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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I agree 100%, as there are people right opposite me that think it's OK to play their heavy bass noise very loudly with no consideration for anyone else. Youths of course. I don't know why I'm being told constantly to care for others and be kind, when the "others" are intent on making my life unpleasant.
  2. Buy your own massive sound system and play classical music very loudly every time he plays his loudly. Otherwise, you are in the same club as any that built or bought a house in Thailand. Customers are not necessary. I was driven off Thong Nai Pan Yai beach because of a solitary beach bar playing very loud music very late at night to one customer and a dog.
  3. I've had it for over 20 years. I don't think it's going away any time before I snuff it.
  4. I don't think Chewit changed his mind. Just commented on why he thinks the farang sex industry originated.
  5. I had to sell ( rent ) my body my entire working life. How else would I have done the work I did ( not sex related ) if I hadn't used my body? I think you are referring to a specific part of anatomy.
  6. Actually there is gender inequality where I live, but it's women that are dominant.
  7. You apparently never learned about operation sealion.
  8. Some think the whole climate thing is just a scam, and no need to pay "massive" amounts to the usual people to make them even richer. Inflation is already here, especially in building and fuel prices.
  9. and how long have they had to train people to deal with covid patients? One of the reasons that there is a shortage is that most people don't want to be nurses, because it's unpleasant work, unappreciated, full of bullies and under paid, which is why before corona nurses from places like the Philippines were in such demand. However, it only takes a month to train people to a basic level of health care to work under supervision of a qualified nurse. That's how long it took my class of nurses before we were sent to the wards to work.
  10. I'd agree if the economy wasn't stuffed already. Does anyone want to see their ( great ) grandchildren paying for this?
  11. Then it's time to set up field hospitals to care for them. The army probably has a few in storage somewhere. There is always a solution to a problem, though it may not necessarily be an agreeable one.
  12. Why are you posting about an Australian multinational corporation? That is what google says MYOB means.
  13. Can I be forgiven for laughing to myself at those that wear a mask while alone in a car? Among the people in the small rural town I live in, many are paying little heed to the government dictat that all should wear masks while outside our homes. I'd even go so far as to say many are disregarding government wishes altogether, which will IMO lead to problems in the future if things should really go pear shaped.
  14. IMO there are multiple mental health issues that will only be realised once society gets back to something resembling normality. I'd be most concerned about young children that have missed on learning to socialize with others while schools have been closed. We learn much in our very early years. IMO the worst effects have not even begun to be seen.
  15. I was very happy to see it, but I also believe that if, as some posters would like, unvaccinated people are refused admission to hospital care for covid infection, then all the people with self inflicted illnesses such as obesity and smoking related should also be refused. However, as it is unlikely that such would happen it's not an issue at all. Everyone will continue to be admitted regardless of the cause, as has been the case up till now.
  16. I disagree, but if it were true under normal conditions, I can't imagine they'd put someone with a DNR order into an ICU if the hospital is full of covid patients.
  17. So you are basically saying rich ( western ) countries are expected to pay for poor countries, and I did say western taxpayers are not going to be happy about that, especially when western businesses are in crisis from lockdowns and inflation is starting to bite.
  18. I can only surmise that you actually know sod all about the farang nite scene in Thailand, as IMO what you write bears little if any resemblance to reality. After all, a man with your opinion would surely never actually go near a Thai bar scene to know.
  19. One could surmise that humanity is at war with nature. We are certainly doing our best to ruin the environment. Nature has a habit of reducing excessively large human population by war, pestilence or starvation. If not covid IMO it would be something else.
  20. Many people in poor countries can't afford complicated surgery. the increase in world population is sure to exceed the ability to produce enough food, IMO. Biitech????????? No idea what that is, but it sounds like another internet bubble to me. Keep em coming.
  21. IMO a major war is one in which over 10 million people die.
  22. I don't live in Europe, and I don't really care who rules Europe.
  23. Are not women just as guilty of profiting though producing nothing of worth? Most rich men have rich wives, or at least wives living a wealthy lifestyle.
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