still has to be looked at in Bangkok. You are still under consideration. Good Luck!
  3. I've seen that method used to drill shallow wells. Cut teeth on the end of a 2" pvc and make a clamp to twist the pipe, put a hose on the other end, and run the water down the pipe while twisting it back and forth. Pretty fast if there aren't any rocks.
  4. I wonder how they fed that many tigers, dogs? cats? ex mob members?
  5. They changed the video, cut the endless looking at the ground. From the skid mark, could have been a blowout.
  6. Not a hell of a lot. But that isn't the point of this conversation is it.
  7. Well, You have gotten me beat on the years in a Thai village, only 15 here. We must not live in the same village. I don't know any working bar girls so I can't speak for them. All the working girls I know from here send money back even though they may be only making 10-15000 in the city. As for the farang backrolling the parent's house-- That is still the daughter caring for her parents. I do agree with you that the custom is fading, western me, me, me, got to have, got to have mentality setting in.
  8. You have visited these "abject poverty" people?
  9. Maybe the same reason I can't get any of the guys to join my knitting Bee
  10. Was told the same at Korat. Before I left to go back to the States my wife was told that we would not have to a new tm-30 when we got back. After we returned ( 5 months) I saw someone on this forum got fined when he returned. We went in and were told that that was no longer true. It had been two weeks but they made out a new one without fining us.
  11. I can't help but think someone has made a mistake. If you are now married, how can you be free to marry? I remember having to get one of those to get married here in Thailand but I don't remember having to ever show it to Imm.. But it was 14 years ago, so maybe I just don't remember.
  12. When I moved here around 14 years ago, my wifes' sister gave me her truck to use for a year. She wouldn't let me pay for the upkeep and she had new tires put on. When I built my house her four brothers helped with labor for free. It's not always one-sided. Now, the twin daughters of one of my wife's sisters are going to the university. I pay for one of the dorm rooms (Although it is two to a room, the U won't let them room together???). One brother pays for the other, one bought them MB to use. It is one of the Thai customs that the west lacks. Everyone pitches in to help.
  13. On one of my first trips to Thailand, I remember looking the wrong way when stepping out into the street. Even now, when going and coming to my home country where we drive on the other side, it takes me about 3 days of careful driving to remember what lane to turn into at intersections.
  14. Where I live (rural near Pimai) you would mostly have to worry about the dogs. Not much crime here. The drug problem has gotten better, the better-known dealers felt it was getting too hot for them here and moved on. I think anyone seeing someone walking around at that time of night would think they must be up to no good.
  15. I'm sure it must be the photos, but to me, they don't look like the same snake in those two photos
  16. Mine works with her sisters, baking pasties that are sent and sold in Bangkok. When not doing that she is in the greenhouse tending the crop.
  17. Alvin Toffler's Future Shock written in 1970 pretty much explains what is happening. He is the one that coined "information overload".
  18. Jumping a meter in the air as a 2+meter snake as thick as my arm slid between my feet.
  19. I would go and not try and read too much into it. Yes, she does sound like she wants to get to know you better and maybe you would like to know her better. Just go, and after say "Thank you" and part ways.
  20. What was this post about? Oh yes, pickpocketing. So far only once has anyone tried here in Thailand. A woman sat next to me on a night bus. I had the window seat and I guess she thought I was asleep. I felt her hand slip down into my front pocket. I didn't move just to see how far she would go. She quickly removed her hand, got up and moved to another seat. As Red Skelton said, if she had reached deeper she would have felt real nuts.
  21. I heard this on a construction site. Two guys were having an argument, when one of the guys pulled the end from the retractable measuring tape on his belt and and put it up to the other guy's face, looked down to see what the measurement was, he said " Do you realize you are only 40 inches from being a Cxxx.Sxxxxx?"
  22. I think that is what I got, 12 years, and still no leaks. The ones we got are pretty large, with only one downspout for 10 meters, never overflowed, but will often fill a 3000-liter tank in a day.
  23. I think it is more like "You can't talk to a farang about anything, because they are close-minded, and think they already know everything"
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