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Part of his disguise in playing at being a cop. This after a real drunken cop was arrested in the same area yesterday for shooting and threatening the public. No wonder it's difficult to tell the difference.
The word notorious means this was not an uncommon episode. Why was no action taken prior to this one? I understand the common people are scared of him but refuse to believe his colleagues did not know he had a problem. Thai police have complete immunity until a major incident occurs; they strut their (armed) stuff about the neighbourhood intimidating and stealing goods with impunity. RTP has a Mafia reputation that is never tackled.
With all the information to hand + multiple CCTV camera footage I was confident the thief would be apprehended on Nov 21st. I am more confident about the theft on December 3rd. I await an early arrest.
I think many, in official capacities, don't see they are part of the wider picture; they are in their own closed space. Just as Thais will blunder into others without seeing them, officials have a very narrow concept of what their job entails.
I agree with the OP. Bedding is extremely expensive & (often) of poor quality. I bought my 100% cotton sheets from an Indian suppliers near TukCom. They tore very quickly. My TGF cut them and sewed them together. She sleeps muffled in a duvet and I get the (now) single sheet.
I would be grateful for a tip on where to buy the afore mentioned Chinese stuff.