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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. What does crypto currency look like? Can it be poured into a bag & loaded onto a pickup? I thought it only existed as figures in an online account?
  2. They have identified him, so watching the airports/land crossings for his passport would be a good start.
  3. Also likely; slow moving convoys of speaker vans forcing already chaotic traffic to a standstill emitting loud messages that no one can hear. We used to have the same with companies advertising their products till (most) executives (i.e. those with a brain) realised it was a pointless and infuriating exercise and had the opposite effect on sales. Stand by for plastic billboards with photos of grinning would-be politicians (AKA skimmers) being erected at busy junctions obscuring the vision of other road-users..
  4. I feel their pain; the Swedish bar has just re-opened next door to me. Late night parties due this weekend?
  5. How do I get a Wise card? I am a member from UK but live full time in Thailand? I use Wise to transfer 5000 UKP to my BKK bank as & when I need it?
  6. Pensioners, for verification, check out the UKP v Thai baht rate on your frozen State pension.
  7. Why was Joe able to grab her and the Thai speakers couldn't?
  8. A knife to the brain could improve his selection of opponents in the next fight, especially if it served as a lightning conductor.
  9. I've been here full time for 20 years. Like many I have suffered scams; some minor. I hope to learn from my mistakes by never revisiting the bar/city/lady again. If all potential customers did the same, the offenders would be starved of opportunities.
  10. Posting negative reviews in Thailand can get you jailed. Most Thai businesses have no idea of creating customer loyalty or a good reputation. Criticism can get you sued. Trip Advisor has a statutory warning about it.
  11. I have done just that for 10 years after taking an airport taxi after being ushered there by an airport official. Despite offering the female driver a printed Google map of my hotel's location, she drove about for 500 baht's worth before finding it. The return journey (in the hotel manager's car) took UNDER two minutes. Scam City.
  12. 'Prolonged' like every year for the past twenty that I have read this story.
  13. I always look for this phrase when the local police successfully uncover crime. (Six lines into the article.) It NEVER says 'as a result of good detective work/police enquiries'.
  14. Why? Is the penalty less severe for a Thai driver than for a farang?
  15. I've been saying this for 20 years. T/land will always be seen as 3rd World till it gets a police force worthy of the name.
  16. A tribute to local police's non-interference policy in traffic matters.
  17. I don't blame them for disliking a long commute to work on Thai roads.
  18. 'Mr. Mercedes' - an oldie but goodie. AND there's three series. It's about a deranged serial killer with mummy issues.
  19. If she would only include RTP in this venture, they might spot the hundred daily fires; the polluting, ill-maintained, diesel vehicles chugging past the police station every hour.
  20. Why does Pattaya Plod police the sea and not the roads?
  21. My ex-son-in-law, during my divorce, used his police position to provide my personal sensitive data in my (vain) struggle to hold on to my house. Coincidentally, my car was photographed halfway across a junction on an amber light. The ticket was sent to my old address where it languished until the time allowance had expired.
  22. Whilst ignoring Thai activities. Note again 'acting on a tip-off' - the source of any successes the Kwaistone Cops have: no police work necessary.
  23. Ditto for having Aldi here. The problem remains; Thailand is dominated by family monopolies that have price-fixing cartels that keep out rivals; and it's not just food suppliers either.
  24. and quiet? Thailand has a real dog problem with 'ownerless' roaming dogs spreading disease; causing accidents; attacking passers-by. Whilst I do not condone the killing (by poison), I can understand why someone may be driven to it by sleep-deprivation after barking dogs are allowed to disturb the peace.
  25. Agreed - though I thought it was his son? As I do all my nighttime reading on a Kindle, I recommend readers visit Ocean of PDF. Lots of authors/titles are available for free as PDF downloads. 'Anyfile converter' will change this format to MOBI which can be dragged & dropped from computer to Kindle.
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