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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. It matters because it's how we measure our progress through the curve of the current wave. Are there only 30k cases right now because it's just getting started? We don't know - that's why it matters. In any case, there's no reason for fear at all.
  2. I'm finding it very hard to believe it's only 30k per day, I wonder where they get this number from. I would have expected something between 100 and 500k per day at the peak (which we may not have reached yet) in a country this size.
  3. In a way I want them to fail in every way it's possible to fail, maybe that will teach the electorate.
  4. Indeed, perhaps she was wondering why she wasn't in a medically induced coma, you know - like how they look after burn victims in hospitals throughout the world....
  5. They could make it simple and just issue 90 day stamps for everyone
  6. In the above post where I said 'mailchimp' of course I meant 'Mailgun' from mailgun.com, a typo which I can no longer edit.
  7. Yes, I'm aware, the comment was aimed at those who operate this forum. Mailgun is an at scale commercial solution for sending massive amounts of email on a regular basis and having them delivered without getting 'cut off' for seemingly random reasons which is what I'm assuming has happened here.
  8. It's hard to ban something when it doesn't exist in the first place - many don't understand this.
  9. You should consider using 'mailgun' to send your emails if you're having issues sending them and with deliverability from amazonses.com
  10. Destroying medications during a pandemic - one of the dumbest things I've read in the last couple of hours.
  11. Clearly not, it's been going on for years, I heard reports it was 20 Baht a couple of years ago. The 20 Baht price I'm talking about from long ago was not in the cities so maybe it takes time to catch up.
  12. I doubt it - launching a nuke on any country in NATO, especially one which has submarines out there which are ready to deploy at a moments notice is suicide. Is Putin stupid enough to push the 'suicide button' - I doubt it. Would he be allowed to push it anyway even if he wanted to - also I doubt it because the entire military there know what the guaranteed result would be. Russia would be reduced to rubble, not to be confused with the ruble.
  13. It's hard to believe that over the course of history somehow people managed to persuade property buyers that something next to a flood risk was actually worth more than something safely away from the flood risk. But here we are.....
  14. Even this is way off, you can buy yabba for 20 Baht each in a lot of places from what I've heard. There's a joke going around among Thai people at the moment, under the current administration the price of everything has gone up - except Yabba which is now cheaper than ever before. For that many he might even have been charging too much.
  15. Smugglers have been using the mail to move their goods since the invention of mail.
  16. Apparently this is what the Thais have been doing to everyone for decades - now the shoe is on the other foot.
  17. If they remove the bikinis as they approach the beach I guess they would be completely nude? I can see where the misunderstanding can arise.
  18. It's definitely an upgrade on the old 'bone shaker' I once had the misforune of spending far too many hours on once.
  19. Millions less than they think.... I don't put up with any visa nonsense when travelling - those days are long gone. If there's any hassle then I simply don't go there.
  20. I recall a few years back Thai immigration were notorious for randomly rejecting passengers who arrive on long haul flights for no apparent reason other than some made up rule about being in Thailand too long - there is no such rule but I believe if you look at the consequences of such an action there is a reason... The airlines were not happy about this, when a passenger is denied entry the airline is fined the equivalent of thousands of dollars per passenger denied entry - it's always about the money. The passenger is not fined or even made aware that this fine exists but the airline is still fined and there's nothing they can do about it - it's always about money on some level - and this is where it is. I heard this pre-pandemic scenario was creating some serious concern for airlines. Add to that the mostly nonsense restrictions introduced at the airport and it makes Bangkok a toxic destination which is worth avoiding at all cost. Chickens are now coming home to roost.
  21. It's the old 'think of the children' argument - it's used to restrict what all adults do for maybe the last 100 years or so. It doesn't work, it's just a way for politicians to introduce their style of law and attempt to silence those who don't agree, after all - everyone surely wants to protect the children
  22. Why is it left there? Did you forget it or did the airline bring it on a later flight? Has it already passed through customs?
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