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Everything posted by billd766

  1. And Trump is the perfect example of a sane American. Yes or No? YOU claim that Scaramucci is, in your words, unhinged. Naturally you are a qualified psychiatrist/phycologist and have personally examined Scaramucci and completed exhaustive tests to come to that conclusion, Or is this just another of your BS posts?
  2. Even more pathetic morons for defending Trump.
  3. You really must stop posting useful and informative links. People will think that you know what you are talking about. Be more like the poster you responded to, and then people will know that you have no idea.
  4. Perhaps he should stop drinking loopy juice before going to bed.
  5. What a load of codswallop. Have you anything to back up your words? Proof, links or anything?
  6. Where is YOUR proof that it was fraud?
  7. Whoop de doo. Nothing changed in 24 hours.
  8. As usual, Trump hates fact checking as it shows up his lies. As usual he will deny, deflect, obfuscate and refuse to accept his own words. It won't matter to his supporters, as they believe every word he says.
  9. Not a problem for me at 80. All I need at 80 is my mobile and the numbers of 2 very strong men to come and lift me up. That is of course, IF I remember my phone.
  10. I know that this is probably a forlorn request, But is it possible to stop continuously updating the forum. It seems as though every week there are changes. As a retired engineer the advice I was given was brief and simple, If it works, then leave it alone and don't mess with it. A good example is that the forum last night is completely different to the one I opened this morning.
  11. He always made me laugh and he still does. To be a really bad magician you have to be very good. Just the same as Les Dawson was a brilliant piano player to play so badly that the tune is still recognisable. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6bnJB-1TPk8
  12. The old airman in me cynically says, move with the times and listen to what other people say. They are probably smarter than you. After all they didn't get lost. He did. Maps get wet and disintegrate in the rain, and unless you can read an OS map and us a compass properly, the map is not that much use. Paper maps are rarely updated and as there had been a lot of wildfires in the area, paper maps will not show that. In addition, a GPS has a separate power source and will not deplete your phone battery. The GPS should tell you where you are, how far you have travelled, and if you plot the waypoints and save them, you will be able to go forwards or back to a known point and find your way back to the start point. Also if you stay where you are, it is a lot easier for a rescue team to find you. In addition if you tell someone who is not going with you, your route, it will also be easier for a rescue team to find you, instead of wandering around with no clue where you are or where you are going. Common sense seems to be lacking in him.
  13. I would like to hope that would happen. There are quite a few human steps between Putin actually pressing his button and the 2 guys with separate keys too far apart for 1 guy to turn both keys at the same time. In a submarine I have no idea. If, deity forbid, it does happen, I hope that I and my family go in the first round, because IMHO the survivors will probably be eating each other, and those in protected bunkers or mountains will never want to come out, and they will die there.
  14. But you still support Trump, whichever way you try to explain it.
  15. I think that I resemble all of them except Rocky.
  16. I wonder why he did not carry a GPS as an essential item in his pack?
  17. Well, that invisible person is certainly not my lord, and possibly not even the lord of billions of other people world wide.
  18. And Trump talks about the democrats. Please try t offer an unbiased opinion once in a while. As for Trump's garbage truck stunt, there is nothing much to say, except how long was he actually with the truck, and did he actually achieve anything by the stunt, other that people laughing at him?
  19. And the point of your post is what, exactly?
  20. And as long as you have the USA feeding the Israeli government you have the the same problem. IMHO the problem with the USA is akin to a person riding on the back of a hungry tiger. It is not so hard to get on, but almost impossible to get off safely.
  21. IMHO it will never happen all the time that Israel refuses to recognise that the Palestinians have the same rights to exist as the Israeli's. So many posters complain that it is the fault of Iran for supporting Hamas and Hezbollah, but none of them complain about the USA supporting Israel. Again, IMHO, it is not the fault of either the Israeli OR the Palestinian people, but it IS the fault of their leaders.
  22. A quote from Charles Dickens from the 19th century and still valid nowadays. All you need to do is change the amount and the currency. “Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen nineteen and six , result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery” ― Charles Dickens, David Copperfield Several problems with borrowing money is 1) it has to be repaid with interest. 2) Eventually nobody will lend money any more, so what happens then?
  23. I just completed this quiz. My Score 70/100 My Time 161 seconds  
  24. I still have my TM6 from the last time I arrived in Thailand in May of 2009. It will probably die with me.
  25. I loved both my Mum and my Dad, and both were great parents to me. The sad thing for me is that my Dad died the year before I joined the RAF, so he never got to see me in uniform.
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