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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. There's a lot more to this than meets the eye. Try and get a list of who was on the boat, all of them - it's impossible, there was someone on that boat who has a family with such power that nobody will say the name.
  2. Don't rule anything out, I'm certainly not ruling out the possibility of additional lockdowns, curfews, etc inside Thailand, in fact I kind of expect it at some point.
  3. If there's any chance you might purchase a Thai Elite visa in the next few years then it's better to avoid an overstay as it is one of the conditions that you have no 'recent' overstays.
  4. I want to hear that acknowledged and announced by the Thai government
  5. I agree that there's almost certainly been mass spread and Omicron has likely overtaken Delta but it didn't do that with a paltry 20 to 25k cases per day. Mass spread is hundreds of thousands of cases per day.
  6. I can believe that, but for Delta to be eradicated it takes a mass spread of Omicron over several months. I look at the figures and according to them there has been no mass spreading of Covid throughout the country - so Delta being replaced by Omicron is impossible - unless there's a lie being told in the numbers - and this is what it's all about - exposing the lies.
  7. Indeed, someone local around here cut another guys throat and he did about 2 years in prison for it, this was maybe 4 or 5 years ago and he's been out for a long time now. Apparently that was quite inconvenient for him, a whole 2 years for killing one of his yabba buddies by slashing his throat with a machete. This demonstrates their priorities quite clearly.
  8. I would like to see the prevelance of Delta vs Omicron variants circulating in Thailand. Total suppression (a Zero covid policy) will keep Delta circulating permanently. Don't assume that Omicron is the prevelant strain, when Omicron gets to 99% and above things should change - I don't think we're anywhere near that just yet - and that's directly due to government policy.
  9. Like this lowly Doctor in the UK NHS, he's had Covid and doesn't fancy a vaccination - here he is explaining that directly to the health secretary, the government minister directly in charge of the entire health service for the whole country. What you don't seem to know is there are many like him, obviously these are the uneducated morons I've been hearing so much about, who just happen to be Medical Doctors. Perhaps you should email him and put him right ????
  10. Indeed, they all contracted Omicron anyway, do you still think they need vaccinating? Some of those infected with Omicron over the last 2 to 3 months also contracted Delta last year and an even smaller subset of them caught the original variant as well back in 2020.
  11. There's another reason a lot of healthcare workers (or anyone in fact) are not too keen on being vaccinated - many of them have already had COVID at least once, some have had each and every variant. They still need a vaccine? Really? What for?
  12. It appears to have been a localised food ordering / delivery app based out of Pattaya.
  13. Trump has had all his shots, including the booster. He was booed at one of his rallies when he announced this.
  14. Well there's so much COVID spreading around Thailand right now, even if everyone who arrived tested positive it would make no difference to the overall figures, not even a dent. It's an irrelevance that they should be ignoring unless there's some new far more deadly variant spreading in other parts of the world - but that doesn't appear to be the case right now.
  15. I've read about lakes which turn red due to some kind of algae before - that didn't end well.
  16. It doesn't matter anyway, anything they did would have been ineffective and even if they implemented the most strict of measures (total lockdowns) that would only result in one thing - the continued spread of Delta. Now Omicron is spreading fast throughout the country and has been for many weeks as far as I'm concerned most of the cases should be Omicron. Note - the only way Omicron displaces Delta completely is through massive and out of control spread - so if it is all Omicron right now then we know every number quoted to date has been less than accurate.
  17. Well Omicron has issues with infecting the lungs compared to Delta, that's the difference between Omicron and all the other variants, including the original one. It lives and multiplies in the upper respiratory tract and appears to have 'evolved' in such a way that it's very effective at infecting the lungs of mice, but not humans - which is a really useful development for humans but the mouse population are probably not doing so well.
  18. Detected cases are merely the tip of the iceberg regardless of the testing method.
  19. It was inevitable, as is the further reduction in restrictions and the gradual revocation of all rules related to covid. In fact I won't be susprised if they decide that there's no longer any need to publish daily figures within the next month or two This will come at a cost though, there's not going to be any Chinese tourists, potentially ever again. They would happily deter the entire world from coming to Thailand for a half promise of some future Chinese tourists which I now believe will never materialise.
  20. I doubt that very much, this is an entrance fee for all foreigners - it's going to cause big problems for local countries.
  21. Are they planning on charging people at land borders? I believe they are. The surrounding countries will not like this one bit and I fully expect them to reciprocate and charge at least the same to enter any land border crossings by 'all foreign tourists' - especially Thais.
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