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Everything posted by billd766

  1. Do you think that I am evil, especially since my wife and I were adopted by a cat. I suspect that your post is nothing but BS.
  2. Are they all idiots just because they don't agree with your opinion?
  3. Up here in Kamphaeng Phet, Makro has stopped selling sausages and also frozen flaky and puff pastry. Probably not enough call for them, as it is only a small province with not so many farangs living out here.
  4. I tend to make my own sausages and I have started to grill them along with homemade honey and mustard bacon, cut very thick. I must get my eyes tested one day. The good thing is that there is no human blood or bits of finger in the bacon slices.
  5. In reality this is what happens when you promote somebody into a position that they have no idea about, somebody who has no idea what the collateral down side will be and does not even to talk to the people who are involved and who will be the most affected by the outcome of a badly thought out idea. Next year you will be able to see the results of this folly with the number of excess deaths among the poor and elderly. Some of whom are already having to choose between keeping warm and eating.
  6. Knowing what to do to move large concrete power poles is knowing that normal people power will not be enough and that heavier equipment will be required. Hence quote "Nongprue municipality staff then made the pivotal decision to deploy a crane from their heavy-duty fleet. Expertly operated, it managed to shift one of the enormous poles, relieving the distressed dog of his concrete bonds". Better to use a large crane that attempt to move the pole than using people power which is a much safer plan. That way no people were injured. Common sense 101.
  7. Perhaps dope alone won't kill you. However that only really applies if you personally mix up the cannabis yourself. However if someone else has done the mixing and someone else has done the selling, how do you know that what you are buying is perfectly safe? The same goes for the bad hooch. If you get an unopened bottle of what you order, it should be fairly safe. If however you are taking shots from a bottle that is offered without you seing it being opened, you have no idea if any methanol is added, nor how much. IMHO it is a case of let the drinker beware of what is offered, especially if it is offered for free.
  8. They don't affect me either. The current government in the UK does affect me a little Whilst the Thai government does not affect me personally very much, it does affect my Thai wife and son. I have worked, lived and visited Thailand since 1993. I have a Thai wife and son and I left the UK back in 1991. Thailand IS my home. In the UK have an ex wife, a son plus a daughter in law and 2 grandchildren I have never seen, and at 80 I never will. Also I still have a few old friends there. I do argue and speechify about Harry and William and King Charles. Not on this thread however. IMO, Harry screwed his own life up. He had a good life before he married and it is up to him to sort it out. William is doing a grand job considering the medical problems with his wife and his father. Charles is doing a good job to the best of his ability considering his age and both he and his wife's medical problems and his brother Andrew and Harry's problems. I think that he should abdicate and retire and let William run the show. That is only my personal opinion however.
  9. But you failed to condemn the EC and the CC or the military for creating the condition that Thailand is in now.
  10. What a surprise. Emoji response to this post 1 confused 1 sad 2 laughing Yet if their country had a military coup, they would probably be the first ones screaming, and they would be the loudest whiners there. I can only believe that they approve of a military coup in somebody else's country.
  11. Spineless bar stewards.
  12. Beware the Russian press-gang recruiters
  13. I certainly have not forgotten. It was the military. How did they come to power? Through an illegal military coup against the incumbent government which was legally in power. Had you forgotten that. One of their first priorities was tearing up the old constitution and writing a new one in favour of themselves. Another priority was giving themselves a blanket amnesty for their treachery in overthrowing the freely elected government. The Thai people are still suffering from the affects of that, 10 years later.
  14. IMHO they really should be executed for treason against the state. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coup_d'état Typically an illegal and overt attempt by a military organization or other government elites to unseat an incumbent leadership.[2][3] A self-coup is when a leader, having come to power through legal means, tries to stay in power through illegal means.[3]
  15. There is equally no legitimate reason why the generals should not be punished for pulling illegal coups.
  16. Would that be anything like the same old same old illegal military coups? Except of course, the generals pardoned themselves.
  17. And will the corrupt junta generals ever be punished for their illegal coup in removing both Yingluck and Thaksin from their respective positions of being freely elected PMs?
  18. The problem when you buy stuff like that is that you have no idea what you will get. You have the sellers word, which unless he made the cookies isn't worth much.
  19. The rantings of an ex PM from the UK. He did very little positive when he was PM, and very few people wanted him then.
  20. Most Thai people know and accept this. Sondhi, unfortunately does not seem to know or understand and. like a bad penny, he seems to turn up from time to time. Most of Sondhi's are yellow shirts and ultra-royalists. Mainly them are of his generation and the are slowly dying off. The current generation IMO are not interested in him or his followers, and eventually they will be in a position to make him and his followers irrelevant. It doesn't really make any difference what farangs think or say unless they have a vote in Thailand. Most of us don't have a vote anyway.
  21. Here is another example for you And that is what your post is. BS. Seriously. From the BBC news website on Sunday 24th November 2024. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cy8ne9757jdo
  22. A simple question for the 2 posters who posted laughing emojis. Can you please explain why you think the comment is funny?
  23. Thank you for the link. I am not sure if I like fruity sauce but I will have to sort out all the ingredients and the timings and see if it will work for me.
  24. Thanks. I have one or two bottles left, but I enjoy making things like that.
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