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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. Those requirements were in place for a short while and were all removed some time ago.
  2. Accurate numbers regardless of public opinion give you a glimpse into what's happening all over the world. Don't think for one second that anything different is happening in any other country - because it's not. It's the same virus, if more people die it tends in my opinion to be due to there being more elderly people around. This is why there's hardly any deaths in some countries in the world, there's not enough elderly (80+) to even notice it. Certain African countries have an everage age of about 18 years old and they've never really had a covid problem - I mean - they all caught it but hardly anyone died = no problem. Of course the over 70's in that country virtually don't exist because they all died years ago in their 50's or 60's.
  3. If you test positive on arrival your own pre-flight PCR will be worth nothing, they're not going to even look at it before they ship you off to the 'treatment center'.
  4. Right, I'll keep en eye open for this one then ????
  5. If they tested 5 million people in a single day I wonder how many would be positive?
  6. If you don't get what you want from a service, country, company, etc then simply don't use it - ever again.
  7. Compared to before this is pretty much nobody. I don't know how many arrivals there would be on a typical March 2019 day but until we get back to those numbers they are failing.
  8. I've read what appear to be many April Fools jokes already today. With the Thai news it's hard to tell what's a complete joke on any normal day, I'm not even going to bother today.
  9. Whatever they do in Thailand is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. It won't make a tiny bit of difference to the world. Nobody cares.
  10. It's far too much compared to plenty of other places. Nobody will come and the rules will change, the only unknown is how long it will take for them to catch on.
  11. Until they remove all of the nonsense then hardly anyone will come. It's as simple as that. They should watch what happens to Spain this coming summer, it's going to be carnage as Spain is replaced as the default destination for many UK tourists who will go elsewhere because it's easier and cheaper to do so. The Spanish will relent, it's just a matter of time, but maybe they leave it too late for this year.
  12. The numbers are complete and utter nonsense and should be treated as such. 200-500k cases per day, in every country of this size is going to be the norm and that's me being optimistic. Even then it can keep this up for months with population rates of 60 to 80 million.
  13. It's reported because the Thais on a whole are a charitable bunch of people and now this article has been published I am pretty assured that her education fees will be taken care of.
  14. Are we not talking about T1 diabetes here? T1 Diabetes has been linked with viral activity already, T2 - that's an entirely different thing.
  15. There's nothing special about Pita, why should he be any different to anyone else? He isn't..... It's a really weird article
  16. Whilst I'm younger than Will Smith I'm not 10 years younger than him.
  17. Indeed, if someone hits me I tend to hit them back if I'm still consciouss. I would like to think that had Will Smith done this to me I'd knock him clean out and they'd have to stretcher him out of the building for treatment, like an injured footballer ????????
  18. Lol, they're lucky Ricky Gervais wasn't hosting it again
  19. Unfortunately that's wishful thinking, viruses do far more harm than is known. Diabetes is already linked with other viruses, we're talking Type 1 diabetes here. Specifically 'mono', mononucleosis or to use its real name 'Epstein-Barr Virus' (EBV) which causes 'glandular fever', it goes by many names. I've long held a personal theory that many so called idiopathic conditions which simply appear out of nowhere are connected with different viruses. We know for sure that certain cancers are related to viral activity and it's a research area where they're only just scratching the surface over the last couple of decades. I'm talking about some very serious illness here, not just T1 diabetes, things like MS and more.
  20. So they penalised the other victims (first year students) of this illegal activity, the ones who survived?
  21. It's treated as freight when you ship in unattended. All it takes is for them to find one thing in there they don't like and they can seize the lot. I'm still waiting for my 'ear thermometer' which I ordered back in 2020 to arrive form the US.....it's never coming. Unlicensed medical device.
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