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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. You can dream. If Putin was by some chance assassinated, do you think his successor will be any different? The only way to avoid MAD is by not getting to the point of pushing buttons in the first place, though I doubt there is an actual button involved, unless it's the one Hillary gave to someone.
  2. I think he meant you didn't like it, not that you'd not been there.
  3. Thanks for posting those. Brought a smile to my face. Seems that when faced with imminent immolation it's time to smile and sing a happy song. For myself, I'd be Seeking a Friend for the End of the World https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seeking_a_Friend_for_the_End_of_the_World
  4. Somehow I don't think it will matter where one is if the nukes start flying. Even if one survives unscathed, IMO one will come to envy the dead. In the southern Pacific, if we escape the actual conflict I doubt China will be wasting any time without the US to intervene. However, hopefully wise heads will be advising those that make such decisions, and it won't happen.
  5. and if not dependent on Russia, on which nation(s) will it be dependent? Who has all the oil and gas? Could be exchanging one problem for another. Perhaps Europe could accept reality and go back to coal, of which there is plenty, or nuclear. France of course has a flourishing nuclear power industry. IMO they must be laughing at Germany that apparently abandoned it's nuclear power option. How is that working out?
  6. Fast track for a nation in the midst of war, so presumably the EU would need to become militarily engaged- what could possibly go wrong with that? As the EU is in NATO then the US would probably have to become involved- what could possibly go wrong with that? This isn't sleepwalking to WW3 IMO, it's running full tilt into it. Never mind, I'm sure Ms von der Leyen has a spot in a nuclear shelter for when it does all go wrong.
  7. LOL. IMO more to do with anti mandate riots at parliament scaring politicians <deleted>.
  8. If that happens we probably really are all doomed, so like the man says, don't worry, be happy. Will the last person left alive please turn off the lights before expiring.
  9. Reported on Al Jazeera today that Putin wants the gas and oil paid for in roubles or he turns off the taps. I'll make a wild guess and say that European countries that depend on Russian energy will pay up. Also on Al Jazeera that Germany can't transition away from Russian energy as it doesn't have the infrastructure to do so and won't till 2024. Seems they didn't consider how being dependent on Russia might not be a good idea.
  10. ??????????????? Is he in the front lines? I have no idea how one can be brave if not in the line of fire. Like most leaders he seems to be leading from miles and miles behind the lines, but perhaps you can inform me how many tanks he has destroyed, and how many Russians he's killed if that's wrong.
  11. You have my sympathy, and I doubt I'd have put up with it, but I am immune to children's tears and tantrums. Not many adults can really win over a determined child. The longer it goes on the harder it gets to solve the problem, but good luck- you'll need it.
  12. and yet, some Brits would rather live in LOS than there. Some of us know why. I lived in London 10 years and despite all the "good" reasons you mention, left it as soon as possible to go live in Thailand instead. I could fill an entire page with reasons why I didn't want to live there, despite the NHS and trains ( Thailand has them too and loads cheaper- Virgin is a really rubbish train service IMO ).
  13. They probably enjoy being negative. I love a good moan fest myself, but I hope I can also recognize the good things about a place, though sadly I didn't find a single thing to enjoy in Sri Lanka. I was only there a week, but I spent every day wishing I'd gone to LOS instead.
  14. I started a happy thread a long time ago. I didn't get bashed for it, but it didn't last long as posters were not interested. I have no problem telling people that if they ain't happy, to leave, but I also say they probably won't be happy anywhere- not these days anyway. IMO every country has been ruined by greed and PC.
  15. I understand what you are saying, but all the concern in the world isn't going to change anything re Ukraine. BTW, I and thinking friends of mine have a pessimistic outlook on the future of the human race and nothing to do with the war. Overpopulation, pollution and the rise of greed are far more likely to destroy quality of life for all but the very rich, IMO. Till we elect politicians that do more than make vapid noises about the real problems facing humanity while sucking up to the rich, IMO we are doomed as a species. As seen on Al Jazeera yesterday, more of the Brazilian rain forest has been destroyed this year than last and even the rainy season hasn't slowed it, as usual. A species that <deleted> it's environment will surely suffer the consequences. Do you know what will make a real difference to the future of this planet? Apparently it's having less children, and we can all do that.
  16. I'm just happy that NZ no longer makes it necessary for the failed vaccine passport to have a life, so I don't have to have a "booster" to be able to go to the movies. I wouldn't have had the first 2 if I'd known the passport would be abandoned so soon.
  17. Of course surrender. How is it working out for all the dead and the displaced and those with no homes to return to? It's not as though Ukraine could defeat Russia, even if they do manage to stop the advance in Ukraine itself. If they won this time, do you think that would be the end of it? It's not like Ukraine was never ruled by Russia, is it?
  18. The vast majority of us can't do anything about the war, so why worry about it? The cost of living affects us all personally so is actually important to us.
  19. Likewise where I live in NZ, no one talks about the war. It's in the newspapers, but just not of interest to most, apparently. Of course the politicians are bigging it up as something to take people's minds off the cost of living. Not succeeding though, IMO. Cost of living is the biggest thing at the moment.
  20. I've been there, and better seen as departing it.
  21. I meant how many European leaders would risk nuclear war based on your "understanding" that Putin would be stopped from launching?
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