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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. Well he would say that wouldn't he? ???? Does Thailand have a 'shadow finance minister' in the opposition? I wonder what their take on the current situation is.....
  2. At some point it will reach a peak and then taper off, what's what everyone's waiting for. Everything else is a distraction at this stage.
  3. Doesn't need to be a 'poster child' - it's not a competition.
  4. I'm speaking as someone from the UK, if it goes lower than 100 in the UK it doesn't even make the news apart from a couple of articles mentioning how low it is.
  5. There is not an overly excessive number of COVID related deaths in Thailand at the moment. I wouldn't even classify it as an emergency.
  6. 97% unvaxxed, I don't think so, and they're rolling out a new booster to the over 75s very soon. My mother is in hospital right now and has been for about a month - they don't keep testing, they test a couple of times on admission and thats it. Having said that now they're allowing visitors in I do expect there to be an explosion of cases in the hospitals in the coming weeks.
  7. It's not a light flu, there is a world of difference between influenza and any coronavirus. As for why a coronavirus infection can prevent an influenza infection a lot of the time then there's a world of reading out there but it is a thing.
  8. Nothings changing, they just detected less cases in one day, it's meaningless unless it's sustained over time and a trend emerges. You need moving averages over multiple weeks or at least 7 days at the very least to detect a change in direction.
  9. There's a reason why every other country in the world which did exactly that are now rolling back these 'dumb as they come' sanction type rules - it's because they're completely ineffective and everyone is susceptible to Omicron regardless of previous infection or vaccination. I know a guy in Belgium who was out and about after getting his green pass or whatever they called it, he was popping over to France for shopping and into the Netherlands for business, then he got COVID. How did he catch COVID? His behaviour changed from that of someone in 'infection control mode' to what it was before, he was going out to bars and restaurants just like before - that's how he caught it and subsequently infected his entire family.
  10. The only problem in England is that they have more cases right now than at any time before...
  11. That's what I was thinking, here you need to close all the windows and seal yourself in while cranking up the A/C to keep cool.
  12. I'm a little confused as to why the Russians aren't still coming. I consulted the map, they can fly to Thailand without going anywhere near the western world. Flightradar shows plenty of flights in the air over Russia. So why aren't they coming? I can understand why Ukraine has issues with flights landing in a potential warzone but not Russian flights. Also contrary to what a lot of people seem to think all of Russia has not been sanctioned, they are targeted. I fail to see how Thai or any other airline can't simply take aff and fly to and from Thailand / Russia exactly the same as before.
  13. Well yes, this is due to the tiny size of these things compared to proper ovens which you can probably buy at half the price.
  14. I would stop coaching him and never have anything to do with him again. If his friends (if he has any) all start causing trouble then I'd just walk away and never do any of these ungreatful morons any kind of service ever again. Don't go out of your way to help those who clearly hate you, ever.
  15. Yes, an air fryer is a tiny little 'fan oven' with a basket and a lid instead of a shelf and a door.
  16. The largest bank owns and operates the largest crypto exchange already. Making a monopoly?
  17. There will definitely be many more variants, this is far from over, especially when you look at the genetic lineages and realise that Omicron wound the ancestry clock back by about a year and a half then leaped forward in a way which has no logical explanation. I'd say there's a couple of years left in this yet.
  18. Everything Thailand has done recently regarding 'cannabis' is a pure joke, a lie, a trick to lure in unwitting investors. It's a plant, the end.
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