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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I doubt they want to know, as it would become common knowledge and they'd have to do something about it. Given the length of time even an experienced pilot takes to upgrade to being good enough to take one of those modern fighters into combat, is Zelensky admitting the war is going to last a very long time, and if he is, his greatest fear must be that western governments will soon be unable to continue paying to support him. I believe the UK government has paid at least 2.3 BILLION quid on support for Ukraine while saying they have NO money for nurses or ambulance drivers- that is unsustainable IMO. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-will-match-record-ukraine-support-in-2023 The UK is already the second largest military donor to Ukraine, committing £2.3bn in 2022. If Russia does win, will they resign?
  2. Don't most rich people pay experts so they don't pay as much tax as they should? Why single him out?
  3. Enjoy your illusions while they last.
  4. Are you for real? IMO no guy has a clue when it comes to women, but some fool themselves they do. Going to uni does not make any guy an expert on women, even if they are all randy as hamsters while they are there. They'll use guys and leave them bereft whether uni educated or not. For example, the way attractive women go for bad men- completely illogical, as they could marry a nice guy that will look after them, but no, they throw themselves at rat bags and then complain when it inevitably goes wrong. There's no rationality to it at all.
  5. LOL. Reading some threads on this forum I doubt that rationality enters into it.
  6. If they were Hiso they would expect a sinsod for the appearance of it. It's all part of the drama of being self important.
  7. No laugh icon so 555555555555555555
  8. IMO more than mere money. I doubt Thaksin's sister was regarded as Hiso by real Hiso families, despite hiding mega millions of his loot. IMO more like the upper echelons of British society - those that inherited titles and so on and have family histories going back centuries.
  9. I doubt any of us will ever even meet a real Hiso Thai woman, and why should we, as we have nothing they could possibly want.
  10. Which only goes to show you don't know the difference between religion and faith.
  11. Then Mexico has the right to prevent them crossing the border illegally. No point in letting them in and then complaining they are a problem.
  12. Then they should apply for legal entry to Canada. Paying criminal gangs to bring them to the US border should result in immediate deportation, IMO.
  13. That's the problem and they should be required to apply for asylum in the first safe country they come to. I have compassion but not for those that expect another country to give them a better life without going through legal channels.
  14. Agree 100%. IMO eventually even the US with it's veto will not be able to cover for the Israelis, unless they back away from where they are ultimately going with the present policies.
  15. Obviously he isn't a believer, so what else would he say? He may be funny, but that doesn't make him right or know anything about faith.
  16. I don't think he was trying to convert you, and you are welcome to believe whatever you want- the Inquisition ended a long time ago. Just don't expect believers to care if you don't.
  17. Nominally. He's also head of state of NZ but he gets no say in how it's run.
  18. Do you think that God is supposed to be a human that lives in the sky? If you do, then there is little to discuss, so I won't try and explain why the creator of the universe of trillions of stars wouldn't have a problem inseminating a female without using a human body to do so.
  19. please explain what a 'divine presence'' is, did he/she/it come and talk to you? Have you heard of a "road to Damascus" experience? Do you understand what it is? Do you accept that it happens? If you do, then you have your answer. If you don't accept that it happens then you will not have an answer.
  20. I can prove it but not by any means that you would believe. Science is currently so primitive it isn't capable of proving or disproving that God exists. It really comes down to personal experience. However, if you can't prove something does not exist, logically you have to admit that it could exist, whether you want to or not.
  21. Firstly, why do you ascribe human qualities to God. Do you think God is a human? Secondly, why do you think God cares about an insignificant species on an insignificant planet in an insignificant solar system in an insignificant galaxy? A species that is so demented it is busily destroying the wonderful planet it was given to live on and invests most of it's effort in killing each other. If God had human emotions likely God would have exterminated us by now so a better dominant species could emerge.
  22. Prove God is a fairy story. However, as the thread is about religion, rather than God, which is not a being defined by religion, which IMO is man made construct invented to control people, carry on mocking religion if you will, but know that it's not about God, but about god of men's invention. So "God is mighty and it omnipotent" and that's why he let around 6 million Jews, supposedly his chosen people, perish during the World War II............. When God created the universe, IMO it wasn't to care about individual people, tribes, species etc. Countless billions of people have been murdered on this planet and I have no doubt on other planets. The dinosaurs were also part of creation and were all destroyed. Every planet, solar system, sun, galaxy in the universe has a finite life span and will end eventually. Creation is beyond the individual, and this planet, and everything on it is just an insignificant speck in the universe, of no cosmic importance except to the life forms on it.
  23. A genius that made real music ( unlike the instantly forgettable electronic junk noise produced now ) and made millions of lives better for it. RIP.
  24. Obviously, that would depend on one's political bias. I have the opposite opinion and think he had nothing to offer except rhetoric. The Dems and the GOP are IMO just two sides of the same coin and each as useless as the other.

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