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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. It's inevitable given enough time that this will happen everywhere. Some countries will hold out as long as they can, even some countries which rely on Northern Hemisphere summer tourists. Those countries will pay dearly for this mistake to the benefit of others who remove restrictions. We have a situation where you are forced to do a covid test which might cost more than your flight in order to enter some countries in Europe - those are the places which will receive no visitors until all restrictions are lifted. Nobody really wants to do anything, especially if it costs money. I certainly wouldn't be downloading apps, getting certificates and doing medical tests just to enter Spain for example, I'd simply go to somewhere else with no requirements and forget about Spain for this year, perhaps forever if I find a new place I like - and that's the danger, once people find new places why bother going back to the old ones....
  2. Remember folks, you need to go through a 3 week quarantine to get into China where the current outbreaks are happening It's all about keeping the virus out of the country ????????????
  3. That's the issue here, your insurance, like mine is likely a very comprehensive plan and that's reflected in the price. Not all of them are, in your case your employer pays for it, in my case I pay for mine directly and it's at a similar level to yours, a bit more in fact, swap the dollar sign to a pound sign but it covers everything. The main reason I took out this plan more than 10 years ago is in case I get some serious disease like cancer or have an accident which can happen to anyone at any moment. I would want to be treated in the nearest 5 star hospital, so I pay the fee.
  4. The small doses were for the young, as in children. Side effects when they happen tend to be in the 'younger adults', not the elederly. That's what they said last year anyway but maybe that changed?
  5. Why that might be enough to make someone change their mind and just stay where they are. So you could say it will turn 'house buyers' into 'non buyers'. Most of them already own a house, putting off moving for most people is easily done.
  6. I have been informed (by Thailand Elite) that they won't issue new 90 day reports after passport renewal until the visa is transferred over to the new passport so that may be a motivating factor depending on how long is left until extension time. However, when I got my new passport last year at the point when I transferred the entry / current extension stamp over to the new passport they issued me a new 90 day report (without me even asking) even though the visa had not yet been inserted. It was a Thailand Elite visa which can only be inserted in Bangkok and I did the new passport stamp transfer in Hua Hin, after that I went all the way to Bangkok just to get a piece of paper inserted in my passport.
  7. Well this current variant is not so much fun but seems to be massively less harmful than the previous version so we should welcome future variants with open arms assuming it continues along the same trajectory..... Do be sure to let me know when it is time to panic though, I'll need to take the time to look up what I should do in such a 'panic' scenario.
  8. Which is unusual, mainly because I read that they did a blood test on him, not a breath test. Something's lost in translation here.
  9. Placing your privately operated VPN node in Singapore is always a good choice, maximum speeds due to the speed between here and Singapore.....
  10. Sounds like he's about to move to a new condo to me. Why pay the 1500 installation fee? Well it's simple, he either pays the 1500 installation fee plus the remaining 9 months on the contract or just pays the remaining 9 months on the contract. They won't care either way but without the installation in the new condo there will be no service. That contract will still need paying either way.
  11. An interestingly timed development. When I read this headline elsewhere a few hours ago I thought to myself - the number of daily deaths must have increased above at least one of the neightbouring South East Asian countries. Sure enough, that's exactly what's just happened, now they're changing the way they count them. It's a game of numbers and face saving and they're competing against each other in this region, all that matters to them is that Thailand is 'seen to be doing better' than places like Malaysia and Vietnam.
  12. Lol, I've heard about these 'consulates' before, specifically the Frankfurt one. Very large and interesting buildings. If it's a consulate at all then that's not its main use.
  13. It's not what the police believe that counts, it's what they can prove. What they believe is irrelevant.
  14. It doesn't read like a mere study, it's a list of things to do. Just watch.
  15. What I'm suggesting is that there is a desire to cut down on the number of scams in the entire industry through regulation. It's never been about banning Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the least of their problems. There's 1000's of other literal pump and dump schemes out there that make the old style pink sheet trading which used to keep the SEC very busy during the 80's and 90's look like childs play - this is their target.
  16. He is wrong. The EO is nothing of the sort. In fact the Bitcoin price surged due to the executive order and Yellens leaked repoy to it yesterday which she 'accidentally' posted on Twitter ???? I will add that a lot of regulation in the entire 'crypto space' is definitely required anyway, there's so many brazen scams out there you probably wouldn't believe it.
  17. A common misconception is that all Russians are sanctioned, the reality is that the list contains a few hundred names including companies. The rest is just virtue signalling by western companies pressured by the media. For example McDonalds who are a franchise have apparently announced they're ceasing operations in Russia. These are Russian owned and operated companies. The mind boggles.
  18. Not just for Crypto, it will be for everything, be careful what you wish for because any rule changes to KYC/AML regulations will be applied to every investment you ever make going forward.
  19. They're going to need to know where your money comes from if dealing with large amounts. A problem with crypto exchanges is that they often go far above and beyond what's required for relatively small amounts, for example they may require the same information for someone depositing $10k as someone who's depositing $2 million.
  20. Call me old fashioned but i regard selling people as illegal and the courts seem to agree. These days it's known as human trafficking and the days of this kind of thing are numbered around the world.
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