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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. It probably exceeds the national average for that criteria, especially since July 4th.
  2. Oh I see, Cis is a Woke term invented by the LBGTQ++ community in order to further their pretence that there are different types of women. I'll pass on that fairytale. Thanks for the laughs though. 😄
  3. If they do invade I hope they try to take London first. They'll be stabbed, robbed of their trainers and locked up for a hate crime before they get 100 yards.
  4. Because we are talking about men who want to be women. Ladyboys. You aren't going to get biological women wanting to race biological men because they wouldn't even qualify for the event. I don't recognize the term Cis male. There are men and women. What are you referring to? If you're in the stadium and the ladyboys start racing each other, you're going to have to watch it. Or do you only spectate on TV?
  5. It would also make the olympics several days longer and force spectators to pay to watch a B level ladyboy race that they have no interest in. It isn't feasible. I'm not outraged, I'm amused by the stupidity of such an idea. 😃
  6. Hire based on gender instead of ability and you end up with the past and future President of the United States being 'protected' by Melissa McCarthy. An agent who is 5 foot tall, hides behind the person she is supposed to be protecting and doesn't know how to pull her gun from her holster 😄.
  7. I explained why it is not that simple. We are not talking about some over 60's bike race in San Francisco here. I'm not outraged, but I can see why female sportspeople are when they robbed of a lifetime's work by a man in a skirt. Some of us still support women's rights.
  8. Straight from the horse's mouth. https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/kimberly-cheatles-net-worth-goal-hire-30-more-females-secret-service-2030-1725508#:~:text=In a CBS News interview,of its recruits by 2030.
  9. The Democrat calling for Trump to be termnated was in the video I posted yesterday that you refused to watch 😃. If you refuse to watch videos, please don't waste my time again explaining them.
  10. The video of the event clearly shows them to be utterly incompetent. Struggling to get their guns out of the holster. One of them crouching down to hide. They are also clearly undersized. Against a background where the head of the secret service also stated she wants 30% women in the secret service. But you don't watch videos and also don't consider video evidence to be proof of anything so I won't waste my time posting it.
  11. Let me guess... A #bekind leftist who supports political opponents being "terminated" and "put in the bullseye"? 😃
  12. If you hire women to fill DEI quotas, why not dwarves, deaf people etc.? Either you are basing it purely on ability or you are not. What is your problem with dwarves and trans? Why are you so bigoted as to assume they are not worthy of a role in the secret service?
  13. It's not really that simple. If you did it for every event at the Olympics for example you'd extend the tournament by several days. And for what? A handful of blokes who could just as easily compete against other blokes (if they were good enough). Let's face it, no trans males want to compete against trans females when they could compete against women on a level playing field. So it would basically be a category for blokes who want to be women. Essentially, a load of ladyboys racing each other. Maybe you could add the trans category into the Special Olympics or the Paralympic games?
  14. Oh I'm sure she ticked most of the boxes. Not her fault she took 20 seconds to get her pistol out of the holster. I'm just appalled they didn't have a few trans dwarfs on the security team. Such ommissions wouldn't happen on my watch I can tell you. Seriously though, if I was Trump I'd be hiring a security team based on their ability to do the job, not to satisfy stupid Woke quotas for immutable characteristics. Kimberley Cheatle should be sacked and investigated.
  15. Should be easy for Iran. Just get a spotty teenager to climb onto a roof with a rifle 150 yards from Trump, in full view of crowds who are pointing out the gunman to authorities and filming it with their phones. Leave him there for 20 minutes to prepare. No rush. The secret service won't do anything until the shot has been fired anyway. 😃
  16. Lol the Nazi comparison was quick on this one. Is that all you guys have? 😃 I hope Musk pays for Trump's private security, seeing as the Secret Service's biggest secret seems to be that their DEI policy has left them a remarkably incompetent outfit, at best.
  17. The UK is doing just fine. We don't need to be in the EU, we've shown that. Look at the data, not always sticking to and repeating your out of touch, old fashioned ideas. https://www.ft.com/content/0fc79013-5a66-4b34-a07a-b9b22a7342e1
  18. Are people still really arguing about this? Of course women should not compete against biological men. It's ridiculous. Sure, wear a dress, call yourself Joanna if it makes you happy, but don't ruin women's sports. I suspect Letitia has found a way to get her name/picture in the newspapers.
  19. If Turkey was so keen to join, it would agree to the EU's demands. It hasn't. The EU was worth joining in the 80's. The EU freezed the application because Turkey wouldn't budge.
  20. 50 years his junior? I think Nuch has been telling Gazza porkies.
  21. That's the trouble with DEI, you end up with Melissa McCarthey 'protecting' you.
  22. I can imagine what will be, unburdened by what was.
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