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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Back in the day I could run faster than they could in high heels.
  2. There used to be an hotel set up in Venezuela whereby a western guy could check out a selection of girls on a web site, book one and she would pick him up at the airport and take him to the hotel, stay with him for the duration and take him to airport at end. Prostitution is/ was legal there though, so can't set up same in LOS, but I imagine some could invent a package along similar lines in LOS.
  3. ???????????????/ If he's working in the west, he can stop paying to support her family and her adult son. I doubt any court would order that he has to. IMO he is only responsible for his own child.
  4. a/ children are IMO sometimes seen as guaranteeing access to the farang ATM. b/ not everyone needs to have children to give meaning to their life c/ if the only reason she marries you is to have children it's not you that she wants or loves, IMO d/ if she really loves you she will accept that you don't want more children. e/ there are enough people on the planet already. More are not needed
  5. She reacted the way she did because she is woke. I hadn't realised that before. I wasn't trying anything beyond telling her about a different culture, and I learned very quickly not to discuss Thailand with women back home.
  6. Once on Chaweng I saw a western man wearing a male "thong". It was a horrifying sight.
  7. I always enjoyed the sight of an attractive Thai girl riding a m'bike wearing a tight t shirt, and very short shorts, with her long black hair blowing in the wind.
  8. My favourite photo of a long term Thai GF has her wearing a long shirt over short shorts. Nothing wrong with the look IMO.
  9. IMO it is you that is missing history. The Romans didn't convict him, but the Jews did and as the Romans were the only ones allowed to crucify they did it for the Jews. The laws he broke were Jewish religious laws and not Roman laws, and the religious leaders got rid of him IMO because he was a threat to their power. Anyway, if anyone wants to carry this on there is a thread specific to religion on the Pub subforum, and this is off topic on this thread, so I won't reply to any more posts about it on this thread.
  10. LOL. Back before purachai, gogos used to be such fun that I could stay all night in one in Nana, and go to bed alone because all the good ones had gone long before I called it a night. Sadly, purachai ended all that. In the latter part of my time in LOS, IMO gogos had become such boring affairs that unless one was shopping there wasn't much point in being in one.
  11. From google quote Is NHS free for British citizens living abroad? If you're a British expat living overseas permanently, you won't generally be entitled to access NHS treatment. The NHS is a residence-based healthcare system, so British expats aren't automatically entitled to medical treatment. end quote. I don't make the rules, but IMO if one isn't living in the UK, then one isn't entitled to free NHS treatment. Blame the scam foreigners that used to get free treatment, despite never paying tax in the UK, for that. We weren't allowed to ask if they even lived in the UK, and many surgery patients in a certain part of London didn't speak English. As I understand it, they'd fly in, stay with relatives, and go to certain GPs to get referrals for surgery. It's a good thing, IMO, that they appear to have stopped that. BTW, a lot of people think they pay enough tax to cover treatment, but in reality, the proportion of tax they pay for the NHS isn't enough to cover a serious problem. When I had cancer while in the UK. the amount of tax I'd paid would never have covered the cost of all the scans I had, let alone the actual surgery and follow up, all of which were free for me.
  12. That's why I started with "I'm aware of that". I doubt any that can't afford it would do so though. Never been to Telephone Bar, so can't comment specifically about that one. However, if one doesn't drink much and doesn't buy lady drinks or bar fine anyone, a night out in any gogo isn't expensive.
  13. It's annoying because we ( some of us ) believe they are only there IMO because of wokeness, and not because they fit the character they are portraying. When it started back last century, the term used to describe them wasn't very complimentary.
  14. and if that happened, IMO no loss to LOS. Better place without those always finding fault with Thailand, the government, the people, the cops etc etc etc. Also leave more of the good stuff to those that want to stay and love the place- count me among them.
  15. True. Thais generally don't like to make a fuss in public, but nothing improves for them because of that, IMO.
  16. Not so. A million $ won't change a post prostatectomy victim's impotence, or cure chronic back pain.
  17. You just don't get it. I was quite capable of taking my own shoes off, but I allowed her to do it because it made her feel good to do so. Just like the bargirls used to pray to Buddha to give thanks for a customer, it used to be part of the package. Times change and perhaps they don't anymore, but it isn't, and wasn't, a big deal. By fixating on it you make it out to be more than it was.
  18. I felt unsafer in London than anywhere in Thailand. However, I wouldn't advise walking around the Klong Toey slum area alone at night.
  19. I'm aware of that, but most wouldn't, IMO. Not all expats are retired and cashed up millionaires.
  20. If you don't live in the UK I understand that you are no longer entitled to free treatment on the NHS, which is as it should be. Too many foreigners were ripping the system off when I was working in the NHS. Even if it was free, if one is that sick, one would have problems being allowed to fly on a commercial flight.
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