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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I had a long reply that got lost when the wi fi went down for me, and I'm not going to repeat it, but generally speaking I don't think it makes any difference whatsoever. I've known really nice women that work as prostitutes for a while. Not mental, not drug users. As "normal" as any I've met, but with an unusual occupation at the time I met them.
  2. IMO most men are so desperate for it that they'll suborn themselves to any female that will do it with them. That's the only reason I can come up with to explain why some men marry the horrors they do. I also saw a lot of young western guys on Thai beaches that allowed themselves to be bossed around by their western girlfriends. Not talking about rich men or rock stars that have too much choice.
  3. I could live with one, for sure. Never met one though, so IMO they are very rare.
  4. IMO it's being willing to compromise, and give up some things one really likes doing.
  5. PS. I do know of one couple that were as in love as it's possible to be- a really great guy and a wonderful woman. Sadly, he died too young many years ago.
  6. In my experience, most fall in lust, get married and regret till they get divorced. Otherwise, they just settle for someone that will marry them. Those that I know that married for true love and stayed in love don't exist. Most divorced, and a few stay with the other because of the children, or it's too hard to start over, IMO.
  7. Not eating me at all, but the only time I think about real women is when on here. Out and about they're just people. I could easily fall in love again, but the chances of me finding someone to fall in love with are probably zero, so I'm not even looking. Don't care what age they are, so long as I don't vomit when I wake up next to them in the morning. Prostate cancer ended my active sex life, so it'd just be for companionship and sharing.
  8. Give it a rest. You know that can't be discussed on this forum.
  9. Many moved to Australia and never came back. I remember when the joke was "would the last person to leave turn off the lights". The NZ I returned to is not the country I grew up in ( and not half as good ), and while I didn't want to leave, the wages I got were too low to live on, so I basically had to leave to have a life. I won't get into the problems of modern NZ, but far as I'm concerned they were and are created by the politicians, by whom we are not served well IMO. However, one thing I did learn from my time overseas is that western countries are are basically in the poo for basically the same reasons, and no country is perfect. I will say though, that I'd rather live in NZ than the UK, though the NHS and welfare for the elderly is far, far superior in the UK than in NZ where the elderly are basically being given the shaft, in my experience.
  10. Whomever wrote that must be/ have been a lousy lover.
  11. When I first came to LOS BGs didn't in my experience do the thing you won't name, but by the end of my monging days they did, both ways. Not kissing was pretty much the norm, and from what I've read pretty universal, though I have experienced the exceptions. Back in the day some didn't even like to be seen in public with a farang as it was like having "I'm a prostitute" written on their forehead, but that changed too. I only once had a BG for a holiday that was over 30, and my first long time BG GF for holidays was only 20 when I met her and 28 when she married some rich guy. My wife however was over 30 when I met her, but that didn't make her a better companion than the younger ones I knew. Also, a lot of (mainly younger) women don't even know what they want (or need) I doubt that unless still teenagers They particularly do not want to open up during casual encounters, which is fair enough I guess. Agree, but I rarely settled for one night stands, but preferred one for my whole holiday, if I could find one I liked enough. Completely different experience from the emptiness of casual sex without affection. For example, how many times have you been told "kissing only for boyfriend". Never, as I never tried unless she made it clear she was willing to do so. I knew that it was not universally acceptable to prostitutes. Despite being relatively accessible, I find that many Thai girls are nonetheless surprisingly unadventurous and conservative - they are generally submissive, non-judgemental and servile starfish, which I believe is what makes them so attractive to the average Western man who simply wants to get his rocks off with the minimum of hassle or effort . That would not be surprising. Would you be adventurous if you were getting paid to be there by some guy that was just using you, and whom you had no affection for? However, when I got to know them well enough, over time, things could be different, but not for all. The upside for the farang is that he gets to do things he would never be allowed to do by a western wife or GF, unless they were into kinky sex, and I never met any that were.
  12. I actually have no idea of the point you are attempting to make. Old elites, new elites, whatever, they made no difference to my experience in Thailand. None of them came within my orbit.
  13. and why would I give a flying ............? I didn't go to Thailand to support poor people except when their daughters sent some of my money their way. I'm not a charitable institution and there's plenty of poverty to deal with right in home country if I wish to be so.
  14. IMO an "older woman" will take whatever is available when desperate enough, but it's not what they dreamed about as young girls.
  15. LOL, LOL, LOL. IMO women have been as promiscuous as males ever since we became humans, except where the man had enough power to prevent her doing so. IMO the idea that good girls don't is a myth. All those housewives throwing their panties at Tom Jones were probably "good" girls as far as their husbands were concerned. I could tell some ribald stories about "good girl" nurses getting up to naughty things, but too naughty to tell on here.
  16. It's like you think the "elites" only just happened, when they have been around for centuries.
  17. So why don't you know that it was better before Thaksin, or did you have no interest in it?
  18. I'm well aware of all that, but it takes more than I have to be happy living here these days. My biggest and most frightening problem is finding a DECENT place to live, which is an impossibility for thousands in NZ now. The prices have become ludicrous and the government does nothing but make noises about it. When the only alternative option is living in a car it's hard to be happy with life. I was happy in LOS when I could live in a decent hotel for a lot less than the unsatisfactory situation I find myself in now, with no light on the horizon for hope.
  19. Again, I'm not offended, but I'm with Victor on it.
  20. I wouldn't be touting the airport as an "achievement". Considering the examples of great airports like Changi to learn from, Swampy is rubbish. Badly designed, poorly constructed, AC that hardly works, poor conduits for transfers etc etc etc and that's without considering the runway problems. Also, no money for a railway to the airport for many years. Total shambles IMO. BTW, I remember how doctors were complaining that they couldn't afford the 30 baht scheme. IMO massive infrastructure projects are favoured in LOS because of massive payoffs.
  21. The farang nite scene is no where as good as it was prior to Purachai's attacks on it, but if you don't know what it was like then there's no point in discussing it with you. Purachai couldn't have done what he did without Thaksin's approval and he was PM, so his doing.
  22. I'm not offended, but Victor Meldrew might have something to say about it all. Have a nice day building house extensions, digging wells, night fishing and giving English lessons to newbie prostitutes. At least you'll never be bored.
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