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Everything posted by billd766

  1. I went to the tax office in Kamphaeng Phet yesterday with my Thai wife on a similar task. That office said to come back after January 1st with a 12 month bank statement and they coud proceed from there. As my wife did all the talking, I have no idea if they speak English.
  2. Perhaps you could use a mixture of water and ammonia.
  3. As opposed to being bitten by dogs.
  4. Send the bill to the military who overthrew both Thaksin and Yingluck with illegal military coups, but make sure that the military leaders persona;;y pay for it.
  5. So why did you bother to read the post and comment on it.
  6. OTOH I am rarely amazed by the comments, just by the number of miseryguts that show up.
  7. The people that donate to these go fund me schemes are never forced to donate. You either give or don't give, very few people know who or how much was donated and generally if you donate nobody will know who or how much.
  8. Why? Nobody is forcing you to donate.
  9. Could YOUR parents come up with 30k overnight? What should happen is the the person who hit him. their insurance company SHOULD pay up automatically and quickly. That assumes that the other driver had proper insurance. If he didn't have proper insurance. then the onus for the payment is on him. However TiT.
  10. Please explain when the Ukraine invaded Russia, compared with Putin's claim that it would be all over in 2 weeks, as the Russians were invading the Ukraine. I want to see how you can twist that 180 degrees.
  11. Thank you for the links.
  12. Was anything actually proven? Do you have a link for that?
  13. You would prefer Zelensky to be jailed for life for defending his country, but fail to mention Putin, who is far far worse, and started the war in the first place. Biased much?
  14. If Thaksin was born in Thailand of a Thai mother, then he is Thai. The government CANNOT strip Thaksin of his Thai citizenship and make him stateless as that is against Thai and international law.
  15. If these neo-nasties are so brave, why are they wearing masks?
  16. When I go to the local pharmacy, the lady comes from behind the counter and helps me down the 3 steps and I get a genuine smile. The post office manager does the same for me when I simply buy a bottle of OTOP honey. The staff in the local supermarket ask what I want and fetch it for me. To me it is like the UK used to be 50 or 60 years ago. To me (at 80) the Thai people are always kind, helpful and smile genuine smiles. Perhaps because I am old, perhaps because I live in rural Thailand and not in a tourist area. Perhaps because I am polite, smile a lot and try to speak Thai if I can. I have no idea, but I am grateful and thankful for the attention.
  17. Rubbish. Poster says quite confidently, with only the OP post to go on, that the boy is on something else as well. Nothing was mentioned in the OP about any other substance. so how did the second poster know without examining the 15 year old. AFAIK it is impossible to examine and diagnose a patient from a keyboard, unless of course you know more than any other doctor and have all the results of all the lab tests. Si in your learned opinion, can you confirm that the 15 year old was on other drugs, and if so, which ones?
  18. Why should he care? It is not his country or his people.
  19. I can remember in the early1990s, putting a fan heater in my car in the morning to thaw out the windows inside and outside before I could drive to work. At 80 years old, both me and my arthritic knees don't like the cold weather any more.
  20. Wow Dr Cereal. So you personally did a complete physical drug check on him and found other substances as well? Where did you get your medical degree, Khao San Road?
  21. A gold star for excellent forward planning. He deserves at least that.
  22. Why not get rid of all those who claim benefits illegally which is theft. Jail them and stop their pensions and benefit claims for life, especially those that live offshore. The problem won't be solved completely, but it will be a start.
  23. Looking at that photo makes me feel a bit like Twiggy. (She was an English model in the UK during the 1960s).
  24. And if you knew what would you do about it? Tilting at windmills went out of fashion years ago.
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