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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. How about the media quoted in the OPs? Are they all right wing sources?
  2. Tell you what, I'll agree with you on that as long as he is sharing a cell with that other crook, what is his name, starts with a B? Likes send big bombs to kill women and children, name is on the tip of my tongue, can barely stand up and walk without falling over, just can't quite remember it, sorry. Anyway, as long as he and Trump are cellmates I'm all for locking Trump up.
  3. Well done, I haven't seen a single post from you that was about the topic. I guess you prefer posting insults.
  4. You really do need to up your insult game. Cliche man is so bland. Go for it, really give it your all. Show us what you really think, if you dare. I'm not holding my breath though
  5. Posts like that display a lack of imagination. Surely you can come up with a more vitriolic label for Trump that that pathetic insult. Go for it, I'm sure you have some imagination.
  6. You could ask Hillary and Bill Clinton. They were buds back in the day. His greatest quality during his first term was not starting any wars for boys to die in. Another good quality IMO, was making snowflakes cry when he got elected. I'm hoping for a repeat.
  7. Unexpectedly good post. You are correct, of course. If the Dems use it today the GOP will use it next time. The US election is already a very very bad joke with 2 ( 3 if one includes the awful Harris ) completely unsuitable candidates for the most powerful position on the planet. IMO if one wants to look at an example of an "insane" political system, one needs look no further than the US.
  8. When someone says that a poster is writing dribble, the expected response isn't to post more dribble.
  9. Yeah, just do it then. It'll just make Trump more popular as it will be seen as an attempt to silence the GOP candidate for president. I suspect the secret service might have something to say about that. The IMO weaponised judicial system is failing to keep Trump from winning and if anything is making him more popular. Roll on November.
  10. I am not surprised. IMO he is a vile colluder in atrocities in Gaza.
  11. When the alternative is CNN or MSM one watches something that doesn't make one want to throw things at the TV.
  12. Here we have someone with TDS. We know who they are because they keep talking about Trump in every thread, regardless of whether or not the topic is about Trump.
  13. I liked living in the village. I only had to move because of the ratbag nephews. As a way of life it's far more intelligent than living in a toxic city. The open air restaurant I ate at had a wonderful view of sunsets over the rice paddies and the food was far better than the over processed muck in city restaurants.
  14. The question is boring. Everyone will have their own definition. Is intelligence determined by how much money we make or by how much or little common sense we have?
  15. That was my thought too. Stimulate an insulin response and the expected reaction is ..............................? IMO the OP is testing too often, and going to find problems where none exist. I only tested twice since I got my meter a month ago.
  16. Gee wizz, you were in the room with Trump when he was watching that to know, so you must be best buds, right?
  17. Of course it is. Everyone knows that a speech impediment makes you fall over when trying to walk, don't they?
  18. Agree. People think having a degree indicates high intelligence, but IMO it is just knowing a lot of stuff. Intelligence is designing a computer chip, or a space station, or knowing how to grow food, or painting a great picture. Knowing how to use a computer to make money isn't intelligence IMO.
  19. IMO only women with already large breasts want even bigger breasts, so IMO I am still correct. An intelligent woman wouldn't mutilate themselves. BTW I do not equate IQ with intelligence.
  20. Sometimes the small head is more intelligent than the big head. At least a small head knows what it has to do.
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