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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. Bitkub is now majority owned by Siam Commercial Bank - that's all you need to know. Here's a list of the major shareholders of SCB :
  2. Reality hits, nobodys buying those low numbers. By low numbers I'm talking about less than 200k infections per day. This will sting.
  3. Is the Baht taking yet? Get back to me when it's 45 Baht / USD.....
  4. If it was a well planned hit then we would not be hearing about this at all. Instead there would be a byline in a newspaper somewhere stating that a businessman recently died in an accident. This is how we know they're a bunch of pure idiots who did this. They're not professionals, they're absolute fools, complete amateurs on every level.
  5. There's plenty of people to work the fields, farming has changed a lot over the last 30 to 60 years. With an ever decreasing population you won't require as much output anyway so it's a self healing problem especially when you add in newer technological advances.
  6. I'm sure the vaccine saved many hundreds of thousands of lives around the world when Delta and the previous versions of the virus hit. Omicron, not so much. We either need a new vaccine or it becomes a cold after wiping out all the vulnerable, or some combination of both. I suspect it will end up as a combination of both for a while ending in a new 'cold' with some future variant. The currently circulating incarnations of all the cold viruses (ignoring influenza as that's very different) have all been mutating for centuries, some of them 1000's of years. There's nothing new, it's all happened before and will all happen again.
  7. I've always wondered why a drop in the birth rate is considered a 'bad thing' at a time when there's record number of people alive in the world and increased automation over the many decades since the 50's and 60's requires far less 'workers'. Population growth won't continue forever yet they're acting as if it should be accelerating, always seemed odd to me. When I was a kid back in the 80's we were taught that there were about 4.5 Billion people alive and that was considered a crisis of population growth, now it's closer to 8 Billion and they're complaining it's not growing fast enough. If anything there are too many people, I suspect they need more people to both rule over and reap increased taxes, therefore making a government feel more important and wealthy. Have more children to increasingly empower and enrich your government, that's what it comes down to.
  8. If there were half a million cases per day I reckon it will take about 3 more months if that level is maintained - including the previous Omicron infections. Half a million cases per day sounds massive but it's not when you consider that most people will have no idea that they're infected at all or think they've got a normal cold. Of course that all depends on how many cases they've already had which is far higher than they admit or even speculate about.
  9. That's the problem, they're making it up as they go so you have randomly enforced sets of legitimate rules and non rules which may have been actual regulations years ago but these dinosaurs choose to implement them. I guess it depends on how much they hate you.
  10. It is a pathetic and corrupt situation which demonstrates that the large breweries and everyone involved in the legislative system regarding this matter is absolutely rotten to the very core. There should be a full audit of the bank accounts / assets for everyone involved and their families going back for the last 10 to 20 years to find out just how this situation came into being and still exists. I suspect there will be a massive trail of corruption and bribery
  11. Ah yes 'old rice' is the local name for it I think ????
  12. Could you perhaps do me a favour and take a photo of the locked down apartment for us....thanks
  13. Indeed, the only question is why? Why are they doing this? To keep numbers down, to save face, because China promised them a 'travel corridor' if they do so? That will backfire when covid continues to remain an issue for years because of their measures. There's only one way out of this and that's for as many people to catch it and recover from it as quickly as possible.
  14. Yes, they've been doing their best to hide the numbers up until now. I don't know why they do this but I suspect it's something to do with keeping the official numbers down below other South East Asian countries - so they look like they're doing a better job. Something dumb and simple like that.
  15. I think you just answered your own question. Early days in a new era.
  16. I think you miss my point. Bitcoin is the something better at this point in time, it may reign supreme for 100's of years before something better comes along, so far we're on year 13.
  17. Nothing lasts forever, however if it lasts longer than our lifetimes then it can be considered permanent, for us at least. Take the fiat money system since it came off the gold standard, it's massively inflated at the flick of a pen, completely non tangible, most of it exists as numbers only stored inside computers and they can make as much of it as they want to whenever they need it. Wasn't always this way - and it also will not last, not forever anyway. They used to use seashells for currency as they were scarce, they always were and are now absolutely worthless yet people used them for quite a while, until something better came along and there's always something better coming along....
  18. Correct, the current numbers are mere fantasy. It looks like they're beginning to acknowledge the actual situation instead of working on numbers based on some small and arbitrary number of tests.
  19. This is getting weird now - was she completely naked when she fell into the river? Her friend had her clothes so I guess she wasn't wearing any when she 'fell' in.
  20. That right there is a problem - they were 'released' which tends to mean they were in some way detained prior to release. This is why there will never be any mass tourism again, at least until this policy disappears completely.
  21. I won't be surprised if we see new highs in the next few months. By this I'm talking about $70k and up. The chartists would call this a 'confirmed double bottom on the weekly chart'. Time will tell and patience pays ????
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