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Everything posted by billd766

  1. Do you have the recipe for copy cat HP sauce. Out in Nakhon Nowhere HP sauce is hard to find, though I have seen it sometimes at BigC in Kamphaeng Phet. I make my own honey and mustard bacon, and if I can get the bits I also make my own pork sausages and pork pies.
  2. By living there for centuries. When and how did the Jewish people acquire Israel?
  3. How would you know? You don't live in the UK either.
  4. It sounds (another election promise) like a great idea. Where will the money come from to pay for it all, and will the government take heed or simply ignore the protests that have already started locally? Prefabs can be built fairly cheaply in factories and easily assembled on site, but would anybody want to but them. assuming that they can afford to?
  5. Why should you care. You don't even live in the USA.
  6. You of course are a far better performer than she is, Which is why I suppose she is far richer than you, she had her own TV series etc, and then there is you...
  7. quote "People need to be accountable". People should also be more understanding of other peoples difficulties and problems. I am 80 and moved to Thailand permanently in 2021. Back then I was in good health. Now I have osteo-arthritis in both knees and I have to use a walking stick to get about. According to you I should NOT be living in Thailand but back in my home country. In Thailand I live with my Thai wife and son, live in a 4 bedroom house on 15 rai of land, yet YOU think that I should live in a cold wet miserable country where I have nothing. A better plan would be if you went back to your own country, and stopped moaning about other people who are trying to live out their lives as best that they can. I am sure that you will find plenty to moan about there.
  8. The pallets are not to blame. The idiot who stacked them badly and in the wrong place, was the problem.
  9. And once again you fail to mention the invading country that started the whole thing off. That was Russia by the way. Answer me a simple question. How many of the multiple deaths would have been avoided and how much collateral damage would not have been done, if Putin had decided NOT to invade a sovereign country?
  10. If everything must follow the law, why does the military keep foisting illegal military coups on the country, shredding the constitution and rewriting a new one in their favour? AND they are never punished.
  11. Yet you fail to mention that in your opinion it is OK for Russia to use long range missiles from their own arsenal and also those of Iran and N Korea to attack the Ukraine. Or doesn't that matter to you?
  12. A good idea to blame the victims. Of course you could have asked if the Russian driver had a licence, how fast HE was going, if he had stopped at the junction as he should have done. You could also have asked if the Russian had a valid visa, was he working or perhaps part of a crime syndicate. However it is always easier to blame the victim, especially if they are Thai, and even more so if you have nothing to back up your words.
  13. I am 80 and I used mine this morning with a grinding disc (and the safety guard on) to cut a breeze block in half. It did the job but it was hard work. Mine also has a handle and I held the handle and the grinder in both hands. Like most electrical tools it is perfectly safe when it is used properly. That is what safety guards and handles are for. NOT for one handed use.
  14. He may not have to wear a helmet, but wearing one may result in less serious injuries.
  15. Maybe if whoever stacked/dumped the pallets there had stacked them properly and clear of the road, the accident may not have happened.
  16. But do you think that Putin really cares about that?
  17. Whilst I sort of agree with you, ANY nuclear strike by Russia on any NATP country (should) be followed by a massive nuclear strike and make Russia uninhabitable for the majority of the population. I can see 2 big problems. 1 Putin is quite old and may come to the conclusion that he will die soon anyway, so why not take the nuclear option and many millions more people with him? 2 The other problem is that with Trump taking over in the USA, nobody has any idea (probably Trump also) what the US response will be. The US will probably try to remain neutral, until the US forces are attacked directly on the ground, at sea or on the US mainland. That will be a major problem for Trump. Whether to aid his allies or his enemies. It may also cause a problem in the Middle East between Israel and all the Arab states around them, which may also go nuclear.
  18. Perhaps developing the network as standard gauge, instead of the 1 metre gauge the the network currently is would be a good idea.
  19. I first read about it on AN months ago when Mike Lister first started the thread.
  20. So let the dogs bite you, and perhaps you WILL have something to moan about.
  21. And how would you do that from your hospital bed?
  22. Has anybody asked you or forced you to donate to him? If not, what is your problem?
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