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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. The only thing that's changed is the virus. Without the very sudden and unexpected emergence of Omicron which 'evolved' directly from something pretty near to the original Wuhan strain some 18 months after said Wuhan strain had already disappeared from the face of the earth, a genuine miracle in itself ???? then nothing would be changing, nothing at all. When something changes you can sort the cleverest from the dumbest by measuring how long it takes them to notice the change and react to it.
  2. Indeed, the only time I eat pineapple is when it's on a pizza.
  3. Did they just accidentally ban this as well? Would be hilarious if true. What about credit cards? Credit is nothing more than tokenised money.....especially foreign money.
  4. There you go - (as I've long suspected) Delta is still here - and it's still here because of government policies.
  5. Oh dear, the inevitability of the pending failure for this completely unenforcable rule is absolute. Did they just make all forms of 'digital barter' illegal? 7/11 loyalty points spring to mind and the law of unintended consequences, those points you get at every shop are all digital assets held in an 'e-wallet' right? They're worth something and you can certianly spend them..... How long until they back track on this one ????????
  6. The dam has already burst, their delaying tactic worked for a while and now they will have an Omicron surge instead of a Delta surge which will likely make quite a big difference but it will still hit like a sledgehammer and wipe out large numbers of the very elderly / ill. They don't admit this 'bursting of the dam' yet but it's coming, give it a month or two for the reality of the situation to set in over there.
  7. Did he also tell you that eating eggs and shrimp cause high cholesterol?
  8. The ABS saved the day here, I have no doubt about that. Some idiot walked out in front of me when I had a modern Jaguar some time back while living in the UK. I was surprised how well they worked when I completely floored the break to miss the idiot who stepped out in front of me, that incident was on a slower road and at a slower speed but my car shuddered to a halt very, very quickly. He acknowledged what happened, said sorry and said something like 'wow, that car is really good' - he knew his number was nearly up and how lucky he had been.
  9. I think as a country Thailand should make the effort to copy exactly what the Chinese are doing, that way the glorious Chinese tourist will one day return.
  10. I believe you can still come without being vaccinated but you need to do a quarantine in some hotel. Lets examine that a little, so you arrive, haven't got covid, check into the 'quarantine hotel' and after however many days it is 5 or 7 (I can't keep up these days) you're still uninfected with COVID. At that point you're rubber stamped 'human' again and allowed out into the streets of Thailand where you can catch COVID merely hours later. What good did the stay in quarantine do for either Thailand or you? The answer is : Nothing, nothing at all.
  11. No, it means you should buy a whole box of them at a time instead of just a few.
  12. How do they treat people who were last vaccinated 12 months ago? I definitely recall a restriction stating that the most recent vaccination dose should be inside the previous 90 days or something like that. As more time passes this becomes far from realistic for people under the age of 75. How about people who haven't been vaccinated and remain uninfected (as far as they know) or the recovered, regardless of whether they've been vaccinated or not? In short : No. If I wasn't here already, I certainly wouldn't be coming. But I am here already, so I remain. I know people who've been vaccinated multiple times and got Delta (medium rated cold) and Omicron (mild cold). They're over it - any restriction is a step too far for these people. They've recovered multiple times and have literally had enough of dancing to the tune of the dunces in charge.
  13. Just open an account at Kasikorn or some other retail bank ????
  14. Yes, it's like saying act quickly because all the corruption is coming to an end and soon ????
  15. Also if it turns out that you really like staying in Thailand you can 'upgrade' the visa to the 20 year model for 400k Baht which is the difference between the current price of the Easy Access 5 year version and the 20 year 'Superiority Extension'. That way you can just sit back and won't have to much at all for a full 20 years apart from the usual 90 day reports, yearly extensions and 5 yearly new visa insertions. I plan to upgrade my current 5 year visa to the 20 year option, that will cover me until 2040 which is nice.
  16. That seems to sum up the situation quite nicely. They simply don't care, it's very clear.
  17. Thai laws apply in Thailand so they're going to be humbled in any attempts they make.
  18. You know,one day maybe I'll go to the bars again. When I do I will feel far more comfortable in the presence of 'the recovered', never mind the vaccinated - that's not going to stop me from catching it if they have it. They should be concentrating on 'recovered' status. Based on what I've just read it seems to completely ignore people who had covid and recovered. Will recovered staff still need to take multiple tests each week? I've heard stories about people bwing wary around people who've already had covid - they're the safest people to be around and their level of immunity is as good as it gets. The whole thing is a load of nonsense, I'll give it a couple of weeks before it's being universally ignored.
  19. I wonder if this is being sent to everybody or just foreigners and then US citizens especially due to the 'special' regulations the US system applies to overseas accounts. I note that the example document is in English so they're not going to send this out to Thai nationals.
  20. Nobody cares, if it tastes good then just eat it.
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