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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I don't know how many films I have watched that I have afterwards read a critic's opinion of and wondered what the <deleted> they were on about. I think they just like to justify their jobs by writing a load of cobblers about movies. The one I quoted fits that category. Perhaps people that rarely see movies see things in them that I was oblivious to, but most movies are just entertainment for me, not some great social event. I have seen a great many movies in my life, and only ever saw one so bad that I had to walk out of it ( badly made, not about bad things ). Out of Africa won loads of Oscars, but I thought it very average.
  2. You are. The Wild Bunch was art, while Straw Dogs was just another movie- well made, but nothing special. I did like the part when someone ( I presume Hoffman ) dropped the big trap on the bad guy's head ( Oliver Reed's I hope ). It's always great when a bad guy gets what s/he deserves, and it's only in movies that that happens. Sadly, some woke person decided to remove the slow motion bullets erupting in an explosion of blood from The Wild Bunch DVD, which rendered it just another western, though really well made, if a trifle long. However, the ballet of death at the end will never be equaled, IMO. It was longer when I saw it first, but after removing the slow motion part it wasn't very long at all.
  3. I doubt any of the "young" even know what Straw Dogs refers to. Apparently they like Barbie movies. In any event the stuff they watch like Iron Man and Guardians of the Galaxy is just rubbish with great special effects. I've sat through enough of them to know. In the end they became so <deleted> I didn't bother any more. Superman vs Batman 5555555555555 LOL. You never watched any torture porn like "Saw" or "I want to spit on your grave" then. Of course actors would do it if they needed the money, but audiences are too soft and woke now, so I doubt any producer would allow it.
  4. When the present is <deleted> and the future will be worse, there is nowhere else to take refuge but in the past.
  5. It wasn't mindless, and she deserved it. I guess no one that has not served would understand it, but it's part a reaction to a war lover, and part reaction to a bully, and partly to a realisation that war is insane and the only way to beat it is by becoming hardened to the insanity. War does produce great humour, The goon show was created by people that served in the insanity. Perhaps there is no real humour in media today because so few of us now have lived through a real war. If not for the laugh track would we know where to laugh?
  6. This was the original, and mistaken, interpretation by many when the film was first released. I didn't realise that woke existed even back then. Bit sad. I didn't even think that scene was a big deal. Yet, they could care less about the violence and tragedies of real life around them. So very, very true. Where are the demonstrations supporting the people of Burma against their fascist military? Nowhere to be seen. Sudan? Not happening. Tibet? Likewise. Hong Kong. No, nothing at all. The sheeple only care about what they are instructed to care about by their "influencers" ( what a truly vile word that has become ).
  7. As the series was made in black and white that was no problem then. I was the same when Blake's 7 was on. No one disturbed me or else. My most number one watch ever. Hill St Blues might have been, but I remortgaged the house and bought a VDO recorder ( yes they were that expensive back then- Betamax and I've still got it ).
  8. What I'm saying is a/ one has to take reality into consideration. Do you think the good people of Diego Garcia should have taken up arms against Britain when it ejected them from their own land and gave it to the Americans? b/ Ukraine, to my knowledge, had no treaty with the US or the EU/ Britain requiring them to come to their aid, so they took it on themselves to foment a war in which they suffered no dead, but thousands of dead Ukrainians and great destruction of the country. If it were a question of aiding a people suffering under a bully, I can think of many more deserving of aid than Ukraine, but as those people are not white............................... Where was the aid for Tibet when the Chinese invaded it?
  9. Which IMO is why so many Americans despise Washington and all that live there. The whole lobbying business is a rort and stinks of corruption, IMO.
  10. How would you like it if some people in the UN decided that they needed your bit of land and that you should be sent to some country you don't have any connection to? Do you think that because they are Arabs that they can just assimilate into a strange country as long as it's an Arab country? Nonsense. They are the owners of their land, not the israelis, who are trying to steal as much of it as they can. As for Palestinians, the israelis illegally occupying and stealing their land has been a festering sore forever
  11. Tell that to the Kurds that Bush promised to support and then abandoned to Sadam.
  12. IMO the only people that would need to leave the country to survive had the west not conned Zelensky would be Zelensky and his cabal in charge.
  13. If he wasn't trying to be president again If he didn't look like he is going to be president again do you believe that he would have so many charges against him, all of them conveniently happening during the election campaign? I very much doubt it.
  14. In what sane country would charges relating to so long ago that recollections will be erroneous, and it is unlikely any proof exists be accepted in a court? Going to court and the only proof one has is that they say so Is an abomination, IMO. If they lose, IMO the accusers should have to pay compensation to Trump for wasting his time.
  15. That is true, but it's Semites. Israelis and Arabs apparently have a common ancestry.
  16. America, the land of death ( dealing industry )! Have you considered that if the taxpayer's money was spend on things that benefit ALL Americans, like non war industries ( so the US doesn't need to depend on China ), and rebuilding the infrastructure, that would create more jobs than the death industry? Do you want the 1% to get rich while the infrastructure disintegrates for lack of money and skilled workers?
  17. BTW, I'm not sure whether that 60 billion is all for Ukraine or to be divided between it and israel, but regardless, if the war doesn't conclude sometime soon, that money will be gone in a flash ( literally in the case of bombs and missiles ) and Ukraine will be back begging for more of the same. Those air defense missiles ain't cheap. I'm assuming that Russia will make the most of the period before the resupply arrives and expect more drone attacks, as they are apparently getting through now.
  18. As that money isn't "free" it's likely to be borrowed, and one wonders how much interest the US pays on it's debt? Quite a lot, I expect. Never mind, the peasants don't need that money and will be ecstatic when they see their money being used on bombs and bullets for a country that they are not even allies with. It's not as though the US infrastructure keeps disintegrating around them, is it? No wonder so many Americans hate Washington.
  19. That was quick. I thought they'd have a lot of trouble finding unbiased jurors.
  20. Wasn't that the point? I never understood half of what was going on and I think that deliberate, to make us think. I preferred him in Danger Man- even I understood that one.
  21. It was called MOGUL in NZ. Don't know why. Perhaps there was a different series with the original name though I do not recall. Edge has not aged at all, is still politically relevant, and has probably the best script of all time. I suspect it was too close to reality to be followed up by another such series. One of the most chilling parts IMO was when they referenced the nuclear train. These days it would be a very tempting target for terrorists. Even the ending is relevant today with it's reference to the black flowers making the planet heat up to get rid of humans. That series was the first I head of Gaia, and I subscribe to that myself since.
  22. Yes, come on USA, but not for the reason you have IMO. Perhaps the judge doesn't fancy having to go into witness protection.
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