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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. I'll keep an eye open for this one too, thanks for the heads up
  2. He was pardoned, that carries a lot of weight does it not?
  3. What's happening in Europe is without a doubt going to happen in the US, it's just delayed a little, these things take time to spread over great distances - but it's coming, there is no doubt about that. It's not really that bad in Europe anyway and numbers are coming down. The real test is going to be what happens in September / October 2022.
  4. Yes, that's exactly the situation. This way they can be seen to be keeping the numbers down and by extension blame it on the foreigners. Lots of foreigners came to Thailand and over the next 2 weeks there's a going to be a lot more covid Obviously it was the foreigners, so ban them. I know their game. It's a game of deflection and face saving.
  5. Covid is everywhere in Thailand - so lets try and keep covid out of Thailand - is this how you would do it?
  6. Well it shouldn't be if they had any sense. They know covid is already very widespread in Thailand. There's certainly no need to attempt to keep it out of the country - so it's definitely not about keeping covid out of Thailand, not any more - and it hasn't been about keeping it out of the country for a long time now. I have a feeling they need to be seen to be doing something regardless of whether it makes the slightest bit of difference to the situation. Perhaps they should protect the wider world from becoming infected inside Thailand by shutting down all the airports - that would make just as much sense as what they're doing now - ie - none, what they're doing is pure nonsense and they should stop it immediately.
  7. What you're failing to account for here is that the flu vaccine, for it is a vaccine is targeted to a small handful of the many different types of flu which exist and are in circulation. The WHO make a decision as to which variants of the flu will be targeted based on what's expected to be going around in the following season, they do this by comparing the currently circulatins variants of influenza in the opposite hemisphere and make an educated guess - yes, you read that right - it's just a guess by the WHO. They need to do this as it takes many months to grow and manufacture the flu vaccine, it's not something they can just make up in a lab in a couple of weeks - it takes months - this is why they need to make the guess - the time delay. Sometimes they get it very wrong but then again, that's to be expected as it's guesswork so it's purely down to chance. Also - 'most people get the flu anyway' is very far from reality, hardly anyone gets the flu, if they did then we would know about it as a pandemic would be declared and that's a pretty rare event. People are getting colds and calling it the flu but there's a whole world of difference between a cold and a flu which most people don't understand as they're never had the flu.
  8. Double or triple, I don't think so. I would expect at least 10 times more cases by this time next week. Whether we hear about them or not is something entirely different. They're not geared up to measure at such scale so it's irrelevant really.
  9. They're never going to do this, so just assume the worst - it's everywhere and spreading like wildfire. Also knowing doesn't make any difference, it's not going to change anything and would cost a lot, they appear to have decided not to spend the money. Best to limit exposure to other people for a while - no bars, no restaurants and limited shopping trips. That's what I've been doing for the last year and I haven't caught covid recently, not yet anyway.
  10. It won't be long and it may not be a bad thing in any way at all, only time will tell. One thing is for certain, Omicron will not remain unchanged and it does not respect 'international borders'.
  11. You would think that someone would check the balance on their account considering it's so easy these days with phone banking, sms alerts, etc.
  12. Governments around the world seem to want to extract some of the trade from stock exchanges. Sweden did it in the 80's and it ended very badly, much of the trade simply moved abroad - 50% of it and it was reversed completely after the damage was done. I wonder what will happen when the volume drops massively on the exchange after the tax is activated and how long it will take for there to be the first discount and eventually a complete revocation once the damage has already been done.
  13. There's no controlling covid, covid is clearly in control. China is learning this lesson right now - it will be a very long, painful and drawn out lesson for them to learn. But learn it, they will. Any infection control measures they put in place will merely elongate the amount of time it takes for enough people to become immune so that it stops spreading. Even if there were a million cases per day it will still take a long time, they say there might be a coming peak of 100k cases per day - that means it's going to take two years and what's going around in two years almost certainly won't be named Omicron - it will be something else. The way I see it is that Omicron reset the clock on covid, when Omicron emerged late last year it was day 1 and everything started over. How long until that happens again? I know people who got Delta, they thought that was it for them - immunity at last (ignoring the fact that they were double vaccinated) - but no, these people also caught Omicron as well which was a minor 'sniffle' in comparison.
  14. I'm getting mixed messages here : They have no clue what they're doing....
  15. Only in their wildest dreams are the daily infections as low as 100,000.
  16. Next year some time goes right up until December does it not? ????
  17. You're looking at it from the wrong viewpoint. It not spreading between everyone elongates the problem. About a year ago I was looking at it thinking they're never going to get to a herd immunity point as Delta simply doesn't spread fast enough, to get to that stage it's going to need 500k to a million infections per day for an extended period of time. Locldowns, etc disrupt, delay and prevent that process from playing out. With recent developments that's all changed, it's now moving fast enough that I reckon 80 to 90% of the population could become infected and recover in just 3 or 4 months. So long as the hospitals are not overloaded and can handle the 'load' then it's not really a problem.....until a new variant comes along which is different enough - like Omicron - then it will start again. The origins of Omicron are shrouded in mystery though.
  18. Email them directly and find out for sure, there's no need to use an agent - [email protected] Or fill out the online form here : https://thailandelite.com/contact-us?locate=en
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