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Everything posted by billd766

  1. I am a bit confused. Why would and country borrow money to repay debt? Surely all you end up with is a bigger debt. The way out of that debt trap is to borrow more money to repay THAT debt. Now me, I would have thought that the best way out of debt is to cut back on spending, borrow NO money, and repay what you owe,
  2. That article has scared me more that anything else I have read about Trump. The Trump lovers, Trump's supporters, MAGA supporters and even some posters here on AN will not believe it, and STILL want Trump to be president, and that is what scares me the most. AFAICS it was written by many people who are specialists with years of training and experience in dementia and collated by Mike Burch. If they are correct, (and they have decades of experience), then Trump would be far better off, (as would the USA) if he simply quit standing for election, quit public life and retired to live the remainder of his life in peace.
  3. I use Wise from the UK and the funds for long term stay option. I have done for 5 years and it works without a problem every time. The funds arrive in my BBK account the next day unless it is sent on a Friday evening, when it arrives on a Monday just after 2pm or the next banking day if there is a Thai Bank or public holiday.
  4. I did a transfer from the UK last Friday 13 September 2024 using the funds for long term stay and it went through as normal. I will be doing 2 more tomorrow, Friday 20 September 2024 and I expect no problems. IMHO, Wise is as reliable as ever, reasonably priced and I have been using them for over 5 years. Much cheaper than using a UK ATM or a UK bank transfer. I use my computer and the direct connection to the UK Wise site.
  5. Please quote specifics and not bar stool talk. Same question again. What lies were those?
  6. I have been making a dried cannabis flower concoction (call it tea if you wish), and I do sleep a bit better, and the pain in my arthritic knees seem to be less. I can cut the grass and scrub every second day instead of every 3rd or 4th day before I started making and drinking it. I normally pour a small layer of honey (for flavour and colour) in a 400 +/- ml mug, fill it with boiling water from the kettle and toss in about 4 cannabis flowers. Stir it, and then let it cool. Pour it into a small bottle using a sieve and a funnel, put it into the fridge and drink it before I go to bed. It seems to work for me though it may not work for everybody. If you want to try it, don't expect much in the way of results for a couple of weeks.
  7. How is it off topic? Because it is the truth or because you don't like it?
  8. Trump doesn't seem to like fact checking and neither do you. Perhaps if he had and continues to tell lies and spread disinformation he should be fact checked all the time. If he was fact checked all the time and found to be correct then he would noot need to be fact checked. As an example he claimed during the debate with Harris the Haitians were eating cats, dogs and other pets. That was proven false and debunked but he kept repeating an obvious lie and got upset when he was fact checked on it. You seem to believe it as well. Perhaps you need to be fact checked.
  9. So post YOUR version of the truth with all the links that go with them. Then they can be fact checked and proven to be true or false. Your "words" alone mean nothing without proof. So put up, or simply fade away like the troll that you are.
  10. But things change over the decades, even in Thailand. The great unknown nowadays for a military coup is what the King's guard will do. Their loyalty is not to the military as such, but to the man far away, and IIRC their are more of them than the regular army in and around Bangkok. Most of their leadership is made up of red rimmed T shirts, which signifies who their loyalty belongs to.
  11. I have lived and worked in Thailand since 1993 and I have never seen anybody use a gun. legally or illegally. There is a far greater chance of being killed or injured in a road accident than by being shot in Thailand. How do you protect yourself against that happening?
  12. Defenceless against whom, exactly?
  13. I could understand the rescue bit if they were at sea, but they were perfectly safe and unharmed on land.
  14. Of course you have. You can use Linux which is absolutely free.
  15. Did it ever occur to you that the UK has been targeted by Russia and its nuclear weapons since the 1960s.
  16. Can YOU personally make an operating that works perfectly all the time?
  17. Nicely claimed BS. Would you like to back up your claim with some facts, or is that merely your carefully considered opinion? Proof and facts are always helpful, unless the truth and facts are not in your favour.
  18. I had a similar problem on Monday afternoon about 2:15 pm. just after I did a transfer to KBank from my BBK account using MS and Google. It was like that for the rest of Monday but I have just logged in now and it is OK.
  19. If it was an obvious lie, why was there an investigation into it in the USA. why did Deere in the USA pay $10 million USD (note for you it was $10 million USD and not $10 USD)?
  20. On the 35th day of Octember, which comes a million and a bit days after the 12th of never in the Thai military calendar. I thought that one of the reasons that Prayuth pulled his illegal military coup 10 years ago was to crack down on corruption. I guess he must have missed that one amongst the many others that he also missed.
  21. Did I quote anything? If I did then I would post a link. However this is an opinion and therefore requires no links or quotes. DO you NOT understand the letters IMHO. They stand for In My Honest Opinion. Therefore, IMHO there are no links. If you cannot understand that, which IMHO is very simple, I suggest that before you make yet another stupid response you either do an internet search for something that you don't understand, or alternatively you respond to the poster and say that you don't understand and could the poster please explain a bit further. IMHO you have not the faintest idea of what an opinion is. Also you need to learn the correct spelling of peoples names. Trump is spelt Trump and not TRump. If you have a problem with my post the please refer it to the moderators, I am quite happy to accept their judgement, but make sure that you quote both your post AND my reply.
  22. Why? It is NOT your country to give away. The trouble with using nuclear weapons is that NOBODY on either side wins. If one side claims a win their country will be devastated and nobody will be able to live there for many decades. There will be no food, no uncontaminated water, no transport, no roads, no hospitals, in fact there will be nothing worth salvaging. There may be the odd pocket or 2 of survivors but the whole world will be affected. All the politicians etc in their hardened bunker will still be in power, but they will have power over nothing. I suspect that even Putin knows that. I also believe that all the militaries know that by firing the first nuclear, they are signing their own death warrants.
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